Nightly Discussion #2472
by CalpainIt would have been really cool if we got to see the sister's past fights. Before Twilight and the gang they had their own share of adventure after all.Evening friends! Ready to chat it up?
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Community Soapbox - A Finale for Equestria Girls, Flyimg Pomeranians, Harassment over Ships, and More!
by SethistoThe soapboxes cvontinue! As always, these are the opinions of fandom members, not us here at EQD. If you'd like to submit your own soapbox, hit up this post for infos.
Have some headlines:
- World’s cutest flying Pomeranian? What the ruff?
- Equestria Girls needs a series finale
- Stop Harassing People Over A Ship
- What if Pinkie Pie took Applejack's place in Sounds of Silence?
And go read them below!
Marble Pie better get a ton of love with her new comic coming out. She needs it.
Get a bunch of awesome pony figures, handcrafted by the fandom, below!
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Diamonds this way! by Shuxer59 on Deviantart
I want to solve all of her riddles.
Art below while I do that.
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Sphynxie ( Daily Sketch ) by RavenSunArt on Deviantart
One small tidbit of information has popped up via press release from Discovery Family. Pony Life;s second season will apparently be rockin just 14 episodes, unlike it's predecessors 26. This may be due to covid restricting a bunch of industries out there, or it could just be Hasbro's fully planned limit for the series. For now at least, expect a half season this time around if you are a Pony Life fan. .
Get the presser below.
In the world of Jeapordy, they seem to enjoy periodically throwing out a pony question here and there. On the recent episode in the category "The Prancing Pony", this $800 clue asking about Friendship appeared. The contestent of course got the answer correct.
We don't get ponies in the media much these days. Hopefully G5 brings back that craze!
Thanks tosXeBrony for the heads up
Morning Discussion #2243
by CalpainCan't go wrong with a new set of horse armor!Good morning gang, ready to meet another day head on?
Twitter: Calpain