Dedicating one more track to his friends, Altius did wonderful following the inspiration of the moment that night when he composed this Night track of pure beauty that would make Luna as well as Twilight proud! And it may be no coincidence that they appear in the artwork used as the video art!
Friday, December 18, 2020 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Ambient, Chillout, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, TranceShare This!0 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2377
by CalpainChrysalis really does pull off the nerdy look well, doesn't she?Woo! Another Friday is here, gang! Have any weekend plans?
Twitter: Calpain -
I've been wishing for it, a new concept-powered continuation of the previous emotional track involving Fluttershy A Pegasusgirl In The Secret Garden from Dandelion! This one is depicting the landing in a safe harbor after your biggest journey, or The Place We'll Return To Someday. Helen's vocals are nothing short of incredible, and the soothing atmosphere of the whole song is certainly giving life to the concept in a most wonderful way.
op 2:00 PM
Labels: Alternative, Chillout, Electronic, Indie, Media, Music, Music: Vocal, Pop, Soundtrack -
New release by StableTwoStallion, and you know what that means! It's time to rock out to some Rammpony music again! This time dedicated to Maud (because she ROCKS!), the lovely tribute is also filled with Rammstein references (look at that Rosenrot "Rarity" in the thumbnail!), and StableTwoStallion's powerful vocals and expert craft of the genre are quite amazing once again!
The fandom got it's CELEBRATION with this one. The 100th episode brought on all of our fandom-adopted ponies and gave them personalities and voices. It really did change everythintg for a while. We had so much new stuff to work with!
And after that, Princess Spike.
Have the episodes, and feel free to discuss the big 100 below!
Slice of Life
Princess Spike
Psychadelic maaan.
Get anthro and humanized art below.
[1] Source
.:PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE:. by The-Butcher-X on Deviantart
Morning Discussion #2148
by CalpainThat was one heck of a party, wasn't it?Morning everyone! Hope you're all ready for a brand new day.
Twitter: Calpain