Nightly Discussion #2709
by CalpainA Rarity for every situation you can dream of~Evening everyone, how are you all doing today? Ready for some chatter?
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Discussion: If You Could Add Anything as a 6th Character for G5, Who and What Would It Be?
by SethistoAccording to the interview posted earlier, G5 was limited to 5 ponies due to the limited amount of minutes a movie could actually show, so they didn't have room for another. With the series some time in the future, that kinda changes doesn't it? We could very well end up with a 6th!
If you had control over it, what or who would you add? Do you want to go with another unicorn to balance out the cast? Or should we bring in an exotic Kirin of Hippogriff to really shake things up?
Discuss below!
Daring Do header, cause that is super rare for these compilations! Also it's great looking.
Anthro and human art below.
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Have a Twilight Sparkle. Everyone loves a Twilight Sparkle.
Get plushie pones below!
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by larsen_toys on Twitter -
[Slice of Life]
Author: Ghost MikeDescription: Silverstream can't wait to get home to Mt. Aris for the holidays. Sure, she had no problem staying behind last Hearth's Warming, but it did mean she missed the first ever Three Days of Freedom Celebration. With everything she has planned this year, it's sure to be a hoot!
But when she discovers something about one of her friends mere days before departing, she finds something she'd hoped she never would – a friendship problem that can't be solved.
Forget that, though! Hippogriffs never let technicalities stop them from escaping underwater to hide from the Storm King. Why should this be any different?
Shouldering a Holiday Burden
Additional Tags: Hearth's Warming, gift, generosity, stubborn selflessness -
Pony Concept Music: Acryliks - And on that day, she lost her only family... [Soundtrack]
by MakenshiA pony musician I didn't know of before, Acryliks went above and beyond with this MLP tribute, writing a fanfic-level story to go with this deep composition! Check the description on YouTube for the story, that involves the sisters as well as Celestia's confidant, Crescent Moon (I love that name ♥). Reading the story while listening to the track, it feels like the story of the sisters that led to their fateful clash is now deeper than ever, with a focus on Tia's chara depth, and with how we can sympathize with the pain that Luna feels so strongly. Sometimes you realize things too late, and that's why this story is so tragic, yet it's definitely better than never realizing things at all! I feel for both Luna and Tia after experiencing this, and I'm sure this was intended by the musician. And now I'm excited to maybe get more exploration of Crescent Moon's character in the future from Acryliks!
Notes From Spanish Language Interview With My Little Pony: A New Generation's Jose Luis Ucha
by SethistoDirector Jose Luis Ucha was recently interviewed by a bunch of Latin American brony groups for over an hour, and a few people have sent in notes and translations from some of the highlights for us! If you speak spanish, you can watch the entire thing below. If not, we've got a few key points taken from it, including an answer about why ponies don't use their mouths for things!
Head on down below for it!
Morning Discussion #2503
by CalpainI was wondering when this meme would make it into pony form.Morning everyone! How are you all doing today? Ready for a new week?
Twitter: Calpain