My Little Pony Generations #4 Solicitation Revealed - Writer, Synopsis, and Artist
by The Illustrious Q
Well… today was a very odd day. Glad things got sorted out with the blog hosting and we are back!
Good thing to because IDW's solicitations for January 2022 are out!
And I can tell you right now you are not ready for what's coming in this issue.
Though you can prove me wrong by checking it out after the break!
Friday, October 22, 2021 op 8:23 PM
Labels: Comic, IDW, January 2022 Solicitations, MLP Generations, News, Official ComicShare This!Comments
Nightly Discussion #2684
by CalpainGot to love the blues here on this Trixie~Evening everyone, ready for some chatter to get the weekend started? Good to be back!
Twitter: Calpain -
Yesterday's top name was Strawberry Mint! There were less upvotes due to the outage though, so be sure to head on over there and get your feedback in! Lots of names are right up there with it. And freel free to vote on any of the past ponies as they will all be tallied up at the end!
New pony time. This one struggles with rubiks cubes apparently. Poor pone. What will their name be? Go drop your ideas below in the comments, and vote on ones you like!
Animations - Hungry Meme, Pony.lol, Petting Rainbow Dash, Casper Cake Calls Harmony Dancer
by SethistoPosts are a little compiley today due to the outage, so have a big pile of animations! We've got cute, silly, ridiculous, more from China, and one with a bunch of people from the analysis community. Check them all out below!
We need more of this pone. She's definitely one of the most popular new backgrounders. Hopefully she ends up with a huge fanon soon via fanfiction!
Get a bunch of awesome art below.
[1] Source
Sugar Moonlight by freeedon on Deviantart -
MOUNTAINS of My Little Pony: A New Generation Concept Art From More Crystals and Trees To Locations and More!
by SethistoI can't believe how fast we can fall behind with just half a day or outage, but here we are with another gigantic flood of concept sketches covering a host of things, including The Everfree Forest that Bridlewood was originally supposed to be, an alternate storyline where Alphabittle is a wise old sage, the original story where Bridlewood was actually the Everfree Forest, and some amazing shots of just overall interiors and exterious of various places.
Go check it all out below!
Apparently google's bots thought we were a spam site for a while there, so EQD has been down all day! Hopefully we are marked as definitely not spam now. I'm going to start getting posts going again. Expect a lot here soon. Pony never ends, and 9ish hours of it means lots is backed up!
Special thanks to RainbowDerpy for helping out with some of the technical bits -
Morning Discussion #2452
by CalpainThrow caution to the wind and have an adventure! Even if you might explode, heh.Morning everyone! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain