What secrets will Sugar Belle learn from Starlight's journal?
Click on the image for the full comic and find out!
ANTI-SUGAR LEAGUE: A sugar panic puts Pinkie Pie's party in peril! Help prevent the Anti-Sugar League from completely souring her plans in a new blitz Limited-Time Story event.
GROWING UP IS HARD TO DO: When you're a well-known do-gooder like Fluttershy, it can feel like you never have a moment to relax. If only she could pretend to be an ordinary pony for a day. That would make life easier, wouldn't it? Help her find out in this new Limited-Time Story event!
Twilight Sparkle loooves her hayburgers. Twilight Time was where we got to see everyone's nerdy waifu's table manners, and it was great.
Then we had breezies. Honestly that's the first episode I only watched once. I couldn't take their voices.
Have some links:
And discuss away below!
Pony banger incoming! Proto_ssin's masterpiece Lands makes wonderful use of pony vocal chops and has even Koron Korak performing the violin part with a real violin. All of the song including the violin part was written by Proto_ssin and you can tell how much love and passion he poured in all of that progression. Some parts are reminding me of a certain song that was used in a certain famous PMV, I have it all playing in my head but now I can't remember the name!! That struggle when you just watched too many PMVs over the years... Anyway, go listen to this beauty and go give lots of hugs to Proto_ssin who definitely did amazing!