• Two New Generation 5 My Little Pony Series Coming! 2D And 3D Exactly like the Movie

    Artist: @imalouArt

    eOne's Oliver Dumont popped up over on World Screen Events for a short panel going over upcoming projects from their full family of brands. During the 22 minute discussion, he revealed that My Little Pony G5 would be getting not one, but TWO new series. We already knew we were getting a 3D netflix exclusive, but the second one will be fully 2D and available via Youtube. Have a quote:

    It's been super rewarding to see this vision sort of coming to life on something like My Little Pony. where there's been a full brand re-invention and a strategic plan which has been crafted by the eOne content teams. Starting with the successful launch of the My Little Pony: A New Generation movie that started on Netflix in September this year which has been super successful. and now we're accelerating that brand plan that we created in 2022 with the launch of not one, but two series. One which is completely beautiful CGI, completely exclusive to Netflix. And that will look exactly like the movie. And then we have sort of a 2D supporting series which is produced for both Youtube AND Netflix that will also be coming out in 2022.

    It's very interesting to hear about their plans for the 3D version. Usually movies have always had an "upgraded" 3D over their netflix counterparts or at least different models. Hearing it will be exactly like the movie is a big plus just due to how beautiful it was. Hopefully yheir 2D style is appealing too! So far it has been spotty on that side of things. I guess we will find out soon!

    Thanks to Quentin for the heads up.