Pinkie Pie and friends continue their quest!
Click on the image for the full comic!
Hasbro is apparently hopping on that inflatable pony bandwagon that Chinese knockoff companies have been cornering for ages now. This new Pinkie Pie has popped up over at Home Depot. She clocks in at a whopping 3.5 feet tall, and is apparently Ch0ristmas themed. I'd be willing to bet they will bring on the other girly colored ponies as usual, but we don't have confirmation on what the whole set will look like yet.
Thanks to Allenix for the heads up
Moon header, cause she heads my life. Or something.
Art below!
[1] Source
Daily Doodle 306 ~ Galaxy by TenebrisNoctus on Deviantart
John contributed to P@D Eclipse with a bright and uplifting track about sweet times shared, representing the sunny side of the album! The cute melodies and cuddly atmosphere in Trance format are doing wonders at conveying the theme!
Author: Trick Question
Description: Applejack and Twilight Sparkle are on a mission in the deep sky, far from the comforting ground of Equestria, when disaster strikes. Together the two ponies fall into something from which there is no escape. On an unrelated note, this story features a black hole.
The 20th of November following Villain Day immediately breaks into Cutie Mark Crusaders Day. As always, we will be celebrating all three main fillies, plus Gabby and Babs Seed. Feel free to submit anything about any of them!
To send something for CMC Day, send an email to with CMC DAY as the subject followed by what it is, so CMC DAY - OPEN ART for open art.
Now go draw fillies!
Tripon's contribution to P@D Eclipse is quite deep, not only musically but also in its backstory and lore, as you can read from the description. Exploring a language and the nature of deers and putting all that inspiration into music to create such a shining dark beauty... It's a recipe that definitely worked! I'm just such a fan of the haunting choirs in this track! A powerful experience just like you were playing a lore-heavy horror game and listening to dark BGM from it!