Nightly Discussion #2297
by CalpainYou think you have problems? Try having problems in two different worlds at once.Evening my friends, welcome to another night! Ready for some chatter?
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Fluttershy usually wins the cute award when it comes to mane 6 ponies, but there are hundreds of others to choose from these days thanks to backgrounders and recurring characters throughout 9 seasons of our cartoon horse show. Who's your cutest of them all? Which mare would you most want to scratch the ears of?
Discuss below!
Author: Gordon PashaDescription:
Radiant Hope thought she could save Sombra from himself. She was wrong, and it cost her everything.
Now, broken and forlorn, Hope has found herself in Seaddle, where she settles into a life of quiet obscurity and tries to forget about her past. But the past is not so easily forgotten, as Hope discovers once she crosses paths with an unredeemed Starlight Glimmer. Starlight, having just lost control of her town and on the run from the authorities, decides that Hope may be the key to getting her revenge and tries to enlist the crystal pony in her cause. However, neither is prepared for the past to catch up with them, and when it does, they are forced to undertake a difficult and perilous journey down the western coast of Equestria. As they move toward their mysterious destination, they will have to confront the choices they’ve made and the ponies they’ve become. But if they can get over their initial distrust and learn to trust one another, they may not only survive but find that rarest of things; redemption.
A Glimmer of Hope
Additional Tags: Hard Times Breed Better Maresop 3:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Gordon Pasha, comedy, Drama, Fanfiction, King Sombra, Radiant Hope, Star-Needed, Starlight Glimmer -
Kotobukiya has officially opened pre-orders for Sunset Shimmer if you are in the market to expand your humanized horse figure collection beyond the mane 6. They have her release date set for April. It's a ways off, but that's what this level of quality requires!
Get her over here.
Thanks to Chris for the heads up
Sunset Shimmer header, because she's pretty much the mascot of these posts.
Get lots of pone art below!
[1] Source
Sunshim by The-Park on Deviantart -
Morning Discussion #2069
by CalpainEver lovable Big Mac is here to chase away those nightmares! Sleep tight, Apple Bloom.~Morning my friends, I hope you all had a good rest. Ready for a brand new day?
Twitter: Calpain