The year is 2030 and you've been offered a completely free house with one one requirement that you have share it with a kirin. Apparently they've had some issues finding people willing to risk their posessions to potential mood swings, so there are a lot of kirin running around on earth that don't have a place to stay!
Do you accept this free house with the potential burning consequences? How do you keep your new kirin friend from exploding?
Discuss kirin issues below.
The most magical thing about ponies isn't friendship, it's their ridiculously easy to style manes.
Art below!
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by _fanzeem_ on Twitter -
I always loved the concept of filly Luna and Celestia. We have Luna Day on the 21st of this month. Time to make Luna stuff!
To submit, send an email to Submit@equestriadaily.com with LUNA DAY as the subject followed by what it is, so LUNA DAY - OPEN ART for open art!
Now go celebrate the moon! She deserves it.
Morning Discussion #2499
by CalpainHitch starting the day off right~Morning everyone! This week is just flying by. Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain