This is some hard-hitting spy music! BlueBrony and Totalspark teamed up to make a tribute to Bon Bon's adventures as a secret agent as confirmed in episode 100 and covered in many fanarts from the community. This heavy banger sure is a delight and acts as a powerful tribute! Part of P@D Eclipse!
Secret Agent Sweetie Drops Music: BlueBrony & Totalspark - The Secret Agent [Orchestral Drumstep]
by MakenshiTuesday, October 20, 2020 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Drumstep, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Vocal, OrchestralShare This!1 Comment
These amazing plushies make me want an Applejack too. Something about farmpone is appealing.
Get the plush below! And hopefully none of them have muddy hooves.
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Lifesize Applejack laying plush with socks by RosaMariposaCrafts on Deviantart -
Nightly Discussion #2318
by CalpainIt is sad to know that AJ's parents are no longer around, but it really shaped her views on family and how important family is to her.How is everyone doing this evening? Well I hope?Twitter: Calpain -
We've got a bunch of Applejack today for the open art fans out there. Both new and old artists threw their skills into the mix this time around
Check your open AJ's out below!
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Apple bucking horse by RaphaelDavid on Deviantart -
This is the second part of your Applejack Day celebrator art storm! For part one, head an hour before this post.
Now go get the Applejack below!
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It's Applejack day! Prepare to be flooded with the best art of the last year starring applehorse. She can be adorable too~
For older Applejack Day "Best of" Compilations, go to this post!
Now go get a bunch of awesome Applejack below!
Yes, you read that title right! Omnipony is back! (again!) This time contributing to P@D Eclipse, my all-time favorite pony musician delivered a nostalgia-powered track showcasing his latest musical ventures and new sound, part of an upcomong EP named CRUSHCORE!
October means bats. Is there a better solution to making this the best month possible? I think not. Get lots of awesome art below and expect a ton of Applejack soon!
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Portrait Comm: Sweet Night by pridark on Deviantart -
That one time she discovered fanfiction.
We've got a ton of awesome stories for Applejack Day! If your favorite isn't here, it was probably posted in a previous year. Check those posts out for more.
Thanks to Whisper Key for gathering them. Head on down below for the list!
Quite convenient that we had Pinkie Pie Day and Applejack Day in the same month. It's almost as if these two characters could be...related? Well I did my own theory on it in this video because if I need to be knit picky about anything said in "Fame and Misfortune", it might as well be about this. I hope you all enjoy it and check out my other videos on my channel as well.
Meelz made a heartfelt new version of his song dedicated to Twilight from back then, for the occasion of P@D Eclipse! This is the perfect chance for you to re(discover) this wonderful song chanting about our love for the ponies and what makes us bronies. That songs like these are being remade to this day with the added note "it's great to be back. Y'all are amazing" in the description, is so great! Now I wish to see some brand new original songs in the community with lyrics like these again!
Since the beginning of the show, AJ has been the one that had her life mostly put together. She had the farm and she had her family and whenever drama usually turned up it was caused by her friends, AJ serving as the straight mare to their craziness. Not to say she was without her flaws as she can be stubborn and prideful, but she wasn't the type to pull out a fainting couch quite literally.Sadly this can make a character fade into the background as their normal behavior is often overshadowed by their friend's more eccentric behavior. Still, AJ has been a steady constant, a great foil against the insanity that can happen from episode to episode and a great second in command when Twilight is indisposed.So what do you think of our little apple horse? What did you like about her during the show's run and what would you have changed? What episodes would have liked to see her in if you had the chance to write a script?Talk about all of that and more in the comments!Twitter: Calpain
Morning Discussion #2090
by CalpainEven though she has had over a half dozen of these appreciation days by now she still gets bashful every time we have one.Morning everyone, I hope you all slept well! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
Smell that Autumn Air - AJ Day Begins!
by CalpainIt's that time of year again my friends. The time of year when the leaves change color, the air grows crisp and the days grow short. It also happens to be the time of year to appreciate a certain apple horse, an appreciation day that started off all these pony themed days here on EQD. That's right, it's time to give some love to AJ, our best little apple pony!As always with our appreciation days, you can expect a number of posts throughout the day dedicated to AJ among our normal postings. If you haven't yet sent in your AJ related material, whether it be comics, plushies, art, ect, please make sure to send them in by noon PST to with AJ Day in the subject line followed by what you're sending in.Example: AJ Day - ComicsWe hope you all enjoy!Twitter: Calpain