Nightly Discussion #2298
by CalpainDashie just wanted to let you know~Evening everyone, I hope your Wednesday has gone well. Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainShare This!865 Comments
Author: ChrisDescription: Rainbow Dash kills herself. <p>Again. <p>And it's up to Twilight and the girls to bring her back. <p>Again.
Demise Reprise
Additional Tags: Don't try this at homeop 7:00 PM
Labels: Author: Chris, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Star-Needed, Twilight Sparkle -
We had Lyra and Bonbon hook up in the end, along with Pinkie Pie and cheese, but the fandom loves it's romantic shipping, so I'm sure there are plenty of you out there that would have loved to see other characters hook up.If you had the power to go back in time and influence a pairing, who would it be? What would their final admission look like?
Discuss below!
Russian Re:questria Festival Releases New Animation For the Upcoming Event: Kokoro no Yuurei
by SethistoAnimation time! The organizers of the Re:questria event happening at the end of October over in Russia have released a new animation showing off the idea behind their event. With the pandemic border closure, they haven't been able to bring anyone in for it, but it's still happening and they have plenty of fandom over there to make it work.
Check out the video below.
Batty is here to stay.
Get a bunch of open art below!
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*Sickly-Sour Picarto Stream Raffle Prize Sketch* by Tannyo on Deviantar -
Zecora's awkward homecoming continues! We get to learn more about her past, realize the threat in the present, and see how the future might unfold. Plus, Tempest might be suffering a villainous relapse.
All this and more (plus some spoilers) after the break!
op 1:00 PM
Labels: After the Fact, Analysis, Author: Silverquill, Comic, Comic Review, IDW, let's review, Official Comic -
The bat will save us from this freaky snake pony. No onke likes freaky snake ponies. Everyone likes bat ponies.Art below!
[1] Source
by ampderg -
Morning Discussion #2070
by CalpainAh, Gurrenn Lagann still has to be one of my favorite animes. It is just so uplifting, you know? Especially in these grim times.Morning everyone! Time for the last day of September. Can you believe it is over already?
Twitter: Calpain -
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #90 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion!
by The Illustrious QToday marks the continuation of My Little Pony Season 10!
Just what sorts of trouble will Applejack and her team get in to while traveling in the homeland of the Zebra? Considering Tempest Shadow is with them, only the best kind of trouble.
Though my biggest question is why it involves a giant mystical snake…
Anyways, you'll be able to check it out at the usual links after the break, but there is one more thing I want to point out before you go do that.
We've got only 10 issues to until we hit issue 100. Have fun!
Nightly Discussion #2297
by CalpainYou think you have problems? Try having problems in two different worlds at once.Evening my friends, welcome to another night! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
Fluttershy usually wins the cute award when it comes to mane 6 ponies, but there are hundreds of others to choose from these days thanks to backgrounders and recurring characters throughout 9 seasons of our cartoon horse show. Who's your cutest of them all? Which mare would you most want to scratch the ears of?
Discuss below!
Author: Gordon PashaDescription:
Radiant Hope thought she could save Sombra from himself. She was wrong, and it cost her everything.
Now, broken and forlorn, Hope has found herself in Seaddle, where she settles into a life of quiet obscurity and tries to forget about her past. But the past is not so easily forgotten, as Hope discovers once she crosses paths with an unredeemed Starlight Glimmer. Starlight, having just lost control of her town and on the run from the authorities, decides that Hope may be the key to getting her revenge and tries to enlist the crystal pony in her cause. However, neither is prepared for the past to catch up with them, and when it does, they are forced to undertake a difficult and perilous journey down the western coast of Equestria. As they move toward their mysterious destination, they will have to confront the choices they’ve made and the ponies they’ve become. But if they can get over their initial distrust and learn to trust one another, they may not only survive but find that rarest of things; redemption.
A Glimmer of Hope
Additional Tags: Hard Times Breed Better Maresop 3:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Gordon Pasha, comedy, Drama, Fanfiction, King Sombra, Radiant Hope, Star-Needed, Starlight Glimmer -
Kotobukiya has officially opened pre-orders for Sunset Shimmer if you are in the market to expand your humanized horse figure collection beyond the mane 6. They have her release date set for April. It's a ways off, but that's what this level of quality requires!
Get her over here.
Thanks to Chris for the heads up
Sunset Shimmer header, because she's pretty much the mascot of these posts.
Get lots of pone art below!
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Sunshim by The-Park on Deviantart -
Morning Discussion #2069
by CalpainEver lovable Big Mac is here to chase away those nightmares! Sleep tight, Apple Bloom.~Morning my friends, I hope you all had a good rest. Ready for a brand new day?
Twitter: Calpain -
Dolphins are all the rage, especially for a certain animal-loving pegasus, and if you've been watching Pony Life you will get what I mean! This tune is all about Rarity though, savoring a glass of fine whiskey at the beach with a floral hat en vogue. Tripon is joining her over on the musical side (and on the whiskey part as well I'm sure) with a tasty fresh Neurofunk banger featuring dolphin-like sounds... To savor without moderation!
Monday, September 28, 2020 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Drums and Bass, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Neurofunk -
Nightly Discussion #2296
by CalpainLuna here to welcome you to another night~Evening my friends, hope the start of the week has went well for you. Ready for October which is just around the corner?
Twitter: Calpain -
Good news! Or bad news?! Your boss just hired Derpy. On day one she accidently knocked a wall down. On day 2, she downloaded a virus looking up muffin recipes and now all of the computers are flooded with muffin-related popups. On day 3, she accidently added an extra 0 on the microsave and broke it. Needless to say, it has been a rough week.
