The older we get the more memories we accumulate in this adventure called life. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, but let's just hope that the ones we do remember tend to be more on the positive side. Hopefully participating in the NATG will be a good memory for all of you!
Now onto Day 19 everyone! Thanks for sharing your most precious memories with us all if you did end up sharing. As I mentioned above life is an adventure and while our ponies do have their slice of life moments, they also have plenty of chances for doing something epic! That's why for tonight I want you to give your creations a chance to by having you Draw a pony on an adventure / Draw a pony on a noble quest.
For tonight we brought in 60 ponies which now brings us up to 1661 ponies in total!
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, wherever try this Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below:
Chrome: Copy link address
Safari: Copy
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
If that doesn't work, you can Touch and Hold an image, open it in a new tab and the URL of that tab should be what you're looking for.
Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
If you're also posting your pony art to Twitter or you just want more pony in your life, come give me a follow on Twitter: CalpainEqD
Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
14 2021 NATG XI - Day 18 - Content - Kirbyliscious / Birdisjell

When I was younger I used to make little books and comics for all my friends to read, and I loooved doing it. I didn't really care so much about the quality, I was just focused on telling the stories I wanted to tell and sharing them with people, and making everyone, including myself, happy in the process. It was so fun! I got a little burned out after a couple years of doing it nonstop, haha, so I gave my characters their proper finale and that was that. I didn't do anything like it again. But I really, really miss telling stories for the heck of it, and making my characters' voices be heard, just because I love them and I thought they should be. Anywho, have babie Melonheart doing what I loved doing when I was little, and just all around having the time of her life and living it to the fullest, like I used to~ Also the title is a pun, because I can~ uwu

When I was younger I used to make little books and comics for all my friends to read, and I loooved doing it. I didn't really care so much about the quality, I was just focused on telling the stories I wanted to tell and sharing them with people, and making everyone, including myself, happy in the process. It was so fun! I got a little burned out after a couple years of doing it nonstop, haha, so I gave my characters their proper finale and that was that. I didn't do anything like it again. But I really, really miss telling stories for the heck of it, and making my characters' voices be heard, just because I love them and I thought they should be. Anywho, have babie Melonheart doing what I loved doing when I was little, and just all around having the time of her life and living it to the fullest, like I used to~ Also the title is a pun, because I can~ uwu
22 Memories from first convention - Ragmo

Well - there are some memories, but one i like is my first mlp-con. Brony Fair 2016. Bought my first plushy there, and my collections has grown a lot eversince. It was a Fluffle Puff plush :3. It was that time where i became more comfortable to open up about my love for the show to my friends and parents. P.S. BRING BRONY FAIR BACK!!11

Well - there are some memories, but one i like is my first mlp-con. Brony Fair 2016. Bought my first plushy there, and my collections has grown a lot eversince. It was a Fluffle Puff plush :3. It was that time where i became more comfortable to open up about my love for the show to my friends and parents. P.S. BRING BRONY FAIR BACK!!11
32 NATG 2021 - Day 18: Living Life to the Fullest - Talla

"They posses no worries, no fears, only an extreme dedication to fulfilling their want. The only thing keeping ponykind safe is the fact their wants simply involve startling ponies and hosting parties with an exaggerated fanfare." Dr. Lively Gleam C. Greencrest, on the Priestesses of St. Roseline during his travels to the West.

"They posses no worries, no fears, only an extreme dedication to fulfilling their want. The only thing keeping ponykind safe is the fact their wants simply involve startling ponies and hosting parties with an exaggerated fanfare." Dr. Lively Gleam C. Greencrest, on the Priestesses of St. Roseline during his travels to the West.
33 NATG XI - Day 18: Seal of Filly Friendship Forever - CMC_Scootaloo

Scootaloo's most cherished memory, how she saved her best friend when she was in great trouble and almost at the brink of losing her. There's one thing in the universe that Scootaloo will never allow, losing the company of her best friend Dinky Hooves.^^ <3 This picture depicts a scene from my ponyfic "Filly Friends Forever".

Scootaloo's most cherished memory, how she saved her best friend when she was in great trouble and almost at the brink of losing her. There's one thing in the universe that Scootaloo will never allow, losing the company of her best friend Dinky Hooves.^^ <3 This picture depicts a scene from my ponyfic "Filly Friends Forever".
56 Flight - phallen1

It's an obvious choice coming from me, but it's also genuine. I have spent maybe 10 minutes total flying a canopy, which is precisely nothing in the context of actual trained parachutists. But that time in the sky is like nothing else I have ever experienced, and I wouldn't give up those memories for anything.

It's an obvious choice coming from me, but it's also genuine. I have spent maybe 10 minutes total flying a canopy, which is precisely nothing in the context of actual trained parachutists. But that time in the sky is like nothing else I have ever experienced, and I wouldn't give up those memories for anything.