• FiM Anniversary Tribute & Sweep Remix: Daniel Ingram - The Spectacle (Ferality Bootleg Remix) / Can't Stop the Sweep (Ferality Reboot) [Electro House]

    Feral FurE is back! And with 3 new uploads and treats! Under the new Ferality alias, an old but gold remix of The Spectacle is seeing the light of day, the Sweep Remix Can't Stop the Sweep has been revamped and rebooted and is now kicking flank more than ever, and there's also a reboot of Jungle Fever from Balloon Party 4!

    From Ferality's words:

    "These last three songs are like a kind of final gift to the community and the phenomenal music scene in it as I return my focus toward life things like graduate school. I've finally gotten off my arse to publish these three songs following news to me of MLP:FiM's 10th birthday, and would like to celebrate it with these tracks."

    It's definitely very lovely and appreciated!! Thank you Ferality!

    Daniel Ingram - The Spectacle (Ferality Bootleg Remix)

    Can't Stop the Sweep (Ferality Reboot)