This fan song about an imagined PonyTron ponification of Tron marks the first Electronic collaboration between Dandelion and Alex, who seems to have became a brony upon Dandelion telling him about the community! That's so wonderful, and this tribute making use of pony vocal samples is certainly lovely and will please the fans of Tron!
Saturday, March 6, 2021 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Alternative, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Vocal, SoundtrackShare This!2 Comments
It's S1 all over again! And Spike is extending the musical moment with an appreciated piano rag, getting many ponies to dance too. Who would've thought he could play like that! We can thank Songbird for providing a very lovely extension of S01E21 Over a Barrel in a musical way and with the picture edit too, all while playing with the title of S05E06 Appleoosa's Most Wanted!
I really can't wait to see what she's like. Or any of them really. Hopefully more comes out soon!
Get pone below.
[15] Source
Pipp MLP G5 by BajaGryphon on Deviantart -
A classic piece of Harwick art has been completely legofied! With a whopping 105,000 pieces in all, the 12 food wide rendition of his oldschool "Know When to Fold 'Em" piece is taking up an entire all in crafter KeenKris's house.
You can check it out over here, along with a long description of what all we are seeing here.
"Pipp Petals/Princess Petals" is Probably The Pegasus's Name, Plus "Zipp Storm" Trademarked by Hasbro
by SethistoThe fandom has pretty much already adopted the name "Pipp" for the pegasus that joined Izzy and Sunny on the sheets last month. Blame that early 4chan leak for that one. Apparently it is yet another thing that is now confirmed, at least according to a trademark that Hasbro recently filed.
Of course, it could be a different character on the mane-team, but considering all of the evidence so far I think we can probably put this one to rest. I wouldn't mind a screwball though. Bring it on Hasbro!
Update: We are getting reports that there is a Zipp Storm trademark too. Looking into that one!
Update 2: Zipp Storm has a separate trademark on We might have two separate characters, or Hasbro wasn't sure what her final name would be.
Update 3: We Also Have "Princess Petals!" My guess is we have two characters, Princess Pipp Petals up there, and another yet to be revealed character named Zipp Storm
Thanks to Emperor Sombra and VcSaJen for the heads up
That one episode when Starlight went from great to perfection with her new BEST FRIEND. Truly a turning point in season 6.
Also dragons. Get the episodes and discuss them below:
Gauntelet of Fire
No Second Prances
Morning Discussion #2225
by CalpainIt's a brand new day and Celestia already has her shades on to greet the sun!Good morning everyone, how are you all doing? Any plans this weekend?
Twitter: Calpain