And it's time for round two! Even more musical initiatives got offered to Nightmare Moon for this year's sacred ritual of Nightmare Night! We've got the perfect spooky experience by Altius, awesomely named Flutterfright, a cool concept-powered Dark Ambient trip from Whirlwing, a VIP from Nicolas and Dalken that showcases all the dark and mysterious atmospheres, and a "Dark Tech" version of Brilliant's collab with Evgeniy that will give you a gaze at the deep Night in Equestria!
More Nightmare Night Music!! Altius Volantis - Flutterfright / Whirlwind - Colorless / Nicolas Dominique & Dalken Starbyne - Awoken VIP / Evgeniy Doctor feat. Brilliant Venture - Royal Guard (NeighGative_ Dark Tech Mix)
by MakenshiSunday, October 31, 2021 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Ambient, Chillout, Dark, Electro, Electronic, Hardcore, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: VocalShare This!0 Comments
Trixie Day! We had a good amount of people enter the Open Art category this year. Head on down below to celebrate the Greatest and Most Powerful Equine!
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Trixie day 2021 in Ms-Paint by sallycars on Deviantart -
Nightly Discussion #2693
by CalpainTrixie of course gets another doll for Trixie day. She must have a ton of those things by now.Evening everyone, I hope you had a great Halloween! Ready to chat the night away?
Twitter: Calpain -
We are running low on ponies to name again. If there are any backgrounders you think should get some love, send an email to with a clear screencap of them!
Yesterday's pony ended up with Lucas Lilac, but it was a very close vote so be sure to dig through those comments and see if these is one you like more. And you can vote on any of the previous ponies too in the comment sections of their posts.
Now go decide on this chracters name below!
Yesterday's concept art dump has an interesting image at the end of it that I think is worthy of splitting off into it's own post. One of the slides from Piotr Bzdura included a bunch of unicorns, complete with their butt symbols and color charts. They are impressively emo. A few of these characters never actually appeared in the movie, but plenty of them did. I'm still deciding if I want to add them to the Name This Pony eventConcept Art, Generation 5 My Little Pony, My Little Pony: A New Generation, News , but for now, what do you think of these unicorns? Do any of them stand out to you?
Fanfiction: Rainbow Dash's Awesome Nightmare Night Haunted House Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Adventure
by Sethisto[Adventure][Dark]
Author: TheDriderPonyDescription: It's Nightmare Night in Ponyville (and presumably everywhere else as well) and Starlight and Trixie have teamed up to host a haunted house attraction. Spooks and frights and guaranteed in this one-of-a-kind experience orchestrated by two mares who, between them, barely make up a single functioning member of society.
What could go wrong in this pandormare's box of horror designed by a former villainous megalomaniac with boundary issues and a compatriot whose worldview is heavily tinted by a lens of narcissism?
Take on the role of Rainbow Dash, fearless seeker of frights, in this branching CYOA experience. Explore different paths to victory, collect items, solve puzzles, and try to find all the hidden endings!
Rainbow Dash's Awesome Nightmare Night Haunted House Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Adventure
Additional Tags: The Choices Are Yours Alone -
This is your compilation of Trixie art for Trixie day! We've got the best of the best Great and Powerful unicorn here for all of you to enjoy in one easy to browse gallery. This only covers stuff made in the last year. For older art, hit up older posts!
The Open Art post will go up later tonight, so if you submit for that, expect it in a few hours.
Now go get your Trixie art flood below!
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That Cute Trixie Scene by SymbianL on Deviantart
Izzy witch is incredible. More Izzy witch please.
Happy Halloween! Get a bunch of art below. Expect Trixie compilations later!
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We've got more TRIXIE for you all today, different from last year's compilation. If your favorite isn't here, it's probably an older compilation. Thanks to Whisper Key for scouting them!
Now go get read about Trixie below.
If I had to say which of the three specials is my top favorite, it would be this one. I like the idea of mystery scenarios, fun call outs and cameos, and the idea of more lore being built from this special alone with a Daring Do live action movie in the works. More on that in a bit. If I had to put a moral onto this one, it would be to let things go if they don’t go your way and not make things worse for yourself and others. Either that, or never be at a movie set. I heard things can go drastically wrong even to people at the movie set. No comment. Let’s see how a Daring Do movie goes for our Humane 7 including our rainbow haired fan girl of the series.
Nightmare Night Music!! Deavas - Eternal Night [Metal] / Harmonic Six - Nightmare Night, What a Fright! [Soundtrack] / Koron Korak - Missing Heart [Dark Ambient]
by MakenshiWe can always count on the passionate pony musicians of our community to celebrate the various pony holidays with their special talent! These three brand new songs just came out and got made for tonight's Nightmare Night! I'd give each of them a solo post, but I compiled them in this post for the sake of having them all up on the site in time for tonight! First up, Deavas delivers the tasteful and delightfully gritty Metal while sampling the Mare In The Moon for a classic taste! Then Harmonic Six crafted such a fitting instrumental for the sacred night, resembling OST tracks for Halloween Towns and the like! Lastly, Koron Korak released a very heartfelt dark piece as you will be able to read from the description! (gore thumbnail warning for that last one) Enjoy this night my little ponies!!
for it will be your lastop 9:00 AM
Labels: Acoustic, Ambient, Dark, Electronic, Media, Metal, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Orchestral, Rock, Soundtrack -
Trixie, now that is a pony with an interesting history! When I first saw her back in season 1 I figured she would be a one-shot character at best and we would never see her again, cue my surprise when she returned and with an alicorn amulet sometime later. If season 1 me couldn't see her returning for a second episode, he certainly couldn't see her returning as a recurring character in later seasons, growing into her own as episodes went on and even taking a prominent role in one of the season's finales.With the show now over I look back and appreciate what they did with Trixie, but of course not everyone feels the same. What do you think of her inclusion in the show? Did you enjoy her own character arc in FiM? What would you have liked to see done differently?Talk about all of that and more in the comments!Twitter: Calpain
Morning Discussion #2461
by CalpainOf course Trixie is excited for today, it's a day about Trixie after all!Morning everyone, ready to tackle the day?
Twitter: Calpain -
As our unofficial mascot, Trixie demands once a year that we give her all the love she can handle and today just happens to be that day. What better day to have a day dedicated to everyone's favorite street magician than Halloween itself?As always with our appreciation days you can expect a number of Trixie posts throughout the day, well, more than normal at any rate. If you still have Trixie material to send in, send it to with Trixie Day in the subject line followed by the type of media you're sending in.Example: Trixie Day - ComicsWe hope you all enjoy!Twitter: Calpain