As a tribute to FiM and the original emotional song from Daniel Ingram with vocals from Rara (Lena Hall), this lovely remix is creating a warm and comfy atmosphere with those synths, and it gives a whole new arrangement to the song that is appreciated! An awesome tribute to a momentous show song for sure!
Saturday, October 10, 2020 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Alternative, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: VocalShare This!1 Comment
Nightly Discussion #2308
by CalpainHappy 10th anniversary everyone! I hope you managed to celebrate pony in some way today, but if you didn't get a chance, why not do so tonight in the comments? Tell me your origin story when it comes to the fandom.Whatever the case, ready to chat everyone?
Twitter: Calpain -
As of today, we have officially crossed the threshold of a decade of ponies. I NEVER thought it would go on this long. When I started Equestria Daily way back in 2011, I thought maybe we'd get a good half a year of fun out of it before everyone gets bored and moves on with a bit of hype for the second season before it followed most cartoons into obscurity. I've never been so wrong. It turns out people really loved their ponies.
Here we are 10 years later with more fan art, music, videos, analysis, animations, fanfics, and loads of other things than any cartoon in existence. Really any other IP in existence. Does anything come anywhere near how much has been created for Friendship is Magic over the years? With entire sub-fandoms that follow wacky spinoffs and crossovers? I really can't think of any. Deviant Art may be on the decline, but it's still spammed pretty constantly with cartoon horses. Youtube still has a flood of pony videos going up. Not even other fandoms that popped up while Pony was in it's old age came anywhere near what ours did.
So, time to celebrate! We've been around for a whopping 10 years now and it is well deserved. Considering Drawfriend here still gets 40+ drawings a day, it doesn't look like the ride is ending any time soon even with the show over. As long as people keep on creating stuff, this fan base will keep on thriving. Even if G5 is a flop
Expect an open art event and maybe a write-in event tomorrow. For now, lets just bask in everything we've accomplished over the last decade, while simultaneously praising Lauren Faust for giving us the chance to have such an amazing time.
InfinityDash is back with a new musical release!! Oh how I wished to be able to say this again!! (I'm the biggest fan of InfinityDash's show BGM remixes.) This time it's an original song made as a tribute to FiM for the anniversary, and the cuddly and very FiM-like atmosphere in the song will make you melt along the emotion from all the melodies in its progression! An experience full of nostalgia, and a good chance to reflect on the path travelled, the memories made, and the bonds created, all while remembering that the ride will never end!
Happy 10th anniversary! Art has always been my favorite thing in the fandom, and it continues just as strong as the peak even all these years later. Keep it up!
Go get pone below.
[2] Source
10 years of friendship by belka-sempai on Deviantar -
Fanfiction: A Simple Raid?
by Calpain[Adventure][Comedy][Crossover]Author: WhispersInTheDarkDescription: Beam down to the planet while the natives are asleep, get the crystals, beam out. Simple, right?
A Simple Raid?Additional Tags: Star Fleet runs afoul of a certain white unicornop 12:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: WhispersInTheDark, comedy, Complete, Crossover, Fanfiction, OC Ponies, Rarity, Spike, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Morning Discussion #2080
by CalpainSleep well everyone? Luna did watch closely over you so I hope she managed to chase off any nightmares you might have had.Morning everyone! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain