Nightly Discussion #2676
by CalpainTime to wrap up now that it is getting colder outside!Evening everyone, how are you all doing tonight?
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I think this is the final round for Name This Pony. Hopefully you all had fun with it. I'll be compiling them all up in a few days, so be sure tyo go vote and suggest names on any of the posts until then!
Your final horse is an olden mare. What will her name be? You decide! Hit the comments up with ideas and upvote the ones you like.
If you've wandered around at all during the holiday season in the last few years, you've probably run into a bunch of giant inflatable decorations people use now for Halloween and Christmas. We now have a Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie to join the fleet of other cartoon characters on display.
Twilight is 3 feet tall and available from a store called @home for $29.99.
Pinkie Pie comes from Walmart and is 4.2 feet fall at $28.88, though she's a little derpy lookin.
Thanks to Storm Chaser for the heads up!
Autumn bats are the best kind of bats. I miss bat day, so have a bat as a header.
Get art below.
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Hoodie Season by ConfettiCakez on Deviantart -
It's open art time! We've got art from people all over the fandom again in a completely open format. The next pony theme day is November 20th for the Cutie Mark Crusaders if you all want to get some more open arting in for that one. For now, go check out what people made below!
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Super Easy Moon Blaster Speedy 7000 - Commission by Pony-Thunder on Deviantart -
I know I'm not the only one that wants this to be canon, but we are diving into fan-territory again. An artist over on Twitter has built a fully 3D kirin model in a G5 style. They went with a tied together mane rather than the regular chest hair G4 kirin have, but she has the trademark longer tail, cloven hooves, scales, and swoopy horn.
You can find more shots below, or over here!
We have some interesting news coming out of Licensing Mag in regards to the future of Generation 5. We already know about the series releasing in Fall of next year, along with the 44 minute special for Summer, but this one includes something else entirely! A 2D Animation is apparently coming to Youtube, with availability in Italy in the Spring. Based on everything else G5 has been dropping in regards to main-format G5 releases, that will most likely mean worldwide.
Hopefully we get some previews of all of this upcoming pony soon! For now, Hasbro seems to be basking in the huge success that the movie saw.
Thanks to Ixifur for the heads up
Hitch and Sunny apparently won this one for top ship! Though in close second was "no ship at all" for Hitch, so take that as you will!
New Poll Time: Who was your least favorite G5 main pony?
Go vote on the side bar and get these results below.
Morning Discussion #2471
by CalpainThe Flutters is here.Morning my friends, I hope you all slept well! Ready for the middle of the week?
Twitter: Calpain