A grand and epic tribute to William Anderson's cherished BGMs from the show, this medley takes us on a road of emotions as we recognize those motifs and reminisce about all those amazing music-powered experiences we got throughout the series. A much appreciated feast from Toby indeed, part of Shenanigans Two!
BGM Remixes Medley: Toby Macarony - MLP:FiM BGM Orchestral Medley [Soundtrack/Orchestral]
by MakenshiWednesday, October 14, 2020 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Cover, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Orchestral, SoundtrackShare This!2 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2312
by CalpainI do love seeing what alternate designs artists come up with for our ponies. I really like the look of Tia's mane and tail here, for instance. Really beautiful!Evening my friends, hope you all had a good Wednesday! Ready for some chatter tonight?Twitter: Calpain -
It has been teased, MC-Arch's new story-powered masterpiece of an album is here, showcasing both music and skits to tell the story! It's a continuation to the first one and once again many talented musicians, voice actors and friends helped on the project. Take a look at this medley sampler of the album if you aren't convinced! Also check this Twitter thread for a presentation of all the voice actors for the characters, with picture edits and everything! And that's not all! Check out this massive doc full of lore about the universe that the story of the albums is based on, written by MC-Arch! Such passion is so exemplary!
Download the album from Bandcamp here!
Applebucking for cider season! Expect Applejack day soon, but have a header image of her since we never get to feature rat's art.
Now go get loads of pone below.
[1] Source
Happy 10th Applebucking Anniversary by RatofDrawn on Deviantart -
A new "Hello Pinkie Pie" has released starring Rarity this time around. It has been a while since we had one of these!
Check it out below.
Morning Discussion #2084
by CalpainBleh, mornings... Even kirin don't find them all that appealing.Hello everyone, I hope you all slept well! Ready for a brand new day?
Twitter: Calpain