Nightly Discussion #2846
by CalpainArtist: PasikonI wonder what has gotten Rarity so sad? Care to do something to cheer her up?Evening guys, sorry this is a little late. Got wrapped up in some things. Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Plushie pony means Luna, because she's the best plushie pony.
Get her and more below!
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by MDCraft10 on Twitter -
With that title, you already know you're in for something good. And then you look at that beautiful cover art edit. And then you're thinking "New release by SpinScissor". And then you read "prequel to Boutique Fire" in the description. Okay, I think you got the picture now, this is a new shining example of pony music! Pony vocal chops, vocals singing a love song about the tender and nostalgic couple, and a creative instrumental matching the creativity of the vocals! I'm especially fond of those short screamo-like parts, personally! Hopefully you'll find your fill with this, too! Rarityyyyy! We love you!
And Happy Walpurgis Night to all the fellow witchcraft aficionados who celebrate tonight!
op 3:00 PM
Labels: Alternative, Electro, Electronic, Indie, Indie Dance, Media, Music, Music: Vocal, Pop, Synthpop -
Earth would be a lot of fun for your average pony villain~
Art below!
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Im loving this world by Marenlicious on Deviantart -
Make Your Mark is less than a month away, and with that comes more teasers! We have a new screencap, along with a screencap that has been separated from promo material earlier on this time. What do you think of this compared to the movie quality? Is it what you expected?
Thanks to Jordan for the heads up.
Store exclusive comic covers are back for all of you out there that collect them all! It was something we got a LOT of in the early days of the pony comics series for G4, and apparently they want to start this one off with a bang to go along with those. Today we have two new listings:
- My Little Pony #1 (Baldari TFAW Exclusive Variant)
- My Little Pony #1 (Cover C - 10 Copy Garcia Variant)
Expect them on May 25th, assuming dates don't change around.
Thanks to Pipp_Petal and Illustrious Q for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #2640
by Calpain -
Just the kind of initiatives I love to see in this community of fans, "Reunite" is GrieferPig's tribute and attempt at reuniting the community, after 1 year of being a brony. We definitely need that kind of positive energy and feelings, and I'm so happy to hear that new generations of bronies are coming and joining us, contributing to the community and keeping up the brony spirit!! Read the description for more details, and please enjoy GrieferPig's musical tribute, a progressive track both beautiful and intense! And never worry about being "cringe"! That's a foreign word to me! Be proud of being a brony, expressing your Passion, and feeling love towards the characters! You're rising high above the rest, in my eyes!
Come on my brethren, let's follow GrieferPig's call and trot in the ponies' hoofsteps! Study friendship, respect and be kind to others, and try to make this world a little bit more like Equestria, one kind smile at a time! -
Nightly Discussion #2845
by CalpainArtist: Pony-ThunderWhen two awesome mail carriers meet~Evening my friends, ready for some chatter to get the weekend started?
Twitter: Calpain -
Artst: @mirta_sh Pony art is still the best part of the fandom. This is fact and can't be refuted.
Get art below!
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by mirta_sh on Twitter -
New My Little Pony: Mini World Magic Mini Equestria Collection Listed on Amazon as an Exclusive
by SethistoAmazon is apparently going all out on an exclusive new set for G5 starring a bunch of mini world ponies, much like our blindbags from the old G4 days. These guys were revealed earlier in the year if you missed that. The description doesn't seem to match that giant pile of ponies up there, noting that it includes 9 ponies instead of the 22 in the image, with 4 carrying case playsets, props, paper building scenes, and more in its 120 piece box at the $24.99 price point. They also have another listing up for $27.99 without any details.
These are very early listings so it will probably be a while before they are completely fleshed out. For now, you can pre-order them with an expected August 1st release date. Get the full description and images of everything below!
The long-running Gameloft MLP game has started up the "Freedom of The Press" event again, and it is now available for Android and IOS users.
"Trenderhoof is bad-mouthing Sweet Apple Acres in the paper, and Applejack won't stand for it."
Seems like Trenderpone is still feeling some sort of a way about that Applejack pass from his premiere episode "Simple Ways" from season 4. But the real question is, who is Trender working for? Well, Equestria Daily News of course! Don't forget to hop on in and help AJ show those evil news ponies what happens when you mess with the Apple family.
Check out our last post on the event here
Thanks to Gameleon for the heads up
A few different Youtubers have gained access to the start of Maretime Bay Adventure tos how off to their audiences. In it they show erverything from the start scrteen to playing the full game for 20 minutes, collecting things, talking to various characters, and displaying the animation you can expect during cutscenes.
Check two of them out below!
Artist: Redwix Adventure Twilight anyone?
Get a bunch of anthro and humanized below!
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by redwix -
Morning Discussion #2639
by Calpain -
Your open art for Fluttershy day has arrived! These are all of the submissions people have made in the last few weeks as we opened up submissions for it! For the yearly best-of compilations, find them over here.
Now go get your Flooter below.
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by DessertBurrito on Twitter
Nightly Discussion #2844
by Calpain -
Artist: HigglyTownHero This is your final run of Fluttershy "Best of the best" art today! This covers everything made in just the last year. You all really do love Fluttershy don't you?
Now go get her below, and expect open art later today!
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Tree by HigglyTownHero on Deviantart -
Artist: @Spoosha3 This is part two in our 3 part best-of Fluttershy art series today! She had a stupid amount of amazing art, so we have quite a bit to get through.
Below, go get a ton of Fluttershy and expect more in an hour!
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by Spoosha3 on Twitter -
Artist: @AureaiArt We had a ALOT of Fluttershy made in the last year. Expect three compilations today, cause they are all a little bit huge!
For older Fluttershy, check out last year's post and follow the links in there for even older stuff if you just want to deluge yourself in shypone today. Part 1 here, and Part 2 here!
Now go get shy horse part 1 below! The next one will be in an hour once everything is sorted and compiled.
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by AureaiArt on Twitter
Artist: @Confetti_Cakez / @AllysterBlack Praise this glorious bat. Cherry blossoms are beautiful to look at and would usually dominate a piece, but she's up there beating even those with her perfection. Bat is life. Bat is love.
Get art below, and expect Fluttershy stuff later!
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Springtime Sweet Velvet by ConfettiCakez + AllysterBlack on Deviantart
Fluttershy day fanfics have arrived! What crazy stories has the fandom come up with starring her over the years? This list is different from last year, so if your favorite isn't here, check those old posts or just go read more Flutter fics anyway!
Now go get shy pony stories below, and thanks to Whisper Key for scouting them for us.
This week's Tell Your Tale has arrived! Expect G5 ponies and cute slice of life, at least that's what we've gotten so far. Dive in blind below and hope for the best!
Morning Discussion #2638
by Calpain -
Artist: Yakovlev-vadFluttershy has had one interesting series-long character arc, I must say! Going from being the timidest character in the show to one that can stand up for herself when necessary was quite the change that subtly developed over the course of many seasons on the show. It was very gratifying to see by the very end!So what do you think? Did you like how Fluttershy changed over the years? What would you have done differently? What sort of episode ideas do you have that you would have liked to see in the show?Talk about all of that and more in the comments!Twitter: Calpain
Yay~ Fluttershy Day Begins!
by CalpainArtist: @itssugarmorningWith the beginning of spring it makes sense that as flowers start to bloom and the butterflies slowly start to come out again that we celebrate Fluttershy Day! What better way to ring in the return of nature after being dormant for so many months than by celebrating everyone's favorite animal lover?As with all of our appreciation days make sure to come back throughout the day to see a number of Fluttershy related posts! If you still haven't sent in your material, you can do so by submitting them by 12pm PST to submit@equestriadaily.com with Fluttershy Day in the subject line followed by the type of media you are sending in.Example: Fluttershy Day - ComicsWe hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful day!Twitter: Calpain
Nightly Discussion #2843
by CalpainArtist: @SymbianLDerpy here with some evening mail for all of you! I wonder what she has to give you?Hello everyone, I hope you all had a lovely day! Ready to get the chatter on?
Twitter: Calpain -
Athena is finally making her grand return with a new episode on Friday! If you have no idea what this is, you can catch up on Guardians of Pondonia over at this tag. She's essentially an awesome new pony created by Shawn Keller that entertained us with multiple episodes and shorts last year. After a long hiatus we are finally getting more!
Get the fully animated teaser down below. It doesn't reveal much other than the release this week, but it's a joy to see Athena back and animated again anyway!
Artist: @nonameorous We have a horse cartoon that brought us all together, but the fandom is what keeps most people sticking around. Everyone enjoys it for a different reason. Some are here for friendships and don't even keep up with the show, some directly contribute with own creations withg art, music, fanfiction and more. Others skirt the edges, consume the fan creations, but don't really go any deeper than that playing a "lurker" role, something that I'd guess most of the people consuming the internet fall into.
