And it's time for round two! Even more musical initiatives got offered to Nightmare Moon for this year's sacred ritual of Nightmare Night! We've got the perfect spooky experience by Altius, awesomely named Flutterfright, a cool concept-powered Dark Ambient trip from Whirlwing, a VIP from Nicolas and Dalken that showcases all the dark and mysterious atmospheres, and a "Dark Tech" version of Brilliant's collab with Evgeniy that will give you a gaze at the deep Night in Equestria!
More Nightmare Night Music!! Altius Volantis - Flutterfright / Whirlwind - Colorless / Nicolas Dominique & Dalken Starbyne - Awoken VIP / Evgeniy Doctor feat. Brilliant Venture - Royal Guard (NeighGative_ Dark Tech Mix)
by MakenshiSunday, October 31, 2021 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Ambient, Chillout, Dark, Electro, Electronic, Hardcore, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: VocalShare This!0 Comments
Trixie Day! We had a good amount of people enter the Open Art category this year. Head on down below to celebrate the Greatest and Most Powerful Equine!
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Trixie day 2021 in Ms-Paint by sallycars on Deviantart -
Nightly Discussion #2693
by CalpainTrixie of course gets another doll for Trixie day. She must have a ton of those things by now.Evening everyone, I hope you had a great Halloween! Ready to chat the night away?
Twitter: Calpain -
We are running low on ponies to name again. If there are any backgrounders you think should get some love, send an email to with a clear screencap of them!
Yesterday's pony ended up with Lucas Lilac, but it was a very close vote so be sure to dig through those comments and see if these is one you like more. And you can vote on any of the previous ponies too in the comment sections of their posts.
Now go decide on this chracters name below!
Yesterday's concept art dump has an interesting image at the end of it that I think is worthy of splitting off into it's own post. One of the slides from Piotr Bzdura included a bunch of unicorns, complete with their butt symbols and color charts. They are impressively emo. A few of these characters never actually appeared in the movie, but plenty of them did. I'm still deciding if I want to add them to the Name This Pony eventConcept Art, Generation 5 My Little Pony, My Little Pony: A New Generation, News , but for now, what do you think of these unicorns? Do any of them stand out to you?
Fanfiction: Rainbow Dash's Awesome Nightmare Night Haunted House Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Adventure
by Sethisto[Adventure][Dark]
Author: TheDriderPonyDescription: It's Nightmare Night in Ponyville (and presumably everywhere else as well) and Starlight and Trixie have teamed up to host a haunted house attraction. Spooks and frights and guaranteed in this one-of-a-kind experience orchestrated by two mares who, between them, barely make up a single functioning member of society.
What could go wrong in this pandormare's box of horror designed by a former villainous megalomaniac with boundary issues and a compatriot whose worldview is heavily tinted by a lens of narcissism?
Take on the role of Rainbow Dash, fearless seeker of frights, in this branching CYOA experience. Explore different paths to victory, collect items, solve puzzles, and try to find all the hidden endings!
Rainbow Dash's Awesome Nightmare Night Haunted House Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Adventure
Additional Tags: The Choices Are Yours Alone -
This is your compilation of Trixie art for Trixie day! We've got the best of the best Great and Powerful unicorn here for all of you to enjoy in one easy to browse gallery. This only covers stuff made in the last year. For older art, hit up older posts!
The Open Art post will go up later tonight, so if you submit for that, expect it in a few hours.
Now go get your Trixie art flood below!
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That Cute Trixie Scene by SymbianL on Deviantart
Izzy witch is incredible. More Izzy witch please.
Happy Halloween! Get a bunch of art below. Expect Trixie compilations later!
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We've got more TRIXIE for you all today, different from last year's compilation. If your favorite isn't here, it's probably an older compilation. Thanks to Whisper Key for scouting them!
Now go get read about Trixie below.
If I had to say which of the three specials is my top favorite, it would be this one. I like the idea of mystery scenarios, fun call outs and cameos, and the idea of more lore being built from this special alone with a Daring Do live action movie in the works. More on that in a bit. If I had to put a moral onto this one, it would be to let things go if they don’t go your way and not make things worse for yourself and others. Either that, or never be at a movie set. I heard things can go drastically wrong even to people at the movie set. No comment. Let’s see how a Daring Do movie goes for our Humane 7 including our rainbow haired fan girl of the series.
