And we're off! With the first day of the NATG out of the way we are past the hardest part of any journey: taking that first step forward. Regardless of the task, getting started is the most daunting, whether it be through excuses, procrastination, fear, uncertainty, time or what have you. For those of you who have joined us so far for the first day, whether you're a veteran or a newcomer, I want to say great work and keep it up! For those still waiting for the right time to join, I hope you eventually take your first step with us on this journey.
With our first day complete I have some shocking news for you all! Today we managed to bring in 139 ponies for today, kicking things off to a wonderful start!
For our veterans, you can probably also guess what our second prompt is. While a standing pony is well and good, ponies really take on new life when you give them the gift of movement! It allows for new poses, new body language, and new adventures. That's why for tonight's prompt you will Draw a pony in motion/Draw a pony scrambling.
As always you can find the submitter here.
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, wherever try this Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below:
Chrome: Copy link address
Safari: Copy
If that doesn't work, you can Touch and Hold an image, open it in a new tab and the URL of that tab should be what you're looking for.
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
If you're also posting your pony art to Twitter or you just want more pony in your life, come give me a follow on Twitter: CalpainEqD
39 Static Pony - Slizergiy

The Artists Training Grounds has returned to Equestria Daily once again, and this time I was prepared for the start of it. The plan (similer to what I've done before) is to use the promts to do non pony content as well. Some will be sepret, but others will be joined ones (like the day 1 entry here).

The Artists Training Grounds has returned to Equestria Daily once again, and this time I was prepared for the start of it. The plan (similer to what I've done before) is to use the promts to do non pony content as well. Some will be sepret, but others will be joined ones (like the day 1 entry here).
77 Don't you just stand right there - Harbinger

It's just a very quick doodle made on a shopping list kind of paper, made with pigment ink. As always, from a thousand amazing ideas on poses of a standing pony I had to pick the one that I imagined as I went on already trying to draw something, while realizing that I can't draw and trying to draw any complicated pony pose would end in disaster. Well, at least I never drew a pony from this perspective before, so I've learnt something. I'm tired today, but as I promised, I'll do every submission this time even if they have to be stickpones.

It's just a very quick doodle made on a shopping list kind of paper, made with pigment ink. As always, from a thousand amazing ideas on poses of a standing pony I had to pick the one that I imagined as I went on already trying to draw something, while realizing that I can't draw and trying to draw any complicated pony pose would end in disaster. Well, at least I never drew a pony from this perspective before, so I've learnt something. I'm tired today, but as I promised, I'll do every submission this time even if they have to be stickpones.
98 Ghost Note - SamuDash

This is my first contribution to my first ever NATG because I only started doing art recently, and so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to improve my skills. So for the first prompt (that I drew in a hotel room in the middle of the night) I decided for the OC of one of my friends: Ghost Note. He is a cute, bisexual unicorn that likes to play the electric bass! For my Day 1 Artwork he's just standing there, being adorable.

This is my first contribution to my first ever NATG because I only started doing art recently, and so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to improve my skills. So for the first prompt (that I drew in a hotel room in the middle of the night) I decided for the OC of one of my friends: Ghost Note. He is a cute, bisexual unicorn that likes to play the electric bass! For my Day 1 Artwork he's just standing there, being adorable.
113 I need to work on legs some more and colors to boot - ADrawingOwl
129 Meet Motion Capture - SazerLite

It's that time of year again where I convince myself to actually make art. This year, I'm doing something a bit more daring. I'm going to try my hand at freestyle, frame-by-frame animation. So, to hone in my drawing and animation skills, I'll be using the blank slate of a pony, Motion Capture. He's not doing much now, but I'll be sure to push him to his limits. ;)

It's that time of year again where I convince myself to actually make art. This year, I'm doing something a bit more daring. I'm going to try my hand at freestyle, frame-by-frame animation. So, to hone in my drawing and animation skills, I'll be using the blank slate of a pony, Motion Capture. He's not doing much now, but I'll be sure to push him to his limits. ;)
138 Static Pony - ScoutGuy