Nightly Discussion #2336
by CalpainPinkie has a hug for you all tonight! Hopefully your day has gone well.Ready to chat on this Saturday my friends?
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After over half a decade of silence after a sudden airing in Italy last year, that show we reported on ages ago has apparently been confirmed for a second season. Filly Funtasia is that pony knockoff, minus the butt symbols but with the 3D animation. As far as I have heard having not watched it myself, it's supposed to be "alright", but I've never personally been a fan of the art style so it definitely doesn't do it for me.
If you are curious for a ponyish distraction, check out the newly released chinese trailer below.
Another pony in the Crossover Collection from Hasbro has appeared for sale over on Entertainment Earth. The last one released was Optimus Prime on Hasbro's own Pulse store, so they are slowly trickling these things out.
Fausticorn changed the world. Praise Fausticorn.
Get art below!
[1] Source
Anniversary by Atlas-66 on Deviantart -
Did she change everything about pony? Was she a good addition in the end?
Personally, I love me some Glimmy Glam. Especially the evil cult leader version.
Have some dailymotion links:
Cutie Map Part 1
Cutie Map Part 2
Today marks the start of Pony Life on Discovery Family. It's official air time is 11:30 AM Eastern time, with simultaneous release on the Discovery Family app.
For those without it, it looks like BronyTV will be running the streams this year.
Feel free to discuss it below again! Or discuss it for the first time if you didn't follow the Canada release.
Morning Discussion #2108
by CalpainWith the pandemic getting worse across the world, remember to take your time to appreciate those on the frontlines keeping things going while we weather this.Morning everyone! Welcome to another weekend! Are you ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain