OCs have come a very long way since I first got into the fandom back in 2011. I remember when it was amazing that we could create our own ponies with Pony Creator, a flood of ponies of all colors and cutie marks appearing across the fandom. Nowadays there are fandom characters that are as popular as canon characters from the show: Button's Mom, Fluffle Puff, Apogee, and so on. It really is amazing to see how they've grown and I want to thank you all for sharing your OCs tonight, whether they were doing something related to their talent or doing something you found fun!
For tonight's haul, we managed a lovely 127 ponies which brings us up to 1766 ponies in total! We're seeing some slow down, but I think we're still ahead of last year so keep it up everyone!
Now that we've had a chance to share a bit about ourselves and our OCs I have a more standard prompt for you all tonight! Imagination and a lot of thought go into creativity, whether you are an artist, a musician, a crafter, ect. That's why tonight I'd like you guys to Draw a pony with a wild imagination / Draw a pony lost in thought.
You can find the submitter here!
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, wherever try this Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy
Use that to URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, wherever try this Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy
Use that to URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
1 She does the maths! (She does the monster maths) - Zeal Crown
Credits for the equation~ https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/209096/split-and-align-long-equation
Credits for the equation~ https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/209096/split-and-align-long-equation
4 Day 11: Zhwoop - ArkaDarp
Combined both: I like video games and she's good at puzzles, so i=I picked my most favorite, most obscure puzzle game. Major respect to anyone who recognizes it.
Combined both: I like video games and she's good at puzzles, so i=I picked my most favorite, most obscure puzzle game. Major respect to anyone who recognizes it.
5 On the surface - Quint-t-W
I should go look at what the status is on swimming in nearby pools at the moment.
I should go look at what the status is on swimming in nearby pools at the moment.
6 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 2020 11a - Meto30
My response to Prompt 11 is in two pages, with the first page providing the introduction to the actual response on the second page. I originally planned on following the prompt to the letter, which calls for a pony doing the artist's favourite things to do, but on trying out a few ideas I realised that was going to be difficult to execute while maintaining the narrative structure of the viewpoint (me) walking beside Sunset. Therefore, I imagined what would be one of Sunset's favourite things to do instead, and I decided it was to ride a bike. Note, that bike is probably way too expensive for Sunset to purchase, but I figure a person of her talent and means should be able to get her hands on one. Some fanfics argue that she could have brought golden Equestrian Bits to the human world and sold them for a fortune, anyway.
PS: On reflection, the viewpoint (me) wasn't really walking beside Sunset; most viewpoints are from behind. I gotta work in more frontal views.
My response to Prompt 11 is in two pages, with the first page providing the introduction to the actual response on the second page. I originally planned on following the prompt to the letter, which calls for a pony doing the artist's favourite things to do, but on trying out a few ideas I realised that was going to be difficult to execute while maintaining the narrative structure of the viewpoint (me) walking beside Sunset. Therefore, I imagined what would be one of Sunset's favourite things to do instead, and I decided it was to ride a bike. Note, that bike is probably way too expensive for Sunset to purchase, but I figure a person of her talent and means should be able to get her hands on one. Some fanfics argue that she could have brought golden Equestrian Bits to the human world and sold them for a fortune, anyway.
PS: On reflection, the viewpoint (me) wasn't really walking beside Sunset; most viewpoints are from behind. I gotta work in more frontal views.
7 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 2020 11a - Meto30
My response to Prompt 11 is in two pages, with the first page providing the introduction to the actual response on the second page. I originally planned on following the prompt to the letter, which calls for a pony doing the artist's favourite things to do, but on trying out a few ideas I realised that was going to be difficult to execute while maintaining the narrative structure of the viewpoint (me) walking beside Sunset. Therefore, I imagined what would be one of Sunset's favourite things to do instead, and I decided it was to ride a bike. Note, that bike is probably way too expensive for Sunset to purchase, but I figure a person of her talent and means should be able to get her hands on one. Some fanfics argue that she could have brought golden Equestrian Bits to the human world and sold them for a fortune, anyway.
PS: On reflection, the viewpoint (me) wasn't really walking beside Sunset; most viewpoints are from behind. I gotta work in more frontal views.
My response to Prompt 11 is in two pages, with the first page providing the introduction to the actual response on the second page. I originally planned on following the prompt to the letter, which calls for a pony doing the artist's favourite things to do, but on trying out a few ideas I realised that was going to be difficult to execute while maintaining the narrative structure of the viewpoint (me) walking beside Sunset. Therefore, I imagined what would be one of Sunset's favourite things to do instead, and I decided it was to ride a bike. Note, that bike is probably way too expensive for Sunset to purchase, but I figure a person of her talent and means should be able to get her hands on one. Some fanfics argue that she could have brought golden Equestrian Bits to the human world and sold them for a fortune, anyway.
PS: On reflection, the viewpoint (me) wasn't really walking beside Sunset; most viewpoints are from behind. I gotta work in more frontal views.
9 Playing around - Khaki Cap
A short sketch to join the NATG 2020 (and because I've been drawing and painting all day long).
A short sketch to join the NATG 2020 (and because I've been drawing and painting all day long).
11 Daydream Comfort - Just Art Random
I like to daydream! I do it all the time, especially when I'm bored. So I drew something from my imagination, a perfect daydreaming environment for me. Surrounded with fluffy stuff toys, good tunes and natural cold brought to you by mother nature herself.
I like to daydream! I do it all the time, especially when I'm bored. So I drew something from my imagination, a perfect daydreaming environment for me. Surrounded with fluffy stuff toys, good tunes and natural cold brought to you by mother nature herself.
12 The Mountain Pass - Star Shine
Im going to include a little description of my oc just to give the picture a bit of context. So this is my oc Star Shine who is an explorer. When she is on an adventure she usually goes under the name North Atlas so people don't know her true identity. She also has a magic gem that changes her form into a bat pony which she normally is during her expeditions (again so people dont notice her). However, on this particular adventure the gem is broken so she cant transform. I thought it would be fun to add a little story behind the drawing.
Im going to include a little description of my oc just to give the picture a bit of context. So this is my oc Star Shine who is an explorer. When she is on an adventure she usually goes under the name North Atlas so people don't know her true identity. She also has a magic gem that changes her form into a bat pony which she normally is during her expeditions (again so people dont notice her). However, on this particular adventure the gem is broken so she cant transform. I thought it would be fun to add a little story behind the drawing.
15 MLP- Pixelated Pencil Pouch - ExplosionMare
One of my lesser known hobbies is writing, so I’m showcasing Pencil Pouch writing a story here. I was going to use her special talent but her talent is drawing so I had to come up with something else.
One of my lesser known hobbies is writing, so I’m showcasing Pencil Pouch writing a story here. I was going to use her special talent but her talent is drawing so I had to come up with something else.
20 Two sisters playing the NES on a warm night - Daimando
Before I became interested in Drawing and Source Filmmaker, I was more of a gamer. NES, SNES, N64, Playstation 2, Gamecube, 360, Wii. I enjoyed every moment of gaming when I could. And to showcase that being a gamer is still fun to this day, I have a drawing of Wanda and Sunset playing on the NES. Whatever NES game they're playing, it's all up to you.
Note: I had to revise this entry because I forgot to add a Cutie Mark to Sunset Shimmer.
Before I became interested in Drawing and Source Filmmaker, I was more of a gamer. NES, SNES, N64, Playstation 2, Gamecube, 360, Wii. I enjoyed every moment of gaming when I could. And to showcase that being a gamer is still fun to this day, I have a drawing of Wanda and Sunset playing on the NES. Whatever NES game they're playing, it's all up to you.
Note: I had to revise this entry because I forgot to add a Cutie Mark to Sunset Shimmer.
