Artist: Mallow Malt
For a very social media conscious pony like Pipp, this really is her worst nightmare.
Can you believe that it has been week already since we started everyone? We are making good progress and I have been so proud of you all for sticking with it when you can! Don't feel bad though if you need to miss a day, we have Makeup Days for that and there isn't anything that says you can't catch up on prompts once the NATG is done either!
For today we managed to bring in 78 ponies which brings us to a total of 554 ponies in total! Nicely done!
Now for today, we are going to do another prompt that is sort of a NATG tradition. Since the beginning of the show we have always shipped ponies together so I wanted to give you all a chance to practice more emoting by spreading the love with our ponies. That's why today I want you to Draw a pony fawning over another pony / Draw a pony falling head over heels for another pony.
As always you can find the submitter here.
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
3 Scared the Snot Outta Him - Pone-Dancer

Mellow pulls an epic prank on his roomie Spoiler Alert. Being the idiot noodle pony that he is, Spoiler totally loses his mind over it. Idk why he'd even pretend to believe it'd be possible since 1. All they've maybe done is kiss 'n cuddle 2. Both are dudes So happy to use Mellow's new look! He belongs to A-Generic-Artist-Lol

Mellow pulls an epic prank on his roomie Spoiler Alert. Being the idiot noodle pony that he is, Spoiler totally loses his mind over it. Idk why he'd even pretend to believe it'd be possible since 1. All they've maybe done is kiss 'n cuddle 2. Both are dudes So happy to use Mellow's new look! He belongs to A-Generic-Artist-Lol
18 Panic attack - Ragmo

Everything is normal, and from one moment to another you suddenly cower in a corner... scared... crying... heart racing... coldsweat... incapable of processing anything around you... you are phyisical there, but your 'soul' is somewhere else... with no warning or any obvious triggers. From one of the worst times of my live - this happened for around 5-6 months 4-6 times per week for ~30-60 minutes each time. It's terrifying, wouldn't dare wish that to 'my worst enemies'. I'm way better now. Got antidepressants and psychotherapy. Still have the feeling creeping up from time to time; but luckily it didn't break out for multiple months now :)

Everything is normal, and from one moment to another you suddenly cower in a corner... scared... crying... heart racing... coldsweat... incapable of processing anything around you... you are phyisical there, but your 'soul' is somewhere else... with no warning or any obvious triggers. From one of the worst times of my live - this happened for around 5-6 months 4-6 times per week for ~30-60 minutes each time. It's terrifying, wouldn't dare wish that to 'my worst enemies'. I'm way better now. Got antidepressants and psychotherapy. Still have the feeling creeping up from time to time; but luckily it didn't break out for multiple months now :)
50 Pipp Loses a Follower - Mallow Malt
64 Ebony's Circus Nightmare - Ebony Crystal

One of Ebony's worst nightmares is when could be minding her own business and the next thing she knows, she accidentally wanders into a circus tent and it could be full of clowns! She had been terrified of them ever since she was a little filly and she always seems to revert back to that state as soon as they notice her and start performing their tricks for her. Needless to say she can't wake up from this one!

One of Ebony's worst nightmares is when could be minding her own business and the next thing she knows, she accidentally wanders into a circus tent and it could be full of clowns! She had been terrified of them ever since she was a little filly and she always seems to revert back to that state as soon as they notice her and start performing their tricks for her. Needless to say she can't wake up from this one!
74 Day 6 - Scared Senseless - Hiddelgreyk

Based on a true story. I got to play the real P.T. exactly once, at a friend's place. The game was already solved at that point, and I had seen a few videos about the game already. So off I went, down the hallway, dispensing my game knowledge to my friends who were watching me play. As soon as the radio came on, I... well.. the image tells the story of what happened. One of the friends that was there to witness my genuine yelp of utter terror has thanked me on multiple occasions for the privilege of witnessing it.

Based on a true story. I got to play the real P.T. exactly once, at a friend's place. The game was already solved at that point, and I had seen a few videos about the game already. So off I went, down the hallway, dispensing my game knowledge to my friends who were watching me play. As soon as the radio came on, I... well.. the image tells the story of what happened. One of the friends that was there to witness my genuine yelp of utter terror has thanked me on multiple occasions for the privilege of witnessing it.
77 Day 6: Stardust's Biggest Fear - TaichiKeaton

"Oh Mum! What will happen if the moon falls out of the sky? Ponyville will be in danger!" Stardust cried as she covered her face with her hooves. She told her mom, Shade, about her biggest, worst fear, that the moon would fall from the sky when her "auntie" Luna left to retire. Shade reassured her it would not happen, and that the Moon and Ponyville will be in good hooves.

"Oh Mum! What will happen if the moon falls out of the sky? Ponyville will be in danger!" Stardust cried as she covered her face with her hooves. She told her mom, Shade, about her biggest, worst fear, that the moon would fall from the sky when her "auntie" Luna left to retire. Shade reassured her it would not happen, and that the Moon and Ponyville will be in good hooves.
78 Scary Boulder - Nedemai
Twitter: Calpain