Where do you fall on this spectrum of the fandom and what are the absolute best things about it in your opinion?
Discuss below!
Community Soapbox - Mini Series- Cadance Family, Every Little Thing She Does, and Analysis = Fanfiction?
by Sethisto
If you are bored and have pony opinions, send a soapbox in! We are low on them again for the first time in a while. As always, these are the opinions of fandom members, not us here at EQD. If you'd like to submit your own soapbox, hit up this post for infos.
Have some headlines:
- Friendship is Magic Miniseries Flurry Heart, Cadance, and Shining Armor
- “Every Little Thing She Does”—Did this episode go too far?
- Have Analysis Channels Just Become Fanfiction?
Artist @SymbianL That's a cute Derp right there. Please always celebrate the Derp even if she doesn't appear in G5.
Get art below!
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Derpy Express Delivery Service by SymbianL on Deviantart -
Another gameplay video has been released by Outright Games over on Twitter showing off a collection aspect of the game, bucking and extracting stars from trees. Apparently collectiblez are the focus in Maretime Bay Adventures, along with accessories for your ponies.
Watch it below!
Artist - Bugplayer We are one day away from Fluttershy day! Tomorrow we celebrate shypone in all her glory.
As always, send your new submissions to submit@equestriadaily.com with FLUTTERSHY DAY as the subject followed by what it is, so FLUTTERSHY DAY - OPEN ART for open art.
Go make Flutterstuff! It is demanded.
Comic: Helping / Revolution 2:3 / Lullaby 200 / nEvermore 51 / Movie Slate: Justice League
by CalpainThe only thing I dislike about Spring is all the cleaning, but at least if you can power through it things usually look a lot better afterward.Comics guys, get them after the break! Click for full! -
Morning Discussion #2637
by CalpainArtist: @FAN_SilversolMan, Past Sins. I remember when that story first came out ages ago! Memories...Morning my friends, welcome to the middle of the week! Ready for another day of chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #2842
by CalpainArtist: BadumSquishI guess that was one way to solve the Canterlot Wedding problem.Good evening everyone, how are you all doing? Care to chat tonight?
Twitter: Calpain -
Poll Results: If Equestria Girls Got a Proper Ending, How Would You Like Sunset Shimmer to Be Handled?
by SethistoArtist - ElfieChan The hybrid option wins! Personally I'm on the return to ponyland boat, but I also prefer poni. I might be a little bit biased. Only slightly though.
New poll time: What Do You Think is the Best Thing About G4?
Get these results below, and go vote on the side bar for the next one!
Hasbro, as most of you are aware, is a publicly traded corporation. Without going into a full economics lesson on that, it essentially means that their shareholders, particularly those that own large chunks of their shares, have a large influence on what their current and future strategies will look like. Due to this, if you (or your company) owned a large enough percentage of their stock, you too could poke your head in and nominating board members to take over leadership if elected.
This is currently what is going on over at Hasbro. A hedge fund called Alta Fox has picked up 2.5% of Hasbro's shares, and with that put forward five new candidates for Hasbro's upcoming 2022 Annual Meeting of Shareholders where board positions are traditionally voted on. This event has been less than peaceful, as Hasbro and Alta Fox are not currently in agreement with how certain aspects of the business are being run.
I've summarized some of their arguments below if you are curious. While Alta Fox seems to mainly be focused on Wizards of the Coast, a big shakeup like this could have cascading effects on our little horse cartoon too. Especially with how critical they have been of eOne. More below!
Pretty OC's make good headers.
Get a bunch of awesome art below!
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Esperance by DustyOnyx on Deviantart -
Artist: Diamond_Dusted An armada of artists have already submit their Chrysalis drawings for our 10th anniversary Chrysalis Art and Fanfic event! We are taking fanfics too if you want to do those. The Deadline is on the 1st of May.
If you have no idea what this is, be sure to read all about it over at this post. The general idea is the draw or write a fanfic about Cadance, Shining Armor, and Chrysalis to celebrate the bug queen's big 10 year anniversary. If that sounds like something you'd like to do, hit up the submit post for it!
We will get a post up on May 1st, or possibly 2 or even 3 at the rate of submissions, so be sure to submit for that.