• My Little Pony: Merry Christmas, Everypony! - Sticker Book Cover and Pre-Orders Up

    With art by Agnes Garbowska, we've got a new book with a bunch of pony stickers following a holiday theme. We've posted this one before, but it didn't have a cover yet. Here's a refresher on description:

    In this retelling of the My Little Pony Winter Wishday special, follow along with your favorite ponies as they celebrate the holidays in their very own special pony way. The all-new animated series on Netflix is an adorable preschool show starring Sunny Starscout and her friends who teach us how to find our sparkle and make our mark on the world. Magic has finally returned to Equestria thanks to the new Mane 5. It’s a whole new world, filled with new kinds of magic which is exhilarating but also can feel a bit strange. It’s up to Sunny and her friends to make sense of this new world and usher in a new era of pony!

     You can get the book over here.

    Thanks to Sombra for the heads up!