What seems to be the first musical tribute to MLP from Childlike Wonder, this remix of the movie's opener song is an enegetic and fresh spin that has definite cute vibes! Apparently it was inspired by Virtual Riot as well, judging by the Soundcloud tag. This is for all of you who are craving new remixes of G5 songs!
Sunday, October 17, 2021 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Electro, Electronic, Future Bass, Future House, House, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: VocalShare This!3 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2679
by CalpainWhen you're an alicorn that just means more the wingspan for hugs, you know?Good evening everyone! Have a nice weekend?
Twitter: Calpain -
This guy looks like a lot of brony OC's I've seen over the years. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a pony creator version of him floating around out there.
Yesterday's mare ended up with "Stony Jade" as her top voted name. Times really have changed. 10 years ago we probably wouldn't have had anything to do with a weed themed pony, but this totally normal now days! You can still vote for other names on her post, or any other pony for the final tally at the end.
Now go name this pone below!
Author: Impossible NumbersDescription: Upon earning his place in the Mighty Helm, Rockhoof joins his fellow warriors in the mead hall and finds his first challenge: determining what is the right thing to do. All the more crucial, when war is imminent between ponies and griffons.
Rockhoof's Dilemma
Additional Tags: Honest Duty, Deadly Strength, and the Insight of the Blind -
Would you prefer pegasus deliveryponies instead of regular deliver services?
Art below!
[1] Source
by p i k i n a s 13 -
One More! Valoria got inspired by the movie as well, and delivered a Future House spin of Pipp's song to the community! It's just so wonderful witnessing all this love given to the movie from all around! The drops of this remix/flip are particularly dope, and it makes for another remix to shake your butts to!
I said I would do its own follow up for it and I did. The music video is pretty much part of the special for Dance Magic, but there’s a few good things to touch on with it. Is it still a generic pop dance song? Yes. Are the lyrics pretty basic that anyone could’ve written? Probably. Is it still worth mentioning? Absolutely. Even as a generic song, it’s a fun generic song. For some reason I say that a lot about EqG music in general. Not all of them are a Past is Not Today or Help Twilight Win the Crown with either character development or being a catchy ear worm. But I give credit that even for generic, it’s simply a fun dance song with a fun music video to it. The moral is pretty much in the lyrics themselves. Get into the groove no matter what it is? Either that or tell someone to bring back disco. Those were fun times.
Another pair of storyboard shots have appeared from the same artist that released the short clip of Stallion Do Well, and stills showing off the transformation. Of course, these are all subject to change, but for now this is possibly a concept that will be explored in the 2022 netflix series following the specials and movie!
Thanks to Freyo for the heads up.
Note: We've been told that this person never worked at Atomic Cartoons and are most likely fake.
Morning Discussion #2447
by CalpainYou know Pipp has to throw some mean slumber parties.Morning everyone, I hope you all slept well! Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain