Everypony you gotta listen to this!! Avery made such an INCREDIBLE and WONDERFUL fan song for the 14th DustCar race (that had the topic of "Where in Equestria is Pinkamena Diane Pie?"), about Twilight learning the magic of Pinkie's smile and where comes her unnatural powers from!! I highly recommend this one, you won't regret it, believe me! It's called Here and Now and so much more and you can find the wonderful, wonderful lyrics here or in the description on YouTube and Bandcamp (these may have become my favorite pony lyrics ever). Chances are, these lyrics will make you melt like they did to me! The instrumental is very creative too and switches to Jungle and Psychedelic Ambient parts! This is my favorite track from that compo, and there are more Pinkie-themed tracks from it that I loved a lot too and they will get posted in a separate roundup post! Be on the lookout for it, all the contributions were just so amazing! And if you're dedicated to look into it early, you can find them all in the dedicated chatroom of the race in DustCar's Discord server! In the meantime, please savor and celebrate this outstanding Equestrian beauty from Avery!! Now on YouTube with a video made by yours truly and embedded below the break, and you can download the song from Bandcamp here!
WONDERFUL Pinkie & Twilight Music: Avery - Here and Now and so much more [Baroque Pop/Alternative Electronic]
by MakenshiSunday, February 7, 2021 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Alternative, Ambient, Electronic, Indie, Media, Music, Music: Vocal, PopShare This!0 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2428
by CalpainIn a far off future Equestria the Wonderbolts get ready with the newest in technology!Good evening, gang! I hope you all had a good day. Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Comic: What If Celestia 8 / Future 54 / Sisterhood 4 / Shadows 76 / Movie Slate: Heat Protection
by CalpainThe world of Equestria would be a crazy place if Twilight never fulfilled her destiny.Comics guys, get them all after the break! -
Nothing says musical than an elegant and fancy piano. Except maybe riding on an elegant and fancy piano. But I’m sure musicians like Elton John can agree with that statement as well. Rarity is trying to find the perfect instrument for the Rainbooms, which does leave me concerned with some of the girls not actually already knowing how to play their certain instruments. I guess they learned on the fly. Very convenient for the impending doom that is The Dazzlings coming after all the Rainbow Rock shorts, but we’ll say it’s magic and leave it at that. If I were to give this short a moral, it would be to rethink other options even if you’re set on one specific one. There’s no harm in broadening your ideas. Either that or not use boys to get what you want by flipping your hair…even if it does work. Let’s get to the short!
Submits are now open for Shining and Cadance Day! Celebrate Valentines with the royal couple, or just draw one of them doing something entirely different as protest against the day as a whole! It's up to you.
To submit, send your link to Submit@equestriadaily.com with SHINY AND CADANCE DAY followed by what it is, so SHINY AND CADANCE DAY - OPEN ART for the open art post.
Now go! Draw both or one of them doing whatever!
Morning Discussion #2199
by Calpain