Nothing wrong with an innocent prank as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, right? Still, make sure you don't take them too far and end up getting pranked back even harder like Rainbow Dash.
One of the things I've always loved about pony art is that it is incredibly varied. By this point in the NATG, with our variety of prompts, you've hopefully seen that ponies can fit into all sorts of scenarios. Whether it is the epic, the silly, the heartwarming, the sad, ponies tend to fit in anywhere without it seeming out of place. Hopefully, the versatility of ponies will serve you all well into the future!
While our ponies do like to get along and cooperate, there is also a sense of competition between our pastel-colored ponies. They want to be the best and show others they are the best, especially certain orange and blue colored ponies. That's why for tonight we want our ponies to be at their best as you Draw a pony winning a competition / Draw a pony going for gold.
For tonight we brought in 58 ponies which brings us to 1974 ponies in total. So close to 2k everyone!
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, wherever try this Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below:
Chrome: Copy link address
Safari: Copy
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
If that doesn't work, you can Touch and Hold an image, open it in a new tab and the URL of that tab should be what you're looking for.
Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
39 Da Boss - SOENJAY

This is the first imagining of Filly, Mustang's boss and owner of Filly's diner in Whinnysota. I always pictured her as a sweet older unicorn in her late 50s/early 60s who treats Mustang as a surrogate son. She speaks with an extremely heavy Whinnysotan accent and values honest hard work above all. She is married to her loving wife, local politician and previous mayor of Whinnysota, Juniper Blue. You might see Juniper a bit later after the NATG ends.

This is the first imagining of Filly, Mustang's boss and owner of Filly's diner in Whinnysota. I always pictured her as a sweet older unicorn in her late 50s/early 60s who treats Mustang as a surrogate son. She speaks with an extremely heavy Whinnysotan accent and values honest hard work above all. She is married to her loving wife, local politician and previous mayor of Whinnysota, Juniper Blue. You might see Juniper a bit later after the NATG ends.
48 Prank - Allonsbro

I play this prank at work sometimes. The two doors into the office are right next to each other on a corner and occasionally someone will be entering from one just as I am coming through the other. I knock on the door and make some kind of noise like the door hit me. It always gets a fun reaction and the one who got pranked has a good laugh too.

I play this prank at work sometimes. The two doors into the office are right next to each other on a corner and occasionally someone will be entering from one just as I am coming through the other. I knock on the door and make some kind of noise like the door hit me. It always gets a fun reaction and the one who got pranked has a good laugh too.
49 It's just a prank, Dashie! - Note Wise

Twitter: @NoteWise1 SoundCloud: notewise "Nehehe..! Have fun, Dashie!" This was a fun idea, First time doing a sitting pony and thankfully due to some great reference images I think I got her down well. I really wanna try shading when I can. Hopefully with the next one I can! We'll have to see what happens. This whole event has been fun to do! I really like this and maybe I can try and go back and do the old ones for some fun and more practice. <3 Note Wise

Twitter: @NoteWise1 SoundCloud: notewise "Nehehe..! Have fun, Dashie!" This was a fun idea, First time doing a sitting pony and thankfully due to some great reference images I think I got her down well. I really wanna try shading when I can. Hopefully with the next one I can! We'll have to see what happens. This whole event has been fun to do! I really like this and maybe I can try and go back and do the old ones for some fun and more practice. <3 Note Wise
56 Wool - Frith

Cobbled together various fixes for the eyes, ears, nostrils and hooves. Threw in a styled mane. The hash pattern is supposed to be an abstraction of a knit texture, indicating 'wool sweater'. I see three other wool sweaters in the submissions, about as many wool caps/tuques and a surprising number of sheep. Forwards! On to the next prompt! Sleep first...

Cobbled together various fixes for the eyes, ears, nostrils and hooves. Threw in a styled mane. The hash pattern is supposed to be an abstraction of a knit texture, indicating 'wool sweater'. I see three other wool sweaters in the submissions, about as many wool caps/tuques and a surprising number of sheep. Forwards! On to the next prompt! Sleep first...