21 Goggle Sparks and her Muffin Golem. - GoggleSparks
Goggle's special talent at her best. Reanimation!
Goggle's special talent at her best. Reanimation!
22 A Morning Run - NotADeliciousPotato
ATG Day 11: Draw a pony doing something you like to do (outside of drawing)
I really was left with only 3 choices "outside of drawing". Of them, I picked the one with the most dynamic pose (specifically jogging).
ATG Day 11: Draw a pony doing something you like to do (outside of drawing)
I really was left with only 3 choices "outside of drawing". Of them, I picked the one with the most dynamic pose (specifically jogging).
24 [SFM] Even Blathers would like this bug (NATG 11) - red4567
I like playing videogames, and Animal Crossing is one of them.
I like playing videogames, and Animal Crossing is one of them.
26 Dungeons and Dragons! - Kammy / MonsoonVisionz
My entry for "Draw a pony doing something you love other than drawing" is my pony sona taking part in some D&D. I've grown super fond of my adventures with new friends, being in two groups, I have a ton of fun and I look forward to it excitedly!
My entry for "Draw a pony doing something you love other than drawing" is my pony sona taking part in some D&D. I've grown super fond of my adventures with new friends, being in two groups, I have a ton of fun and I look forward to it excitedly!
27 Newbie Artist Training Grounds X: Day 11 - Favourite Things - Argyle
This was a rush job, guys. I tried my best, but I didn't have much time, nor really much idea what to draw. I did get a KFC for dinner though, which is how this idea came into my head.
Argyle does love his chicken.
This was a rush job, guys. I tried my best, but I didn't have much time, nor really much idea what to draw. I did get a KFC for dinner though, which is how this idea came into my head.
Argyle does love his chicken.
28 NATG2020 - Day 11- Clicking Keys - DarkDabula
"When you can't do it with a RaspberryPi, do it with an Arduino"
"When you can't do it with a RaspberryPi, do it with an Arduino"
31 Sweetly Singing - MachoPony
this prompt actually has 2 meanings for me, i enjoy walking, especially this lovely little shaded nature path alongside the river, but i also enjoy singing when nobody else is around, its not that i'm bad, i'm just embarrassed to be singing "A Kirin Tale" out in public
this prompt actually has 2 meanings for me, i enjoy walking, especially this lovely little shaded nature path alongside the river, but i also enjoy singing when nobody else is around, its not that i'm bad, i'm just embarrassed to be singing "A Kirin Tale" out in public
33 Relaxed reading - Ragmo
In between stuff i usually read something. Last thing was 'The City of Dreaming Books' by Walter Moers (read it in the original german version). Normally i do that on my train rides to work and back home; but because of the corona situation i'm in homeoffice and read things where i can spend a couple of minutes on and put it away. Novels don't work for me in this situation - i'd rather have a full 30-60+ minutes in a sitting for them - , so i settle with mangas. Rn i'm on 'Beastars' and catching up with 'My Hero Academia'
In between stuff i usually read something. Last thing was 'The City of Dreaming Books' by Walter Moers (read it in the original german version). Normally i do that on my train rides to work and back home; but because of the corona situation i'm in homeoffice and read things where i can spend a couple of minutes on and put it away. Novels don't work for me in this situation - i'd rather have a full 30-60+ minutes in a sitting for them - , so i settle with mangas. Rn i'm on 'Beastars' and catching up with 'My Hero Academia'
37 Crafter's Tiara - Soobel
Almost 2 in one, my OC's special talent and my other hobby. I just have not so fancy lenses and i craft model trains, not precious jewelry.
Almost 2 in one, my OC's special talent and my other hobby. I just have not so fancy lenses and i craft model trains, not precious jewelry.
38 Coffee's special talent - Taurson
NATG 2020 Day 11: todays prompt is to draw your pony's special talent so Coffee's is usually making some delicious coffee along with some pastry treats here
NATG 2020 Day 11: todays prompt is to draw your pony's special talent so Coffee's is usually making some delicious coffee along with some pastry treats here
39 Home Cook - NATG - Sprite
I got the scene building done well, but I hate Sprite's eyes. Have a Sprite cooking a meal for herself.
I got the scene building done well, but I hate Sprite's eyes. Have a Sprite cooking a meal for herself.
46 Dungeons and Lemons - Termyotter
Pony doing something you enjoy... OK, as today is RPG day. I DO love my very badass alchemist (in Pathfinder actually). She's totally smart enough to make her alchemical bombs out of lemons!
(Yes I'm totally ripping off Cave Johnson's lemons rant)
Pony doing something you enjoy... OK, as today is RPG day. I DO love my very badass alchemist (in Pathfinder actually). She's totally smart enough to make her alchemical bombs out of lemons!
(Yes I'm totally ripping off Cave Johnson's lemons rant)
49 NATG 2020 - Day11: Pony's Special Talent - tallaferroxiv
Rosie is very good at taking care of Ruby.
Rosie is very good at taking care of Ruby.
56 Rapidly Annoying - Rapidsnap (GJM)
Mood is in a bit of a gutter hence the poor effort. But I still try and put a smile on faces.
Here's a link to the song if you dare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFuGRBAKM2I
Mood is in a bit of a gutter hence the poor effort. But I still try and put a smile on faces.
Here's a link to the song if you dare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFuGRBAKM2I
62 NATG Day 11- Shotsie - Sloppy Steve (8-bitBrony)
This is only the fourth time I've drawn Shotsie, my second OC. She is the goodest little ping pong pony.
A few of the things that she likes are: grapefruits, green beans, PatrÃcio (her paddle).
A few of the things that she dislikes are: bussing tables (her current job), her archenemy Dennis, and how short her tail is (she is very self-conscious about it).
This is only the fourth time I've drawn Shotsie, my second OC. She is the goodest little ping pong pony.
A few of the things that she likes are: grapefruits, green beans, PatrÃcio (her paddle).
A few of the things that she dislikes are: bussing tables (her current job), her archenemy Dennis, and how short her tail is (she is very self-conscious about it).
66 Copyca- Er, Bug! - dzamie
Cloaken Dagger can cast any spell he's observing almost simultaneously with the original caster. He'll run out of magic at a normal rate, though, no taking on alicorns for him. Here he's showing off for Twilight. He rather likes showing off.
Cloaken Dagger can cast any spell he's observing almost simultaneously with the original caster. He'll run out of magic at a normal rate, though, no taking on alicorns for him. Here he's showing off for Twilight. He rather likes showing off.
67 Enjoying the View - PianoCube
I loved climbing trees and enjoying the view when I was younger, and I still do sometimes. So here's Glimmer enjoying the view from a tree.
I didn't feel like putting much effort into drawing the tree though. Just drawing the pony took more than enough time.
I loved climbing trees and enjoying the view when I was younger, and I still do sometimes. So here's Glimmer enjoying the view from a tree.
I didn't feel like putting much effort into drawing the tree though. Just drawing the pony took more than enough time.
74 I am Just a Pony! - Sigmath Bits
I make mistakes from time to time!
But now I know the real me!
And put my heart out on the line!
And let the magic in my heart stray true! Woah, woah!
Just like the magic inside of you!
I make mistakes from time to time!
But now I know the real me!
And put my heart out on the line!
And let the magic in my heart stray true! Woah, woah!
Just like the magic inside of you!
77 Wood Carving - Litrojia
Cotton enjoys carving.
ATG finally gave me an excuse to draw OC lore. I had some other doodles that I wanted to complete today relating to his shop, larger-scale woodworking, and the flame on his cutie mark, but I think I'll save those for another time.
Cotton enjoys carving.
ATG finally gave me an excuse to draw OC lore. I had some other doodles that I wanted to complete today relating to his shop, larger-scale woodworking, and the flame on his cutie mark, but I think I'll save those for another time.
