Estories over on Deviant Art is running a Valentines Day based contest to get everyone out there drawing some shipping fuel. The prompt is pretty simple. Draw "A Moment of Love" between two ponies. It can be any ponies you want.
There will be 5 winners with a range of prizes from $5 to $60.
Get info on submitting it over here! The deadline is February 14th.
Nightly Discussion #2040
by CalpainSome tiny Luna for the evening. She may be small but she still rules the night!Evening guys, welcome to another night of chatter.
Twitter: Calpain -
Despite no news at all on the actual series in a few months now, Pony Life figures have started appearing at most retailers. Particularly Walmart and Meijer in this case, with a few people saying Target also has a limited selection.
Hopefully we get some news on the actual series soon, but for now you can buy the figures.
Rarity above, Applejack and Trixie below.
Celestia gets the pony ASMR project treatment for anyone following that series. If you know what that is, you know what to expect. If you have no idea, think of just sitting back and listening to a pony talk with high quality sound and a relaxing atmosphere.
Get it below.
There is a motion animation of this one over on Youtube, If you want some extra awesome with your already awesome Kirin.
Now go get art below!
[1] Source
Air travel by freeedon
NOTE: As I have said in the past, the soapbox post is for anyone to say anything pony as long as it is SFW and readable. This includes controversial opinions like that piece in this one.
Obviously none on staff agree with said opinion, but that was the original idea for the weekly soapbox post. I'll be getting a followup post about soapboxes' future up soon. For now, yes, the anon below is controversial. That has always been allowed in soapbox.
We took a break on these for the holidays. Lets get back in the swing of things! Send some soapboxes!
Community soapbox time, where opinions from around the fandom are dropped down below for you all to discuss and debate! Expect these posts normally when not late every Tuesday at 1:00 PM PST. To submit your own, see this post.
Headlines this week:
- The Main Flaws of Trixie Lulamoon Throughout Her Character Development
- Fanfiction Does it Better
- FiM is NOT for Left-Wing Politics but AGAINST It!
- Leaving the Fandom
And get your soapboxes below!
We haven't gotten word as to why this happened, but it looks like Duo Cartoonist, the head behind some of the fandom's most beloved fandom animations, has officially closed their Youtube channel. This was after taking down a few of their videos with rumors circulating that it was due to fear of COPPA causing problems. We can't confirm that at this time, and they have expressed wishes to move on from pony work in the past, so it could be a mix of reasons. Fortunately there are backups of all of their work out there on the web.
As the fandom gets older it's inevitable that some channels may become inactive, and with how sporadic youtube tends to be with policies and changes, it's a good idea to backup anything you want to keep.
Thanks to Squeaky Belle, Danil, DeadlyVodka, and everyone else for sending it. -
Definitely acing all those unusual genres, Nyancat380 goes the hard-hitting route this time with Vzöth, delighting in pure Deathstep style! Not just the gritty-ness of the sound design, but the creative composition that doesn't stick to standards is very appreciated, and this is such a fine experiment that bloomed magnificently!
Rarity needs more plush love.
Or just more Luna I spose. Everything Luna is good.
Get plush pone below.
[1] Source
MLP Rarity Plush (commission) by Little-Broy-Peep
Morning Discussion #1812
by CalpainTwilight just enjoying a nice book and a warm cup of cocoa. What a relaxing time~Morning everyone, I hope you all slept well! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain
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