• New G5 and G4 Pony Plushies Revealed From AU Based Hunter Leisure Catalogue

    New G5 and G4 Pony Plushies Revealed From AU Based Hunter Leisure Catalogue

    A toy company over in Australia has dropped off two pages in one of their catalogues showing off plushie offerings for both G4 and G5. The G5 ones haven't revealed Hitch or Pipp yet, but they are coming! For G4, we have Fluttershy, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash as usual, with Applejack and Rarity mysteriously forgotten. Par for the course!

    Get the G4 pones below. We don't have any information on when they are releasing. I'm guessing pretty soon though since everyone wants to get in on that movie hype!

    Thanks to Tealeaf for the heads up.