Yeah, I think I can agree that we could have always needed more Gabby in the show, but then again we could have used a lot of cool things in the show while it lasted. At the very least we have all of your creative ideas to fall back on, immortalized in drawn form. It was a pleasure to see all the cool ideas you all came up with for today!
Speaking of those ideas, you all managed to bring in 90 ponies which now brings us up to 3105 ponies in total! I wonder just how close to 4000 we will get by the time this is over?
For today's prompt I figured we'd do something nice. It's been a rough day and we can all do with some goodness in our days so for today's prompt I figured we could Draw a pony doing a good deed / Draw a pony being a stand up citizen.
As always you can find the submitter here.
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, wherever try this Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
4 Zecora's Homeland - EbonyCrystal1986
Zecora couldn't believe it, for the first time ever, SHE was being called by the Cutie Map! Not only that, but she had to return to her homeland to solve a friendship problem there, and Fluttershy and Twilight were being called as well! It had been a VERY long time since she set hoof back home, and naturally she was a BIT nervous, but also eager to show her friends where she was born. Fluttershy couldn't wait to meet all sorts of new animal friends, and Twilight was excited to learn more about the Zebra culture. Once they saw the many huts in sight, Zecora knew instantly that they would be in for quite the adventure!
Zecora couldn't believe it, for the first time ever, SHE was being called by the Cutie Map! Not only that, but she had to return to her homeland to solve a friendship problem there, and Fluttershy and Twilight were being called as well! It had been a VERY long time since she set hoof back home, and naturally she was a BIT nervous, but also eager to show her friends where she was born. Fluttershy couldn't wait to meet all sorts of new animal friends, and Twilight was excited to learn more about the Zebra culture. Once they saw the many huts in sight, Zecora knew instantly that they would be in for quite the adventure!
8 MLP- Her Ideas are So Bright - ExplosionMare
Her ideas are so bright, she needs sunglasses just to think about them. Most of her ideas are about the sun.
Her ideas are so bright, she needs sunglasses just to think about them. Most of her ideas are about the sun.
10 Celestial Battle - Just Art Random
Don't get me wrong, I love the series finale of MLP:FiM, but I would've love to see the mane 6 fight the two celestial beings hidden inside the sisters.
Don't get me wrong, I love the series finale of MLP:FiM, but I would've love to see the mane 6 fight the two celestial beings hidden inside the sisters.
13 Fink The Parrot - Lorewolf
Narrated from the point of view of the yellow parrot (not the dead one) who the Doctor will experiment on to make hyper-intelligent.
Narrated from the point of view of the yellow parrot (not the dead one) who the Doctor will experiment on to make hyper-intelligent.
14 Doctor My Eyes - SOENJAY
I always wanted an episode that dug deeper into the lives of Derpy and Doc.
Plus, any opportunity I get to include lyrics from a classic rock song as relevant dialogue makes me happy.
Make sure to listen to Jackson Browne's "Doctor My Eyes"
I always wanted an episode that dug deeper into the lives of Derpy and Doc.
Plus, any opportunity I get to include lyrics from a classic rock song as relevant dialogue makes me happy.
Make sure to listen to Jackson Browne's "Doctor My Eyes"
15 Lyrabon - llametsul
Would've loved an episode focused solely on them.
Also yay, Lyrabon day soon <3 span="">
Would've loved an episode focused solely on them.
Also yay, Lyrabon day soon <3 span="">
17 Honest to a Fault - Rainspeak
Friendship lesson: Sometimes *how* you say something is as important as *what* you say.
Friendship lesson: Sometimes *how* you say something is as important as *what* you say.
18 Bulb - RhythmPixel
A brilliant idea, or just a bulb above. Definitely did not missed all the other days, but I wanted to do another one real quick when I had the time. Good luck to the rest!
A brilliant idea, or just a bulb above. Definitely did not missed all the other days, but I wanted to do another one real quick when I had the time. Good luck to the rest!
20 2020 ATG X - Day 23 - Times of Yore - KirbyLiscious
I hope everyone is still doing okay! :) You all are doing such great artwork! You all got this!! <333 span="">
I hope everyone is still doing okay! :) You all are doing such great artwork! You all got this!! <333 span="">
21 NATG2020 - Day 23 - Green power - DarkDabula
"Equestrian science competition, first prize: one-way journey to the moon !"
"Equestrian science competition, first prize: one-way journey to the moon !"
22 ATG23: Semi-Antro Dashie aka the qt - Yelowcrom
My perfect idea for an episode is.... semi-anthro ponies, semi-anthro ponies everywhere
My perfect idea for an episode is.... semi-anthro ponies, semi-anthro ponies everywhere
27 Cover - MLT
The primary job of a water harvester is to irrigate planets via comets. This requires a fair amount of control over water.
It doesn't take much work to turn water into fog very quickly.
The primary job of a water harvester is to irrigate planets via comets. This requires a fair amount of control over water.
It doesn't take much work to turn water into fog very quickly.
28 Business idea - Ragmo
t's not the season but anyways. Since the horn sticks so, out i'm sure it gets quite cold during winter - if you don't want your horn freezing grab one of those hoff-knitted horn-warmer. Made from the best wool around and it keeps your horn warm. Guaranteed!
t's not the season but anyways. Since the horn sticks so, out i'm sure it gets quite cold during winter - if you don't want your horn freezing grab one of those hoff-knitted horn-warmer. Made from the best wool around and it keeps your horn warm. Guaranteed!
35 Trouble in Paradise - Lorewolf
Can you guess where I grew up?
I would LOVE for the love-yourself Pony, Whoa Nelly, to be the beloved Mayor of Ponilulu. No stretch that that's where Sandbar is from. It was hard not to get too political with this one.
Can you guess where I grew up?
I would LOVE for the love-yourself Pony, Whoa Nelly, to be the beloved Mayor of Ponilulu. No stretch that that's where Sandbar is from. It was hard not to get too political with this one.
37 ED: NATG 2020 Day 23 - Adde
I really enjoyed 'Between Dark and Dawn', so I wanted to continue it with Twilight Sparkle enjoying 'normal' life for once.
I really enjoyed 'Between Dark and Dawn', so I wanted to continue it with Twilight Sparkle enjoying 'normal' life for once.
42 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 2020 23a - Meto30
Prompt 23 is "Pony experiencing my idea for a perfect episode", which if you ask me is an episode in which Celestia is awesome and/or mysterious. For the longest time it was Celestia interacting with Sunset, until Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship did just that, so for this prompt I'm doing something further.
Prompt 23 is "Pony experiencing my idea for a perfect episode", which if you ask me is an episode in which Celestia is awesome and/or mysterious. For the longest time it was Celestia interacting with Sunset, until Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship did just that, so for this prompt I'm doing something further.
43 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 2020 23b - Meto30
Prompt 23 is "Pony experiencing my idea for a perfect episode", which if you ask me is an episode in which Celestia is awesome and/or mysterious. For the longest time it was Celestia interacting with Sunset, until Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship did just that, so for this prompt I'm doing something further.
Prompt 23 is "Pony experiencing my idea for a perfect episode", which if you ask me is an episode in which Celestia is awesome and/or mysterious. For the longest time it was Celestia interacting with Sunset, until Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship did just that, so for this prompt I'm doing something further.
52 Golden Lace's Jealous Idea - Daimando
Okay. This might be stretching it. But for some reason, I felt like drawing Golden Lace again. This time, she's got an idea on how to publicly humiliate Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young, the adopted daughters of Princess Celestia. The reason why she looks down upon these two is simply this.
She sees Sunset Shimmer as being a fake royal and an embarrassment towards the rich and wealthy. She considers her to be unwelcome and unworthy.
And she sees Wanda as a vile creature, or rather an animal that belongs in a circus than to mingle with the ponies of Equestria.
But then again, when was Golden Lace an example of standing beside her fellow colts and fillies? In fact, she's much more cruel than Diamond Tiara was in Friendship is Magic. Mainly because both her parents are the symbol of cruelty.
Okay. This might be stretching it. But for some reason, I felt like drawing Golden Lace again. This time, she's got an idea on how to publicly humiliate Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young, the adopted daughters of Princess Celestia. The reason why she looks down upon these two is simply this.
She sees Sunset Shimmer as being a fake royal and an embarrassment towards the rich and wealthy. She considers her to be unwelcome and unworthy.
And she sees Wanda as a vile creature, or rather an animal that belongs in a circus than to mingle with the ponies of Equestria.
But then again, when was Golden Lace an example of standing beside her fellow colts and fillies? In fact, she's much more cruel than Diamond Tiara was in Friendship is Magic. Mainly because both her parents are the symbol of cruelty.
53 2020 ATG Day 23 - Sugar-Loop
For the full story behind this one, please go to the direct DeviantART link! If you'd like the TLDR; Twilight can't handle raising both the sun and moon, Sunset comes back and takes over the sun by splitting up the amulet from Between Dark and Dawn, they get together and live happily ever after!
For the full story behind this one, please go to the direct DeviantART link! If you'd like the TLDR; Twilight can't handle raising both the sun and moon, Sunset comes back and takes over the sun by splitting up the amulet from Between Dark and Dawn, they get together and live happily ever after!
54 Ideal Pineapple Pizza - Pone-Dancer
Sceonfidential's character has literally made a pineapple pizza. The authorities are not as amused.
Sceonfidential's character has literally made a pineapple pizza. The authorities are not as amused.
55 Duel of the Fates ...sorta - Termyotter
Twilight having a bright idea, yeah, big surprise there. She liked applying what she learned early. Yes, you can try to create serious important things. What's more important than a fun time with your brother though?
