Nightly Roundup #1514
by Calpain
Rapidash Twilight would make for an interesting evil version of our purple book horse.
News time my friends! Get it all after the break!
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Wherever We Go, Friendship will always exist. That is the overarching concept of eksoka's new album, containing "songs released so far and some new songs", released on Bandcamp along this YouTube release of one of the songs from it Troposphere! You can feel some Clannad vibes from this track making it even more emotional for those who watched it, and eksoka's gorgeous and delicate musical style full of emotion is shining bright here once again, for the wonderful message about Friendship to resonate in our hearts thanks to the power of music and love! The cover art of the album was made by Yanamosuda with love as well!
Download the album from Bandcamp here, and find the YouTube upload of Troposphere embedded after the break.
Nightly Discussion #2237
by CalpainI've always been a fan of Wanderingpegasus and their awesome alternate designs for the characters. Lyra and Bon Bon look so adorable here.Good evening everyone! Welcome to the weekend as we celebrate Friday night! Ready to chat and say goodbye to July as well?
Twitter: Calpain -
Japan has a pretty big custom car scene, and with that comes the pony. We have seen them deck their cars out in cartoon horse before years ago, but this one in particular is pretty awesome. It celebrates the Kotobukiya figures, along with a badass Nightmare Moon on the hood.
Check out more images below!
Twilight header, cause her day is coming soon!
Get a bunch of art below.
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Twilight Sparkle by Avrameow on Deviantart
Psssst. It's Twilight Day in a week. August 6th to be exact. It's time to celebrate the princess of Friendship.
If you'd like to submit something for her day, send it over to submit@equestriadaily.com with TWILIGHT DAY as the subject. So TWILIGHT DAY - OPEN ART for open art.
The deadline will be 1:00 AM on the 6th this time around, so be sure to get them in quick! -
Morning Discussion #2009
by CalpainChrysalis makes for a really adorable nerd.Morning everyone! Hope you all slept well, ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
A pre-release from the impending compilation album Equinity 03: Breach on Cider Party, TCB's rework of the Sweetie Belle-themed track originally from the EP Cutie Cuts is filled with emotion all over again, showcasing such a unique progression and playing with both Sweetie Belle vocal samples from S04E19 For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils and vocal chops ever so masterfully!
Thursday, July 30, 2020 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Dubstep, Electronic, Future Bass, Media, Music, Music: Vocal -
Nightly Discussion #2236
by Calpain
Just give into the love, Adagio~
Evening everyone! Can you believe it is almost the weekend already? Let's get to chatting! -
Fanfiction: The Sisters and Their Bridge
by Calpain
Author: Ragnar
Description: Luna tells Twilight a story of when she and her sister were young, and Celestia built a bridge across a stream.
The Sisters and Their Bridge
Additional Tags: My sister once built a small bridge -
A new Power Ponies themed story has been released on the Gameloft MLP game. As usual, there are new objects, ponies, and events to collect with the right amount of grinding of cash.
And joining that is a short story from the wrestling arc in the pony comics.
Get them below along with some screencaps.
That's some top quality derp right there.
Get the plush pone below.
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Open mouth Derpy plush by meplushyou on Deviantart
Find the announcement below the break!
Pony Concept Music: RedSpark - A Tale of Starlight - Opening and Main Theme [Orchestral/Soundtrack]
by MakenshiPart of a brand new concept-powered "Symphonic Poem" from the musician, the Opening and Main Theme are setting the premise of a story about "Starlight and her best friend Trixie embarking on a journey to find the missing Princess of Frienship" as explained in the description. Such a concept is so awesome and I'm loving to imagine those two going on such an adventure, perhaps meeting new party members along the way! No matter if you decide to immerse yourself in a more J-RPG-like or LOTR-like setting, dive in the epic story by way of this musical introduction, ever so amazing!
Morning Discussion #2008
by CalpainA cute little Dashie to greet the morning!~Hello everyone, welcome to Thursday! Sleep well? Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
The time has finally come. After uncertainty with the pandemic, we have a release coming up for the first installment in the Transformers: Friendship in Disguise series, putting ponies together with giant robots.Expect it to release on the 5th of August.
Check the pages out below!
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 op 8:01 PM
Labels: Comic, News, Official Comic, Transformers Friendship in Disguise -
Nightly Discussion #2235
by CalpainThe things you do for friends, heh.Evening my friends, ready for some chatter tonight?
Twitter: Calpain -
More Pony Life Episodes Revealed - Ponies of the Moment / One Click Wonder / Zound Off/ Unboxing Day
by Sethisto
More Pony Life episodes have been revealed with 23rd of August. We aren't seeing a break from these anytime soon!
Below the break, get the new ones.
Solar horses are doing evil things again. Luckily that's super entertaining.
Check out a trailer for the second in the Solar Flare animations, following up on the animation that released a few years ago. Now with some super upgraded effects and a team!
Dashing. I know a few people who love them some EG rainbow dash.
Get anthro and humanized below!
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by jeremywithlove
Comic: Too Much Information / Twilight Reading / Pinkie Power / Crossword / Fix 2:12 / Lullaby 110
by Calpain
Heh, from the comic title and this single panel I'm sure you'll have an idea where this is going.
Comics guys, get them after the break!
Morning Discussion #2007
by CalpainWho thought it would be a good idea to send Lyra into space? Bon Bon doesn't seem too sure of this decision herself.Morning everyone! Ready for some chatter on this lovely Wednesday?
Twitter: Calpain
Nightly Discussion #2234
by CalpainAw, give Spike a hug! He really is a great little guy, isn't he? Not to say you aren't awesome yourself, Smolder!Evening friends, hope you all had a good day! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
Not cute at all, nope!
