To celebrate his 8th bronyverary and express gratitude, Whirlwind composed this soft and tender piano song! With a straightforward title and cover art, it's easy to guess all the feelings that the musician wanted to express with this, and perhaps you will be able to feel them in the music too!
Wednesday, February 3, 2021 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, OrchestralShare This!Comments
Nightly Discussion #2424
by Calpain -
Why is the manga's art style so perfect? If they adapted that for G5 I'd be perfectly happy.
A new compilation of the first three arcs of the manga has been announced for anyone that hasn't already bought the first two. This book clocks in at a whopping 360 pages and released in July of this year. It's listed on Amazon with only a reminder available, so it might be a bit before we get an actual pre-order link, but at least we get the awesome cover as seen above.
Thanks to Andrew for the heads up.
This Twi is too much. She's pulling a Fluttershy on us.
Art below!
[1] Source
Twilight's Portrait by EmeraldGalaxy on Deviantart
MightyJaxx is Polling Which Figure to Add To Their X-Ray Collection Next - Nightmare Moon or Luna
by Sethisto
MightyJaxx revealed Celestia for their X-Ray lineup a few months ago, and now it's time for the sister! In a complete lopphole to the usual Luna domination of polls rule, they have thrown her into a deathmatch against... herself!
Luna or Nightmare Moon will be the next figure they reveal. So far Nightmare is dominating. Will she hold the lead? You can vote on their Instagram stories page.
Thanks to Victor for the heads up.
Noizzer released a new album under the alternate alias Bridull (similarly to General Mumble's different aliases), and the concept of this one is quite unique. It enacts a troubled Applejack ordering many kinds of coffees at a café, represented in the different songs! At least that's what I could guess from the looks of the cover art that was awesomely made! There's definitely a rich aroma and many subtle flavors in these Lo-fi treats! Morrid would be proud! Now onwards to find the legendary Bluemountain!
Download the album from Bandcamp here!
Morning Discussion #2195
by CalpainReady for some morning tea with Rarity?Good morning my friends, happy Wednesday! Ready for the week to be over already?
Twitter: Calpain