Not just having great tastes in animes with that "Karise Murisu" reference to Makise Kurisu from Steins;Gate, the duo of D3LTA and Butterflight also have great tastes of gold pony songs from the past to remix, and they did wonderful for the latest DustCar race themed around "2010-2012 Brony Community"! Why, they simply aced this remix of the cherished Dragon Greed from Omnipony that will shine forever, going for a gentle yet wub-tastic atmosphere in the spirit of the original made in their own styles. And the vocal chops from the original have been awesomely recreated too!
Thursday, September 17, 2020 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Dubstep, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: VocalShare This!3 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2285
by CalpainI love the sunset, especially when you have a few clouds in the mix to really give the sky some beautiful hues.Evening my friends, I hope you are all doing well! Ready to chat tonight?
Twitter: Calpain -
My Little Tale has returned with another installment in it's 4 year long run. If you missed the old episodes and want to catch up, you can find those over here.
I haven't watched regular TV in ages, but I'd be all over this every single morning even if it's way too early.
Get art below!
[1] Source
Good Morning Equestria by dstears on Deviantart
According to the Russian Licensing Summit Online, Pony Life will not be stopping with it's single season this year. An infographic during their main presentation revealed a 2021 second season in Spring, probably following closely to the release of the first if Hasbro's usual seasonal schedule is any indication.
We know Pony Life is moving to Youtube soon, so there is a good chance it will be there. If not, we can probably expect some channel somewhere to pick it up for weekly viewing. Who knows at this point!
Thanks to Kuco and Sombra for the heads up.
Yeeah, I forgot about that whole "Luna always wins" thing. Honestly she has become my favorite canon pony over time too. The Luna love is impossible to resist. Luckily I get distracted by BATS so the fandom saves me in the end.
New poll time:
What Inanimate Object Character is Your Favorite?
Go vote on the side bar and get these results below! -
This is your halfway point warning to get your Sunset Shimmer submissions in. Her day arrives on the 22nd of this month!Sunset Shimmer day arrives on the 22nd of this month. If you'd like to submit something of her, be it pony or human, send it to with SUNSET DAY followed by what it is as the subject, so SUNSET DAY - OPEN ART for open art.
Morning Discussion #2057
by CalpainFluttershy is taking some well earned rest, I hope you all managed to get your rest as well.Ready for a chat my friends?
Twitter: Calpain