We get a little antagonism tonight!
Click on the image for the full comic and find out what's happening.
BlueBrony made a track about both the Tree of Harmony from MLP and a part of his faith, and in such an appreciated genre too! We do need more Ambient in the community! The composition is reflecting several layers of depth with comfy and enthralling synths taking you further in the rabbit hole...
This track is included in the compilation album ASOS Biscuit!
A few days ago it was revealed that the G5 series was also going to be CG, but this little tidbit of information was buried by it. Apparently Rebeccah Dart of Friendship is Magic fame, (and the main reason we have our glorious kirin overlords) is working on it over at Atomic Cartoons. We haven't seen a ton of crossover between G4 and G5 confirmed yet, so it's good to see some old hands putting their skills into the mix to hopefully bring us an awesome series in the future!