A newcomer in the pony music scene, Glimm is starting awesomely by announcing a 4-tracks EP dedicated to the Princesses (I guess Flurry is still too young), and kicking it off with a lovely and sweet tribute to the Princess of Love! There are definitely some heart-warming vibes in the music, and this is so cute! Let us look forward to the next tracks!
Thanks to Squeaky Belle for the heads-up!
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Nightly Discussion #2442
by CalpainSome good advice little Kirin!Good evening my friends, hope this day has found you well. Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Metal Core Pony made a song expressing his personal feelings on some things he saw around, and he's spreading some brony spirit and hope while doing that, which is so appreciated! Read the lyrics and keep embodying the Elements from the show to prove Metal Core Pony that the brony spirit is still alive and that despite everything that happened, true bronies are STILL here and fighting the good fight! Despite some painful experiences I'll never forget about my "brony ideals" that I developed when I joined the community 7 years ago, and while I wish more people in the community would feel the same and be more kind, respectful and open-minded towards others, all that I can do is to keep doing my part and spreading about those values, always hoping to change the world little by little. That is the brony's way! To all the bronies and pegasisters out there, I love you all!! Let's keep changing the world, and spreading our Passion for the ponies!
With every new near there comes trying to keep a tight schedule, possibly for the New Years Resolutions you quit on in the first couple months. This time we look at some scheduling mishaps with classes and a tired pastel haired principal trying to make everyone happy. There’s never a dull moment for her as the head of a school of teenagers I suppose. If I were to give this short a moral, it would probably be not to complicate matters like hanging out in the same classes and enjoy what time you can have with others. Either that or not bring this up the last day of schedules being edited. Let’s see how things turn out with some demanding students we call our main characters.
CHRYSALIS Music: The Empty Tomb - INSECT [Hybrid Trap] / SP1TF1R3 - Insecta Regno [Melbourne Bounce]
by MakenshiThe Empty Tomb's contribution to Equinity 04 Immersion is a wicked banger of a Chrysalis tribute, making AWESOME use of vocal samples of her in the track! With the nasty wubs depicting the Queen's rage and attack, and her mad laugh resonating in the track, this beauty is so befitting best villain and I appreciate it so much! Next up in this dual post, SP1TF1R3's own Chryssy-themed beauty and contribution to the compilation album is paying tribute to her as well with an equally lovely use of vocal samples, and her "Nyaha!♥" to fall in love for can also be heard in the song! Taste Chryssy's awesomeness in the Melbourne Bounce piece infused with the presence of the Queen! I just love character-themed fan works like these so much!!
Morning Discussion #2213
by CalpainAny love problems Cadance can help sort out?Good morning everyone, ready for another Sunday?
Twitter: Calpain