Koron's ultimate tribute to his late brother is the 9th of the series and a new version of his FiM finale tribute Follow the Little Light, for the occasion of the album Tribute to Cerebre Arkor that includes all of the heartfelt and meaningful tracks that Koron composed to that aim. The number 9 also matches the seasons of the show as pointed out by the musician in the description, and there is that concept of "hope" that is carried over by the music so beautifully with the soft and dreamy melodies!
Meaningful Tribute Music: Koron Korak - Follow the Little Light (Album Version) [Orchestral]
by MakenshiShare This!1 Comment
Nightly Discussion #2497
by CalpainPreening can be a bit difficult at times...Good evening everyone, how are you all doing tonight? Ready for another night of chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
Poor Zipp isn't the most pretty mare out there, so I'm glad she got some love here!
These are the results of the Open Art event for Zipp and Pipp! Go get them all below.
[1] Source
zipp storm by duskinova on Deviantart -
All the pones should be princesses. Les do it.
Get a bunch of art below!
[12] Source
Princess Floots van Oranje by MrScroup on Deviantart -
Well this was a long time coming and I’m glad I can talk about probably the best villains we’ve had in this series. With the EqG movies, we basically get a lot of villains being magically rainbow magic to good and it’s not usually a bad thing. But I like the idea of still having villains. Not everyone can be your friend and thinking about it that way is a really mature thing to teach children. But with The Dazzlings, our antagonists for Rainbow Rocks, they were pretty much powered down and slipped away into obscurity. Well…show wise. The fans on the other hand? Months of Dazzlings. And after some of the hype died down, here comes a brand new video. If I were to give this music video a moral (and these girls sure and sugar need one), it would be to keep going regardless of your setbacks. And when one dream ends, start anew. Either that or make a Youtube or Tik Tok. At this point, you can be famous even while using auto tune. Let’s see what our favorite evil sea ponies are up to after losing the magic.
Community Soapbox - Luna's Not Overrated, Fandom Reputation Doesn't Matter, Mysterious G5 and More!
by SethistoThe soapboxes cvontinue! As always, these are the opinions of fandom members, not us here at EQD. If you'd like to submit your own soapbox, hit up this post for infos.
Have some headlines:
- Fandom Reputation Doesn't Matter
- Luna Is Not Overrated
- The Love Potion and Mirror Pool Return
- The Mystery Behind G5
And go read them below!
- Fandom Reputation Doesn't Matter
Morning Discussion #2268
by CalpainCare for a witchy little Twilight, gang?Another day is here! Ready to spend the morning chatting, friends?
Twitter: Calpain