SFM animator PSFMer is now diving into pony music creation as well, and that is such wonderful news! His first musical release on the channel full of SFM pony animations is quite impressive already, with this dark DnB composition themed around the creepy flowers from Dashie's nightmare in S05E13 Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep, and sampling them too! The dark atmosphere reflects the concept of the nightmare so well, and this is so well envisioned! I'm very excited for what else PSFMer will have in store for us in the future!
Nightly Discussion #2147
by CalpainHow about an oldie but goodie for tonight's header? I really miss SophieCabra's stuff, it was always so wholesome.Evening everyone, I hope you are all doing well. Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Here's an artist that has headered a ton of Drawfriend posts over the last few years, and someone I've been meaning to get to for the Artist Spotlight section. RysunkowaSucharia, or just Suchar for short, is another one of those fandom success stories who started off at this level only a few years ago, and now creates masterpieces like the Twilight up there pretty regularly. Further proof that art is all about practice practice practice! You can do a lot in 3 years!
How did they get so good so quick? What process do they got through to create something like that? Head on down below for an interview that goes in depth on all of it, plus a mini gallery.
The moon is feeling very judgemental today. Will you be judged by her?
We've got open art! Go get it all below.
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by Fizzban on Twitter
After years of hard work and a month delay, Them's Fightin' Herds officially launches today! If you haven't been following this game's progress at all, it is essentially the spiritual successor to the old DMCA'd "Fighting is Magic" from years ago. When that got shut down, Lauren Faust hopped in and offered to do art for a completely standalone hooved battle game, and with a team of skilled coders this is the result!
The guys at Mane6 are setting it up to officially release version 1.0 later tonight according to their Discord, assuming everything goes smoothly.
Go pick it up in preparation over here!
Flutterbutter continues. Just because her day is over, doesn't mean I don't love her.
Get lots of pone art below.
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Laying Low by thediscorded
Midair Pony Fair Tomorrow!
by Calpain
Have you been feeling bit down due to the lack of conventions this year or just want something fun to do this week? Midair Pony Fair has got your back as it promises a wonderful time starting May 1st and ending May 2nd, all completely online!
There will be many special guests as well as special appearances by Big Jim and Elley-Ray, musicians, panels, games and more! Check out all the details after the break!
The last pre-release from Ignite before the break of dawn, Best Of Friends is a sweet, sweet collab from Faulty, John Kenza and PegasYs that sings about an equally sweet theme, that of the love shared between Lyra and Bon Bon! We saw how it got expressed in the show, and it's wonderful to have a song giving the musicians' own take at what those two have been feeling and thinking. Let's dive in the bliss of cute vocals and an uplifting instrumental, and join the musicians in the celebration of love!! No matter if you call yourselves "friends" or "lovers" or something else, what matters is the true love felt inside! And love... has no limits!! I can tell from experience!
For those unaware, long time Brony Con Circuit community guest, master >:/ , and friend to all ScopeGuardPony has experienced a lot of tragedy in his life over the past couple of months.
Full details about those events can be found on the GoFundMe Page he set up to help his Mom.
To help with this endeavor, Big Jim Miller, Katrina Hadley, Tony Fleecs, Sara Richard, Agnes Garbowska, and many more have all launched twitter auctions to raise funds for Scope!
For icing on the cake: The Manliest Brony in the World DustyKat will be hosting a pseudo auction on his Twitch Channel on Friday to close it out!
Be sure to check out all the really cool stuff you can bid on to help out Scope after the break!
Morning Discussion #1918
by CalpainIf you can't decide on which of the mane six to post why not post all of them at once? Problem solved!Morning everyone, hope you are all doing well. Ready for another day?
Twitter: Calpain -
Musically inspired by Rammstein's song Deutschland, StableTwoStallion crafted a heartfelt tribute to Fallout Equestria, the fanfic giving a darker spin to Equestria. I sure appreciate darker, more mature stuff too so I can totally understand, and such a musical genre fits so well to reflect those vibes! When we hear Stable's vocals "Equestria!" in the chorus it feels so great! An awesome tribute and ponification for sure!
Wednesday, April 29, 2020 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Industrial, Media, Metal, Music, Music: Vocal, Rock -
Nightly Discussion #2146
by CalpainThanks to all of Angel's hard work, Fluttershy now has so many new bunnies to take care of!
Evening guys, hope you are all doing well tonight. Ready for a quiet night in?
Twitter: Calpain -
I really hate Diamond sometimes.
Equestria Daily has received confirmation from our friends over at IDW Publishing that—despite what Diamond has posted on their PreviewsWorld Webpage—the release date for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #89, and thus the beginning of Season 10, has not been rescheduled for November 4th, 2020.
