Pony music in its purest form, this new fan work by Koron is all about Applejack's antics in S06E10 Applejack's "Day" Off, to celebrate Applejack Day! It was actually made for that of last year, and I'm so glad that it's seeing the light of day now. I immediately recognized the inspiration from Applejack's Theme in Fighting is Magic's OST without looking at the description, and this new Soundtrack-like beauty is as lovely as it gets, with the Country banjo as AJ's signature, as well as the guitar and of course the violin performed by the musician himself at the farm while AJ is being cute, as you will be able to see in the video! I just love works like these made with love so much!!
Saturday, October 23, 2021 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Country, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Rock, SoundtrackShare This!0 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2685
by CalpainYou make the very best swamp monster, Bon Bon.Evening everyone, how are you all doing tonight? Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
Time to celebrate Trixie, or else! If you don't, then you will no longer be my best friend. You don't want that do you?
To submit, send an email to submit@equestriadaily.com with TRIXIE DAY as the subject followed by what it is, so TRIXIE DAY - OPEN ART for open art!
Now go be great and powerful and make her some art!
Praise the moon. She is very cute.
Get art below!
[1] Source
Ponytober 2021 D23 - Blast from the Past by Dusthiel on Deviantart -
In what might be our final, purely G4 story, the "A Pony Called Spike" book has finally released, complete with a cute little story about Spike, transformed into a pony. Pictures of it have started flooding all over online over the past few days, but the illustrator behind it has released an official gallery showing off some of the art they created for it.
Head on down below to check it out!
These were two of my favorite episodes of the season. Starlight Glimmer obliterating Discord is still a highlight of the series, and of course bug queen. Have some links:
The Mean 6
A Matter of Principals
And go discuss them below!
It's possibly that we may have been fooled, fandom! Over the past few weeks, an artist has been posting boards and teasers of a "Stallion do well" character (among other things) labeled as "2022 My Little Pony Series", citing that he is involved at the company working on it, Atomic Cartoons. We've been told by a trusted inside source there that he has, in fact, never worked at the company. There are of course other possibilities here, as Hasbro and Netflix have many moving parts, but for now we can at least say when it comes to the series Atomic Cartoons is currently working on, this has nothing to do with it.
The weebly site he was uploading to was taken offline yesterday. For now, you can find the posts over at the Generation 5 series tag with warnings, though they will lose the label soon.
Call it Hitch morning I guess, cause we have another one from Celia on Instagram! I'm surprised at how well a stallion character is doing in the fandom. That's rare for sure!
Thanks to Sweet Notes for the heads up.
The next pony on this amazing series of detailed 3D Models has released, starring Hitch this time! We had Sunny in the last round, along with:
Go below for the others angles and closeups!
Morning Discussion #2453
by CalpainLooks like everyone is getting the G5 treatment nowadays! Not too bad, really.Morning everyone! Welcome to Saturday!
Twitter: Calpain