It is out!! New mega compilation album "Brownie" from initiative A State of Sugar is now available in full on Bandcamp, so go grab it and tell your love and appreciation to the musicians as well as the staff for the labor of love they made!! I have many favorites. Camelia's contributions Messy Brownie and Dangerous Magic and their pony emotion, Eksoka's Sartoria VIP and its hotness, Doodled's song Fresh Coat about our beloved background painter pony, wuchta and SDreamExplorerS' collab Powerless that is so emotional, Niłch'i Poni's Skies Ablush and its heavenly Flutterchops, Single Purpose's chill and deep Protector Of Dreams that is most probably Luna-themed, the lovely duos of Blackened Blue/MC-Arch and Tw3Lv3 & Cynifree for tracks #19 and #20, Koron's insane remix of Calm Of The Sky, Heartsong's masterpiece full of medieval european music style titled Cloudsbane, Ebunix sampling Pinkie's line from one of my favorite MLP episodes ever Party Pooped with #30 Snowstar, TCB's new emotional beauty with track #42 Gloom & Bloom making emotional use of pony music chops... to name a few! Yes, the album is a gold mine for amazing pony music, and the musicians really outdid themselves. Kudos and lots of love to Violin Melody and ObscureDragone for organizing such an incredible album, to Lycan and Dijit for hosting the live release party, to all the contributing musicians for making something beautiful together, and to all of you who keep supporting the pony music scene!! Ponies and fan works forever!!
Download the album from Bandcamp here!
Saturday, March 7, 2020 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Albums, Compilation, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: VocalShare This!3 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2093
by CalpainWe all have our favorite pony mane six, but which of the mane six is your favorite out of the human versions of themselves? I'm still a bit biased towards AJ myself.Evening everyone, I hope you all had a great day, ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
The 88th comic in the main series of pony was revealed back in December without an actual "Cover A". We now finally have one, complete with LOADS the ponies. Seriously, look at all those ponies. It reminds me of one of those old seasonal posters we used to get.
Thanks to Edward for the heads up!
Comics: Spike's New Figure / The Price of Fame / What if Celestia #3 / Fresh Start #2 / Storms Lullaby #78
by Sethisto
Spike gets a Rarity figure, followup comics, and updates! Get em above and below and click for full.
She likes her Glimmy plushie. Do you want a Glimmy plushie?
Get the pone art below.
[1] Source
New toy by Skitsniga
Finale Song Cover: DusK - The Magic of Friendship Grows (Covering Daniel Ingram) [Metal]
by MakenshiDusK somehow flew under my radar until now, but he's been active with Metal Covers of MLP songs, check it out on his channel!! This latest release is an obligatory cover of the memorable last song from the show, and the guitar performance is quite amazing! Listen to the original melodies in a brand new rocking arrangement, and rock out to this while trying to hold back your tears! That's the brony's way..! *tries hard*
[Alternate Universe][Adventure][Dark]
Author: Skijarama
Description: Scarlet Frost has had more than enough death and violence in her life and has spent the last several years living quietly as a librarian and scholar in the New Equestrian city of Swanrun. Sadly, it seems that death and violence are not yet done with her, as she is about to discover. After a chance encounter, Scarlet is forced to leave her home and flee for her life alongside a mysterious orphan filly named Primrose. Now being hunted across the land she once went to war for, Scarlet will have to use every resource at her disposal just to stay alive. And if she is going to make it through this, she must confront the ghosts of not only her own past, but those of this long-broken world as well.
Scarlet - Broken Pedestal (Sequel Part 9!)
Additional Tags: Dark Fantasy Far Future Equestriaop 11:59 AM
Labels: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Dark, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-Needed -
Comics: Where Fashion / Pone Wars #10.7 / Celestia's Destiny #3 / Past Sins #11 / New Friends #3 / AoS #5.7 / Next Gen #12 / Everfree My Friend #15
by Sethisto
We've got one single parter and a metric buckton of updates. Get em above and below and click for full!
Starmedy, previously known as Vegá, did wonderful here with this tribute to MLP and love letter to the community, that is so deep in meanings. Read the musician's words relayed in the description of this Basshoof Records feature, to understand the positive message that it is spreading, along that brony spirit! Yes, it's up to us to do our best to change the world and make it a better place! You can find that powerful resolve reflected in the heavy wubs and slick sound design here, along intense pony emotion thanks to the awesome use of vocal samples from the show!
Morning Discussion #1864
by Calpain
I wonder what books Trixie and Twilight would have in common? What do you guys think?Morning everyone, ready for a brand new day?
Twitter: Calpain
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