What have they done? Well, it sure is a relatable song... I mean, who didn't brush the mane of a My Little Pony figure/toy with love around here? Come on, I know you did it too! Either way, some pony lyrics and relatable feelings about longing for Equestria are expressed in this sweet collab, and the musicians definitely did awesome. No, seriously, who didn't daydream about turning into a pony from the show IRL? I sure did especially in my early brony days!!
My Little Pony Music: KaraJam - Plastic Horse (feat. Sound Bandit & Amy Bestevez) [Hyperpop]
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Nightly Discussion #2614
by CalpainSpike needs some love, don't you think?Good evening everyone! Welcome to the weekend! Ready to chill out and have a blast?
Twitter: Calpain -
Equestria Girls got Blu-ray releases, along with the G5 movie, but we never did get a complete box set of Blu-rays for Friendship is Magic. The only way to play it in that way is via burning them to a disc after hacking the DRM off from itunes or whatever source you pull them from. A good amount of you are probably alright with that. Personally I don't even have a blu-ray player anymore. Lots aren't though according to these poll results. Hopefully you all get a delivery some day!
New Poll time: What Do You Think of the G5 Trailer?
Go vote on the side bar and find these results below.
The soapboxes continue! As always, these are the opinions of fandom members, not us here at EQD. If you'd like to submit your own soapbox, hit up this post for infos.
Have some headlines
- The G5 Maps
- Gen 5 is Gen 3
- Will MLP G5 Have its Own Side Thing?
- Why You Won't Remember the MLP/Transformers Crossover Comics
G5 pone header cause the hype is still real.
Art below!
[1] Source
Besties by Faline-art on Deviantart -
A Film company in Russia that is apparently assisting with their version of My Little Pony: A New Generation popped this up on the Russian VK social networking site, confirming that Sprout will be getting his own song. We still don't know much at all about Sprout other than he has a super evil smirky face going on his reveal poster, so all bets are off on what the actual song will entail. For now we speculate.
Thanks to BliSer and Robert for the heads up!
Number two from the princesses album is out! It's Flurry's turn, and BlueBrony encompasses her character quite creatively here with cute and playful melodies along Flurry's babbling! Very wholesome, and a very fitting track to represent what we know of her! Although, needs more explosions SFX in the track!
If you ever wanted to dive into a pony mmorpg but didn't feel like sitting at a computer to do it, Legends of Equestria now offiically has a mobile version for Android. This also joins a slew of other updates, including loads of new questes, music, areas,and more. The patch notes are pretty extensive here!
iOS users can expect something in the future.
Get the notes below, and download the Android edition here.
Morning Discussion #2382
by CalpainNow that we've had a little time for the trailer to sink in, what do you think of it, gang?Good morning everyone! Ready to end the work week?
Twitter: Calpain