OK, I also really really wanted to have him say the "we can rule" line Vader uses considering where Twilight and Shining end up. Its just too good to pass up.
Twilight having a bright idea, yeah, big surprise there. She liked applying what she learned early. Yes, you can try to create serious important things. What's more important than a fun time with your brother though?
OK, I also really really wanted to have him say the "we can rule" line Vader uses considering where Twilight and Shining end up. Its just too good to pass up.
61 Bug On Set - dzamie
Alright, but could you imagine if the writers actually went in on that whole "Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow are slowly becoming friends" instead of "actually they're irredeemable pieces of shit"? Opposing friendship lasers (with Grogar getting dunked on in the crossfire) - the Past, Present, and Future would win, of course, but the three would escape unstoned, at the edge of Equestria, and resolve to plan their next attack over lunch. Together. As friends.
So, here's Dzbold sitting in as a guest writer (or director? idk) giving direction to Chrysalis in the next scene to be filmed.
Alright, but could you imagine if the writers actually went in on that whole "Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow are slowly becoming friends" instead of "actually they're irredeemable pieces of shit"? Opposing friendship lasers (with Grogar getting dunked on in the crossfire) - the Past, Present, and Future would win, of course, but the three would escape unstoned, at the edge of Equestria, and resolve to plan their next attack over lunch. Together. As friends.
So, here's Dzbold sitting in as a guest writer (or director? idk) giving direction to Chrysalis in the next scene to be filmed.
66 Rainbow Saves the Day - NotADeliciousPotato
Can't make a new rainbow? Just use one that you already have!
Can't make a new rainbow? Just use one that you already have!
72 - ZetaMad
I know it's a cliche to have the evil version of the protagonist, but I think the Twilight that Chrysalis created had potential. Seeing that Chrysalis kept the purple trunk I hoped that somehow it would return and be another villain
I know it's a cliche to have the evil version of the protagonist, but I think the Twilight that Chrysalis created had potential. Seeing that Chrysalis kept the purple trunk I hoped that somehow it would return and be another villain
73 Equestria history - Lagarto
In the comics, there was this invasion of Canterlot that never was mentioned or explained again. My perfect episode would be about some historical event in the 1000 years between Nightmare Moon and the beginning of the series... with lots of Celestia, of course <3 span="">
In the comics, there was this invasion of Canterlot that never was mentioned or explained again. My perfect episode would be about some historical event in the 1000 years between Nightmare Moon and the beginning of the series... with lots of Celestia, of course <3 span="">
74 Brilliant Idea - Frith
Innovation is slow in Equestria, despite 1,000 years of stability. Anytime a pony has a truly brilliant idea, they explode. Twice. Leaving but a scorch mark and a pile of ashes.
Innovation is slow in Equestria, despite 1,000 years of stability. Anytime a pony has a truly brilliant idea, they explode. Twice. Leaving but a scorch mark and a pile of ashes.
75 bright ideas - Cornerback Fluttershy
Digital version of my pony with a deadline drawing yesterday. She has overcome her writer's block and should have no problem with the deadline! Sometimes the hardest part of the whole process is figuring out where to start.
Digital version of my pony with a deadline drawing yesterday. She has overcome her writer's block and should have no problem with the deadline! Sometimes the hardest part of the whole process is figuring out where to start.
76 Ideaaaaaaaaa! - NovatheShrouded
Rarity's creative inspiration strikes again, jotting her brilliant ideas on a notepad.
Rarity's creative inspiration strikes again, jotting her brilliant ideas on a notepad.
84 A Great and Powerful Idea - Tigerett
Starlight regrets ever telling Trixie about what happens when you mix caffeinated soda with Mentos.
Starlight regrets ever telling Trixie about what happens when you mix caffeinated soda with Mentos.
86 ATG10 Day 23: Back to Applebucking - acrazzyperson
My idea for an episode is having Apple Bloom run the farm after Applejack gets injured, but quickly gets overwhelmed. The moral would be about balancing work and free time.
My idea for an episode is having Apple Bloom run the farm after Applejack gets injured, but quickly gets overwhelmed. The moral would be about balancing work and free time.
88 NATG Day 23- Bright Idea - Sloppy Steve (8-bitBrony)
Another gif, please follow the link to my DA page to see the full animation.
Another gif, please follow the link to my DA page to see the full animation.
89 Pinkie trying to get small - Taurson
NATG 2020 Day23: today's prompt was to draw ponies experiencing your ideal episode so I drew Twilight and Pinkie in the an episode idea of Pinkie being big and Twilight helping her trying to get small, something simple
NATG 2020 Day23: today's prompt was to draw ponies experiencing your ideal episode so I drew Twilight and Pinkie in the an episode idea of Pinkie being big and Twilight helping her trying to get small, something simple
Twitter: Calpain