Get lots of art below!
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Smolder in Ms-Paint not cute by sallycars on Deviantart
The dragonlord arrives! And dominates most of the plushie market. We have quite a few Smolders, but Ember seems to be the main target.
Get the dragon plushies below.
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Princess Ember Custom Plush by NazFX on Deviantart
Smolder joins Ember in most dragon art! I guess you all really loved her or something, cause she's even more popular than the Dragon Lord. I was surprised.
Get a giant gallery of her below!
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Sitting Smolder by uotapo on Deviantart
Dragonlord Ember starts us off on our specific themed Drawfriend posts today, followed by Smolder and possibly misc dragons if there are enough. I haven't gotten that far. So far it seems like Ember and Smolder are usually the dragonny focus of fan art outside of Spike who has his own day.
Have a boatload of Embers below!
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Ember by Imalou on Deviantart
Nirik's are fine too.
Get a bunch of awesome art below!
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Autumn Blaze by Shore2020 on Deviantart
New Wave of Pony Life Stuff Arrives at Target Stores - Unicorn Party Celebration and More
by Sethisto
A new wave of Pony Life stuff has arrived at Target Stores around the US. This includes the set with Derpy Hooves. The focus this time is unicorns, with a few sets in their honor.
They also have the large Celestia that we've posted before, along with a few sets with Equestria Girl Minis.
Get the pictures below!
DnBeanie is back into pony music action!! It's always such an amazing feeling when you get a new upload notification email from YouTube showing a new music release from a pony musician who hasn't released stuff in years! I'm so happy that DnBeanie is back (under a new name), and with such a very cute and happy song, definitely so nostalgic and brimming with Equestrian vibes! Let's welcome back the musician with warm hugs! And feel free to catch up with all of their past pony music on their channel, so many songs, it's a gold mine for the pony music fan and collector!
By the end of the show we certainly got way more out of dragons in MLP than I ever imagined we would. Spike, Ember, Smolder and all the other dragons we got to know really helped paint a picture of dragon society and how it worked, a far cry from the only dragons we knowing about being Spike and the big dragon from Dragonshy back in season 1.What have you liked about the lore introduced for the dragons? What sort of questions would you have liked answered? Are there any episode ideas you would have liked to see in the show?Discuss all of that and more in the comments!Twitter: Calpain
Morning Discussion #2006
by CalpainAlways have liked Girlsay's artwork, it really reminds me of some of the Final Fantasy concept artwork, especially in the early days.Morning my friends! Ready for a brand new day?
Twitter: Calpain
Here Be Dragons! - Dragon Day Begins
by CalpainOne of the wonderful things about FiM has had to be the introduction of so many different species into the show. While our ponies are wonderful and there were certainly a number of species introduced in the form of monsters or baddies earlier on in the show, the world of FiM really started to feel 'lived in' once we began exploring beyond just ponies. Dragons were just one of the many species to get expanded on in the show, even giving us three awesome dragon characters in the form of Smolder, Ember, and, of course, Spike.So today, in celebration of all our dragon friends, you can expect a number of posts dedicated to our scaly compadres! Be sure to check in throughout the day to catch these special posts put in between our normal news.Been meaning to send something in for Dragon Day? You still have some time! Submissions will be accepted till 12pm PST so make sure to send in your entry to submit@equestriadaily.com with Dragon Day in the subject line followed by what you are sending in.Example: Dragon Day - ComicsAs usual, we hope you all enjoy!Twitter: Calpain -
New pony musician alert! Part of DustCar 01: Pony Life whose sync listen party just ended earlier, Juxtapone's contribution to the compo has some tasty Acid vibes and even guitars, and it samples Good as Hell that Pony Life promo song, all while playing on it with that awesome title Good as Tartarus! That was such an awesome way to fit to the theme and contribute to the compo, that had so many amazing contributions all around. Some tracks were singing reactions to Pony Life and it was so epic! The sync listen party was so wonderful and emotional! If you missed it, you can still join DustCar's Discord server and lookup the tracks from the compo available at the start of the #dustcar-race-1 chatroom! Be on the lookout for some of those potentially getting a public release in the future! And while the next DustCar race will have a non-pony topic, the one after that will be pony again, so feel free to join in the fun and maybe even contribute yourself! (Edit after getting the info: Because there was only one topic in July, the next race and the first of August is pony again this one time, and it's the one after that and the second of the month that will be non-pony, and it will keep alternating like this.)
Monday, July 27, 2020 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Techno -
Nightly Discussion #2233
by CalpainSome has gotten Sunburst all flustered! Just look at the poor boy blush~Evening everyone! I hope you are all doing well tonight. Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
New Pony Life Episodes Revealed! Bottle Episode / The Key Ingredient / I, Cookie / Keynote Pie / Potion Mystery / Sick Day / Meet Potion Nova! / Pony Surfin
by Sethisto
We've got four episodes of Pony Life being revealed from Tree House for their upcoming broadcasting schedule. The new ones include:
- Bottle Episode
- The Key Ingredient
- I, Cookie
- Keynote Pie
- Meet Potion Nova!
- Pony Surfin
- Potion Mystery
- Sick Day
It's looking like we won't be seeing a break soon, though we still don't have an exact count on episodes. Surpringly, Hasbro hasn't been anywhere near as leaky as they usual are with this one.
Thanks to mrx1983 for the heads up. -
The new roundup of the rest of the pony music that came out in the meantime is here! Get it while it's fresh! Various genres are represented again and there is stuff for every taste! There's also a new risqué ponification from When Hooves Meet Face, and the due YouTube release of that Rarity track from Ignite... And a bunch of mixes that you can find linked at the end of the post as usual! Check it all out after the break!
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