How will you handle this situation? What will you do to make sure Derphorse doesn't blow up the entire office at this rate?
The limited edition purple skinned Twilight Sparkle from Kotobukiya is now available for pre-order on their official Koto-US website. Like the other figures, she's $99.99 with a limited quantity. They list her release at November 2020, so not nearly as far out as usual, probably due to the molds already being done and in production.
Thanks to Chris for the heads up.
As revealed a while ago, soapboxes will now happen once we get enough submissions for it. Send them whenever, but also expect them whenever!
If you'd like to submit one, hit this post up.
This time around, your headlines include:- Potion Nova is Not Evil, and Here's Why
- Flash Sentry v Timber Spruce: Dawn of Waifu Stealers
- How did the Remane 5 meet each other?
- Spike's the Hero of Season 10!
Get the articles below!
Is this music from 2001 A Space Odyssey? Music from a RPG's soundtrack? Music from an early prog rock band of the 70's? Music from the early Electronic music pioneers? Nope, it's brambleshadow4's new track, and needless to say it has tasteful musical inspirations! It's quite a bliss and it's all dedicated to Twilight and portraying her ascension as stated in the description, which was definitely so very beautifully done!
If Scootaloo can't fly, does that mean her drill doesn't work in this case?
Get art below!
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by Hakkerman5 on Twitter -
Fanfiction: The Scootaloo Switcheroo
by Calpain
Author: Impossible Numbers
Description: Rainbow Dash wakes up to an odd winter heatwave, but at least Scootaloo wants to play with her. By the end of the day, she's fighting her way through a nightmare blizzard. And only one question burns through her mind: WHERE'S THE REAL SCOOTALOO!?
The Scootaloo Switcheroo
Additional Tags: Heavenly Pegasi, Killer Blizzards, and Dreamlike Realitiesop 12:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Impossible Numbers, Complete, Drama, Fanfiction, Luna, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Story -
Two New Ornaments Revealed From Hallmark for 2020 - Adorable Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash
by SethistoHallmark is apparently making up for last year's ornament and years of recolors and re-releases of the ones we posted way back in the early days of the fandom. These two are their 2020 offerings, each available via Amazon for 8.99 a pop. No pre-order necessary, and that Pinkie is adorable.
Check them both out below, or hit them up on the site:
Morning Discussion #2068
by CalpainLet Celestia greet you on this lovely fall morning! Ready for a brand new day?While you're waking up, how about some chatter in the comments?
Twitter: Calpain -
Judging by its views, y'all most likely already have heard about it, but... here's me sharing it anyway! A quality remix of My Past is Not Today, sublimating Sunset's beautiful and meaningful vocals anew, to celebrate her character development!
Sunday, September 27, 2020 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Electro, Electronic, House, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal -
Nightly Discussion #2295
by CalpainA field trip! Remember those when you were back in school? Do you remember any fun ones you went on back in your childhood?Evening my friends, ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
Celebrate some Coco Pommel with me. She's the best after all.
Get lots of art below!
[1] Source
Coco Pommel by Marenlicious on Deviantart -
So I was slow to not realize that there are a lot more shorts being made for Equestria Girls and this was one of the ones I randomly stumbled upon. Hand to Luna, if I had known about this short before, I probably would’ve did it for Rarity Day. But better late than never. I also realized that I was not up on the cool slang as I thought I was and had to look up what the title meant. FOMO is actually an acronym for Fear Of Missing Out, which is really relatable in a lot of ways. When having a lot of friends who might hang out to do things without you, you can feel like something amazing happened and that you missed out on all the fun *cough* What About Discord *ahem**cough*. Anyway, if there was a moral to give to this short, it would be to trust your friends and know that they might have things they need to do, but never take it as if they’re abandoning you. Either that, or be sure to tip your taxi driver well when doing random stakeouts on your friends. Let’s take a look at our dramatic fashionista and see how she handles not being around her friends.
Spoiler Alert: she didn't handle it well
Author: Peppermint Owl
Over a thousand years ago, a costly war raged in the north. Its end was marked with a heavy tax imposed on the losing city, one that demanded the minotaurs pay in blood.
Six years pass, and with each year comes a new drawing of lots. On the seventh year, a new name is drawn, and yet another victim is cast into the labyrinth…
Art by HigglyTownHero
Since Seth likes batponies and The Owl House (especially Amity) this was a obligatory post.
Morning Discussion #2067
by CalpainOnly the best of friends get to wear hoodies of each other. Doesn't really work for us humans, but it sure looks cute on ponies.Morning everyone, I hope you all slept well. Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
How about a song combining Pinkie's Hyper side and Vylet's Pop proficiency, reacting to an awesome series of stylish artworks from Cassettepunk and chanting lesbian freedom in turn? Look no further, and get your fill! Vylet's take at Hyperpop is cute and energetic and tells a certain headcanon about Pinkie that is definitely adorable. "Falling in love with every single mare in Equestria", that is just so much win! And is that a party chainsaw?
Nightly Discussion #2294
by CalpainDash looking great in that coat!Evening everyone, I hope you are all doing well! Ready for some chatter tonight?
Twitter: Calpain -
There are a lot of popular ponies in the fandom that are more realistic color schemes for ponies. Octavia here in particular has a huge following of fans that love them some music mare.
Where do you fall on the favorite pony spectrum? Do you like them colorful and unique? Or are you more into the realistic colors? Maybe you don't care at all and just judge it entirely on personality?
Discuss below!