• Tracks From The Rest of Our Lives: SGaP Remix, New Le Soldat Pony Song, and More!

    Other tracks from the recent MLP tribute compilation album The Rest of Our Lives got released on YouTube in the meantime, including a banging and nostalgic remix of a SGaP classic by loophoof and Tw3Lv3, Replacer's track about the show being "infinite", a new very appreciated and reflective song by Freewave, a new song by Le Soldat Pony shared with us through the album, and no less than 3 solo contributions from Tw3Lv3! Find them all below the break!

    SoGreatandPowerful - On My Own (loophoof & Tw3Lv3 Remix)

    Replacer - Season Infinity

    Freewave - Twilight Sleeps Loudly

    Le Soldat Pony - Reunion [Artemis Epilogue] :: Coming Out

    Tw3Lv3 - Upgrades

    Tw3Lv3 - River Of Dismay

    Tw3Lv3 - Intrusive Thoughts