Nightly Roundup #1506
by Calpain
Uh oh, caught. How are these two going to talk their way out of this one?
News time once again my friends! Get it all after the break!
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Scraton aka our own Vinyl Scratch is continuing his streak of Mane Six-inspired new bangers, and this one about Applejack is as refined, clean and creative as always! His descriptions on YouTube are always so deep and insightful too, I appreciate them so much. In this one, a moral about not overworking yourself, and that does sound like something from MLP in regards to Applejack! The artwork featured in the video was made by ElusivePurple as usual for this series!
Nightly Discussion #2076
by CalpainSpike is such a sweetie. He may not have had as much limelight as our girls but he has always been a part of the team.Evening everyone! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
Fluttershy in the rain. I don't have much to say about it, but it's amazing art.
Get more art below!
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by Lollipony on Twitter
A State of Sugar Brownie is peaking on the horizon, and it will drop February 29th! Let's party hard during this hype train, and to kick it off, track #24 Unscathed by Ice Angel and GrazySmash got premiered on the ASOS YouTube channel, and what an absolute banger it is! With Dashie helping to hype things up, it proceeds to blast such crazy Psytrance rhythm and Big Room bounciness from the musicians! Also I'm listening to the whole album as I'm writing this as part of Cider Party duties, and let me tell you the album is AMAZING!! So much quality and pony-ness all around! You won't believe it! It's just so exciting and awe-inspiring, and I hope that you'll join! Exact date of the live release party & stream to be announced soon, follow ASOS' Twitter to stay updated! And soon, new rounds of cider to celebrate too!
Derpy celebrates her big day on March 1st! Apparently people are hype for this one, cause we are already getting submissions for it.
If you'd like to celebrate our unofficial fandom mascot, it's time to do that!
Send your submissions to submit@equestriadaily.com with DERPY DAY followed by what it is. So DERPY DAY - OPEN ART for art.
Now go! Make some derp.
As revealed a while ago, soapboxes will now happen once we get enough submissions for it. Send them whenever, but also expect them whenever!
If you'd like to submit one, hit this post up.
This time around, your headlines include:
- Tribalism in Equestria
- Will IDW comics talk more about romance with the main characters in season 10 than the show?
Gallus' Interesting Career Choice - How Griffonstone Collapse?
- Season 10 Comic Idea: Yona and Sandbar's Relationship Explored
Get the articles below!
That's an adorable Luna right there. I need 7.
This one is pretty dominated by crafts. Check it all out below!
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Luna by H1PpezZ
Weibo over on China has popped up a bunch of small GIFS detailing ways to avoid spreading and contracting the Coronavirus that is currently running rampant over there. Apparently they decided to go with Pony Life to cuten it up a bit. Each of the mane 6 get their own little demonstration, and they even have a new piece of art up for Pony Life as a whole.
What a bizaare world we've stepped into for 2020.
Get them below!
That's a nice Rarity right thar.
We've got some plushies this morning. Go get em below!
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Rarity Lifesize with faux fur by Epicrainbowcrafts
[Comedy][Slice of Life]
Author: Impossible Numbers
Description: Sunshine Smiles is totally a serious businesspony. Totally! Like, prestigious enough for all those Canterlot types, you know? Um.
Business Bubble
Additional Tags: Totally Classy, Like, Canterlot Cultured But, Um, Friendlier?op 5:00 AM
Labels: Author: Impossible Numbers, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Other, Pony Joe, Prince Blueblood, Star-Needed, Sunshine Smiles -
Morning Discussion #1847
by Calpain
As spring gets closer and closer so does some wonderful rain and maybe the occasional thunderstorm. I just love the sound of rain pattering on the roof and if some thunder is tossed in it just makes things even better.
Morning everyone! I hope you all slept well! Ready for a brand new day?
Twitter: Calpain
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