Nightmare Night Music!! Deavas - Eternal Night [Metal] / Harmonic Six - Nightmare Night, What a Fright! [Soundtrack] / Koron Korak - Missing Heart [Dark Ambient]
by MakenshiWe can always count on the passionate pony musicians of our community to celebrate the various pony holidays with their special talent! These three brand new songs just came out and got made for tonight's Nightmare Night! I'd give each of them a solo post, but I compiled them in this post for the sake of having them all up on the site in time for tonight! First up, Deavas delivers the tasteful and delightfully gritty Metal while sampling the Mare In The Moon for a classic taste! Then Harmonic Six crafted such a fitting instrumental for the sacred night, resembling OST tracks for Halloween Towns and the like! Lastly, Koron Korak released a very heartfelt dark piece as you will be able to read from the description! (gore thumbnail warning for that last one) Enjoy this night my little ponies!!
for it will be your lastop 9:00 AM
Labels: Acoustic, Ambient, Dark, Electronic, Media, Metal, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Orchestral, Rock, Soundtrack -
Trixie, now that is a pony with an interesting history! When I first saw her back in season 1 I figured she would be a one-shot character at best and we would never see her again, cue my surprise when she returned and with an alicorn amulet sometime later. If season 1 me couldn't see her returning for a second episode, he certainly couldn't see her returning as a recurring character in later seasons, growing into her own as episodes went on and even taking a prominent role in one of the season's finales.With the show now over I look back and appreciate what they did with Trixie, but of course not everyone feels the same. What do you think of her inclusion in the show? Did you enjoy her own character arc in FiM? What would you have liked to see done differently?Talk about all of that and more in the comments!Twitter: Calpain
Morning Discussion #2461
by CalpainOf course Trixie is excited for today, it's a day about Trixie after all!Morning everyone, ready to tackle the day?
Twitter: Calpain -
As our unofficial mascot, Trixie demands once a year that we give her all the love she can handle and today just happens to be that day. What better day to have a day dedicated to everyone's favorite street magician than Halloween itself?As always with our appreciation days you can expect a number of Trixie posts throughout the day, well, more than normal at any rate. If you still have Trixie material to send in, send it to with Trixie Day in the subject line followed by the type of media you're sending in.Example: Trixie Day - ComicsWe hope you all enjoy!Twitter: Calpain
Ready for some pony emotion? The emotional show song par excellence, We'll Make Our Mark gets a starry DnB remix from master Snow Swirl, and the light of the magic of one's beautiful soul is shining so bright all throughout the progression of this remix. The fast DnB beats reflecting enthralled heartbeats, and the gorgeous melodies and sounds, will make you soar high along the CMC!
Saturday, October 30, 2021 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Drums and Bass, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal -
Nightly Discussion #2692
by CalpainLooks like we have our first princess of the generation, folks! Poor Hitch, heh.Evening everyone, ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
Yesterday's grinny mare looks like she's winning with the Periwinkle Pi name, citing her seemingly smart look. Feel free to vote on others, but it has a pretty solid lead!
We are doing a stallion for today's pony, who has some very extreme opinions on his fellow cartoon horse. Namely that Earth and Unicorn ponies ruin everything. Poor guy needs to stop watching the weird news channels.
Head on down below to the comments to drop an idea and upvote ones you like! And free free to vote on older characters at the Name This Pony tag.
Seems like a fitting plushie for Halloween!
Get pone below.
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Pinkamena *_* by Jack1Larsen on Deviantart
Halloween is best. Please keep making Halloween ponies.
Art below!
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by RexxySexxy on Twitter -
Tomorrow is Trixie day, so it's time to cough up that appreciation or she might jinx you! The most scary part of that is she will probably accidently mess up the jinx, and before you know it the simple spell to turn your hair green might turn you into a tree instead. Do you WANT to be a tree?
To submit, send an email to with TRIXIE DAY as the subject followed by what it is, so TRIXIE DAY - OPEN ART for open art!
Now go make Trixie things!
Happy Birthday Peter New!
by CalpainApparently, it is Peter New's birthday today! As our ever-lovable big stallion brother he's been with us on the FiM cast from almost the start and has been a great friend to the community after all these years. Let's make the day a little bit more special for him by wishing him a great birthday and well wishes into the future!Head on over to his Twitter and say so or leave a comment below! I'm sure he will appreciate it.Happy birthday, Peter!Twitter: Calpain
Apparently Argyle was based on Jeff Goldblum according to character designer Celia Kaspar. That's an interesting concept!
We've got a bunch of new concepts covering everything from the Argyle you see above and a few expression shots, to a bunch of objects and various locations. Check it all out below!
Morning Discussion #2460
by CalpainCute little Twi here to wish the start of your Saturday to be a good one.Morning everyone, sleep well I hope?
Twitter: Calpain -
After the acclaimed Fluttersad, a new song from BGM Pony Degeneracy making awesome use of TalkNet for pony voice generation gets released just in time for Nightmare Night! And what an appreciated callback it is! More precisely, it is a token of passion and a testimony that the spirit of FiM is ever active in our hearts and we'll always make fan works about it! The instrumental is actually 5 years old, but I love how the musician generated pony vocals to create the perfect Nightmare Night song!!
Nightly Discussion #2691
by CalpainSunny just being cute as usual, you know?Good evening everyone, time for the weekend to start!
Twitter: Calpain -
Yesterdays foal ended up with "Strawberry Sunrise" as the most upvoted name. Feel free to vote on them and more at the Name This Pony tag though since we won't be compiling them up until the end. Whenever the end is.
Today we have this goofy looking pony with big glasses and an ascot. What will their name be? You decide! Go pop ideas in the comments and upvote ones you like.