86 Talented Daycare Provider - Pone-Dancer
Azure's newer OC, Rosemary, gets along super well with foals. It's definitely her talent in this world :-D
Not much else to say really, except that I had to simplify her mane/tail design a lot >.< Apologies for that! The short comics sort of say it all! Rosemary's personality is just perfect for what she does. The dark colored foal is named Woolly Molly and she belongs to AutinBrony
Azure's newer OC, Rosemary, gets along super well with foals. It's definitely her talent in this world :-D
Not much else to say really, except that I had to simplify her mane/tail design a lot >.< Apologies for that! The short comics sort of say it all! Rosemary's personality is just perfect for what she does. The dark colored foal is named Woolly Molly and she belongs to AutinBrony
90 The Druid - nopony
This is my OC. He doesn't want to reveal his real name, so he is known as "nopony" or "the druid". He can use his staff to create lightning bolts, among other things.
This is my OC. He doesn't want to reveal his real name, so he is known as "nopony" or "the druid". He can use his staff to create lightning bolts, among other things.
99 Syncopated Stallion - SOENJAY
I love listening and singing along to classic rock, especially the Eagles. This song is "I Wish You Peace" by the Eagles, lead vocals by Bernie Leadon. It's an underrated song and really chill.
I love listening and singing along to classic rock, especially the Eagles. This song is "I Wish You Peace" by the Eagles, lead vocals by Bernie Leadon. It's an underrated song and really chill.
106 Windcatcher the Flying Teacher - phallen1
Windy giving one of her little cousins some guidance and support in the sky.
Windy giving one of her little cousins some guidance and support in the sky.
108 Hidden Attic - SazerLite
I have North Star exploring places a lot. She must be my secret spirit animal or something.
I have North Star exploring places a lot. She must be my secret spirit animal or something.
110 Ebony's Favorite Things - EbonyCrystal1986
Believe it or not, there's more to Ebony than just her artwork. She's also a lover of video games, music and just curling up with a good book, especially on those rainy days or on days there's just not that much to do. Either way, she's happy with doing whatever she feels like doing.
Believe it or not, there's more to Ebony than just her artwork. She's also a lover of video games, music and just curling up with a good book, especially on those rainy days or on days there's just not that much to do. Either way, she's happy with doing whatever she feels like doing.
111 Read - Frith
This was challenging to draw, so many curves and swirls, and then merging two views of Luna to get what I was looking for. But it wasn't a chore. To think I'd hoped to have time to colour this! Ha!
This was challenging to draw, so many curves and swirls, and then merging two views of Luna to get what I was looking for. But it wasn't a chore. To think I'd hoped to have time to colour this! Ha!
122 Tai Writes His Novel - TaichiKeaton
Tai sits at his favorite writing desk, with a cupcake and a warm mug of tea by his side as he works on his latest novel about his little niece's adventures.
Tai sits at his favorite writing desk, with a cupcake and a warm mug of tea by his side as he works on his latest novel about his little niece's adventures.
123 Twilight playing video games - Twilightning Storm
I'm still not sure if the controller's big enough for her..
I'm still not sure if the controller's big enough for her..
124 Adventure of a Lifetime - Sparkyler
It took me a while to think about how I wanted to do this, Its hard to draw a pony on an adventure without having to explain it. This Idea came to me when I was turned down from art tech, I wanted to make a collage of all the adventures Sparky has been on. The Image I drew is young Sparky getting his cutiemark and a few memories of the many adventures he would go on using past ATG drawings and a few others Ive made while learning how to draw.
It took me a while to think about how I wanted to do this, Its hard to draw a pony on an adventure without having to explain it. This Idea came to me when I was turned down from art tech, I wanted to make a collage of all the adventures Sparky has been on. The Image I drew is young Sparky getting his cutiemark and a few memories of the many adventures he would go on using past ATG drawings and a few others Ive made while learning how to draw.
Twitter: Calpain