IDW Publishing currently doesn't have any confirmation on their end with regards to the release of this issue (and the launch of Season 10). Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, everything is still very much in flux.
As such, we shouldn't put too much faith into any release dates that aren't announced by IDW Publishing. Equestria Daily will keep you update for when Season 10's launch date updates.
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
Back in the early fandom days, a musician going by the name of SoGreatandPowerful released a whole bunch of awesome songs in probably one of the most unique styles out there. He quickly grew a cult following, then... disappeared. Just poofed.
So many people loved his music so much that people have been trading it and discussing it even years after. This eventually lead to an entire, well edited documentary, which we have here.
Head on down below to watch!
A phoenix would be the coolest pet.
Get a bunch of art below!
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So am it's a drawing I guess by RysunkowaSucharia
Ponies Around the World Replaced by Ponies Around the World: Hobbies Edition! Submissions Open
by Sethisto
Ponies Around the World is going a different direction this summer due to the lockdowns happening around the world. We can't tell you all to go out and get sick after all!
This year we will still keep the photography theme, but in a more localized way.
Your mission this time around, is to take your favorite pony toy and show him or her enjoying whatever your favorite hobby is. It could be a Luna figure diving into Dark Souls, or Sunset checking out what's new on Netflix. It's up to you! Whatever hobby you are doing to make lockdown less boring, have a pony do it. Example:
Rumor has it, Trixie is pretty bad at FF due to hooves
Get the submission rules and info below!
Celebrate the moon~
Get a bunch of art below.
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Luna with her favourite pillow by Mite-Lime
As promised earlier in the year and similar to Kirin Day, we will be doing a few pony-specific one time days for new characters that don't have as much content, along with side characters that haven't gotten much over the years. Tempest Shadow is included in that list! Since we don't have anything until Vinyl and Octavia on the 27th of May, it's the perfect time~
As always, if you'd like to submit to Tempest day, send an email to submit@equestriadaily.com with TEMPEST DAY as the subject line, followed by what it is. So TEMPEST DAY - OPEN ART for the open art category.
Submissions close at 12:00 PM on May 8th, so get going! -
This may remind you of some OST pieces if you've played some J-RPGs! This new release from Harmonic Six is all dedicated to our beloved Princess of Friendship though, and we can feel all that love poured into the amazing composition displayed here. The progression of melodic parts in this track is a feast indeed, and I'm definitely in love with this OST-like musical style.
Morning Discussion #1917
by CalpainIt's morning so you know what that means: feeling groggy and getting that first cup of coffee.Hello everyone, hope you all slept well! Welcome to Wednesday!
Twitter: Calpain -
Just the kind of fan works I love to see, this passionate tribute to Fluttershy for Fluttershy Day from Kallo Skull has so much thoughts behind it and every instrument that was used, and I highly recommend reading the description on YouTube to know more and all that the musician poured into this track for our Nature-lover pegasus. With both Fluttershy's character and the surrounding Nature effectively depicted by music, the lovely piece is certainly a fine example of pony music dedicated to a certain character, and the Celtic vibes are quite emotional and such a delight!
Yeah, she kinda freaked me out too.
People want to cuddle Fluttershy, and that causes a lot of plushie love. I've mixed in a few great ones with the new stuff from the last year, so expect some new and old.
Get em all below!
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Fluttershy beanie plush Bronycon 2019 by Epicrainbowcrafts
Nightly Discussion #2145
by CalpainWho didn't do this when they were kids...or do it from time to time even now?Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a good evening! Ready for another night of fun?
Twitter: Calpain -
Wow. You all went absolutely crazy for Fluttershy day. We've got a huge amount of submissions for the open art category, 68 in all! I guess you are all ready for some Artist Training Ground in June?
Get the open art Shys below!
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Flutters by Wolfinka84
Fluttershy is too much. These compilations are going to give me diabetes.
This is the second part of your Fluttershy Day best of's for the last year. Go get another flood of Shy below!
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Yay birdo [redraw] by RysunkowaSucharia
Needless to say, Fluttershy is a pretty popular pony. With that comes a TON of art. Your best of's have arrived! Expect them over the next 2 hours.
This post is dedicated to all the best art of her over the last 365 days. For stuff created before then, check out our previous compilations:
- Best of Old Fluttershy Art Part 1
- Best of Old Fluttershy Art Part 2
- Best of Fluttershy 2018 Edition (Part 1)
- Best of Fluttershy 2018 Edition (Part 2)
- Best of Fluttershy 2020 Edition (Part 1)
- Best of Fluttershy 2020 Edition (Part 2)
Now go get Flutters below! And expect a part 2 soon.
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Fshy by IFMSoul
And new EQD header image with a Fluttershy drawing from Sadtrooper!
Now go get art below.
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Two Hearts A-Flutter by harwicks-art
This is my first Fluttershy Day since joining EQD, and I wanted to write out something to celebrate my favorite pony on her special day. Though for a while it was just insane rambling in my head of every little thing I love about Fluttershy. She’s adorable, Andrea Libman’s voice work is wonderfully sweet, she has some of the most realistic and progressive character development of the group. Blah Blah Blah. For an editorial, I should settle on one area of Fluttershy’s character that can envelop her best and most admirable traits. That’s when I found the word that best describes Fluttershy. Strength.
We don't get a lot of random merchandise submissions anymore, but they do come in occasionally. It looks like Hallmark is doing molded manes on the oldschool molds for their ornament this year.
And joining her, lots of other oldschool ponies at various places. I'm not sure where the push from hasbro is coming from, but they seem to be focusing on the old.
Get that and a few more below.
Fluttershy discover all those weird fanfics you all write about her. reaction above.
We've got 25 fanfics to read today! This list is different from last year, so if your favorite isn't included, its probably in that one or the year before.
Thanks to Whisper Key again for scouting them out for us!
Another pre-release from the upcoming compilation album Ponies at Dawn Ignite, this treat from General Mumble and Koa is about Tree Hugger and I so appreciate that!! The lyrics and musical style are perfectly embodying her character, and this is a character-driven song really well done. I especially love the melodic and deep bassline during the chorus, it's just so emotional!!
As one of our main mares, Fluttershy has been with us since the beginning of the show. Always the shy one, her character arc to develop her assertiveness was a rather slow one with subtle changes to her character season after season. This usually put her in contrast with her friends who seemed to develop their character in leaps and bounds, whether it is becoming a Princess, joining the Wonderbolts or opening up a chain of boutiques. Besides her quest to come out of her shell she is of course known just as well for her relationship with Discord which has made for many interesting episodes throughout the show's run while also making Discord a far more sympathetic character.Now that the show is over, what do you think of Fluttershy's character arc? Do you think it could have been handled better or were you fine with it? What sort of episodes ideas do you all have that you would have liked to see Fluttershy take part in?Discuss all this and more in the comments!Twitter: Calpain
Morning Discussion #1916
by CalpainSweet tender Fluttershy. If only there was more goodness like her in the world.Morning everyone, I hope your Tuesday goes well. Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Yay!~ - Fluttershy Day Begins!
by CalpainWelcome back to another one of our appreciation days everyone! This time around it's Fluttershy's turn to get a bit of love and celebrate everything about our special yellow pegasus. That means throughout the day we'll have a variety of posts dedicated to Fluttershy placed here and there among our normal posts so make sure to check back frequently for updates.Still need to get your Fluttershy Day material in? Well, you still have until 12pm PST to send in your material to submit@equestriadaily.com with Fluttershy Day in the subject line followed by the type of media you're sending in.Example: Fluttershy Day - ComicsWe hope you all enjoy!Twitter: Calpain -
The VIP of Hoofy's spiritual successor to _RARITY, this revamped Riddim banger has now a Psy switch and definitely embodies the kind of quality that P@D compilation albums are known for, all while including Rarity vocal samples again! This is part of the upcoming album Ignite, releasing May 2nd! (also yes I had fun with that video art)
Nightly Discussion #2144
by CalpainStrike a pose, Smolder, you're awesome!Evening my friends, I hope you all had a good Monday! Ready for some chatting tonight?
Twitter: Calpain
It's about time we got some lifesize Zecora plushie love.
Get some of the amazing creations our plush fandom creates below!
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MLP plush-Zecora mlp by Masha05
As revealed a while ago, soapboxes will now happen once we get enough submissions for it. Send them whenever, but also expect them whenever!
If you'd like to submit one, hit this post up.
This time around, your headlines include:
- Why Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry are meant to be together
- Thorax's Time Gap
- Does Thorax deserve his title?
- Why I Dislike For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils
- Don’t bring politics into shows like Friendship is Magic
Get the articles below!
With no conventions going on, cosplay is challenging to compile to say the least. Have a pretty neat selection of stuff anyway though!
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Dashie by Puffyrin
Show Song Remix: Daniel Ingram - Celestia's Ballad (Snow Swirl Remix) [Chillout/Future Garage]
by MakenshiA new show song remix from Snow Swirl that ventured out of their DnB style, this soothing experience is emphasizing the comforting vibes from Celestia's voice as she sings that emotional song to Twilight in the fateful episode of her ascension. The icy plucks are an absolute delight, and both the composition and the use of the original vocals were aced!
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