Michael Morones Passes Away
by CalpainWe have some sad news for you all tonight. A few days ago we became aware that Michael Morones, a boy who tried to commit suicide due to bullying over liking MLP when he was 11 back in 2014, has passed away.At 5:30 PM on October 27th, Michael Morones passed away surrounded by loved ones.He died 7 years after attempting to take his own life brought on by the intense bullying he suffered in school for being a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. His suicide attempt was unsuccessful but left him in a vegetative state for the rest of his life.For some of our long-time fans, you may remember Michael and the outpouring of community support for him after the incident, helping with a GoFundMe for him and even Andrea Libman herself paying him a visit as Pinkie Pie was his favorite pony.His family will be holding a memorial within the next couple of weeks to celebrate his life. They have made it known that anyone who is willing/able to attend will be welcome.We here at EqD extend our condolences to the family and we wish that Michael may rest in peace. We hope you're partying with Pinkie now, buddy.Twitter: Calpain -
Bat is gonna be the very best. Like no one ever was.
Get a bunch of anthro and humanized art below!
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by MrScroup on Twitter -
The soapboxes continue! As always, these are the opinions of fandom members, not us here at EQD. If you'd like to submit your own soapbox, hit up this post for infos.
Have some headlines
- Why G4 is canon with G5!
- MLP G5: The Crystal Empire, Windigos, and Mixed Pony Couples
- G5 and the Death of Knowledge
- Have We Been Wrong About Earth Ponies?
Anyone out there carving pumpkins? Feel free to send them!
Get art below.
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by nendo_23 on Twitter -
New to the pony music scene, Sylvver kicks it off with a bang, and after their trip to Psychedelhi, this new Big Room House banger takes us back in time to Starlight's old village in the S5 premiere! Filled to the brim with vocal samples from the premiere, the banger gets you pumped up with the relentless energetic vibes from the instrumental, and along Starlight's sassy and villain-y voice, it makes for such a nostalgic and uplifting experience!!
From the musician's words:
"The track is meant to outline Starlight's role in the show as a villain, and takes a rather dark tone because of it. I hope you guys will love this track as much as I do!" -
Morning Discussion #2459
by CalpainIt may be Halloween but that doesn't mean you can ruin the floor, Lyra.Morning everyone, welcome to another Friday! Ready for the weekend?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #2690
by CalpainPoor Starlight, and after going through all of that trouble with getting the costumes ready too.Evening everyone, we're almost at the weekend now! Ready for it?
Twitter: Calpain -
The pony with the alicorn balloon. What's her name? Go pop ideas below in the comments and upvote ones you like!
Yesterday's character ended up with "Lahara Blossom", apparently a name from 4chan's /mlp/ board that people here liked as well. You can vote on her and others at the Name This Pony tag though! We will be compiling them all up in the end, so feel free to vote.
A New update is rolling out for the My Little Pony game on android and iOS that introduces the mane 6 as changelings. The event is on for a limited time, and includes the usual collectible ponies and objects you've come to expect out of the app.
They also have a Rainbow Dash wonderbolt event going on exploring the past, present, and future of the orginaztion. Full "What's New" notes can be found below!
Author: James R. DosdallDescription: In a dramatic retelling of the pilot episodes from the perspectives of both Luna and her darker alter-ego, Nightmare Moon returns to confront Celestia and reclaim the kingdom she deserves. The Mane Six become pieces on the board in a deadly chess game of plans and counter plans between Nightmare Moon and Celestia. And all the while, Luna battles her own darkness from deep within Nightmare Moon's subconscious, struggling to find the courage to face Nightmare Moon and reclaim her identity.
Strength of the Night
Additional Tags: Pilot Episodes Retold Through Luna's POV -
Kirinposting will never die, especially with comfy autumn imagery and Cinder Glow who needs more art love in general.
Get pone below.
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Kirin Coffee by ConfettiCakez on Deviantart -
These guys were listed on Amazon a while back, and now people have started recieving their orders. Unfortunately it looks like they are backordered until November 9th, but that's not too far off.
Tattle Tales includes four figures and a 12 page book for kids, but what really stands out is the figures. They all come in completely unique poses with different heights similiar to the movie. Pipp in particular is smol. We like smol Pipp right?
Anyway, get more pictures below.
Blending experimental with cute vibes, and perhaps also with the kind of crazyness found in Pony Life, CAPT delivers such a sweet album with some brand new tracks in it! HAVE A SWEET FLIGHT has been released on the musician's channel and you will be able to feel the cute from it (while musically it kinda reminds me of some OST tracks from the Neptunia games), the second track from the album is quite funny, and there's more creative pieces of wonder awaiting you! As for the awesome drawing of Dashie in a maid dress, it was drawn by the musician himself!
Download the album from Bandcamp here, and check out the YouTube upload of the first track from it embedded after the break!
op 10:00 AM
Labels: Albums, Electronic, Happy Hardcore, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal -
Morning Discussion #2458
by CalpainGot to love those couples costumes, right?Morning everyone, another day is here! Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain