Another masterpiece by Elias from "Stories Vol. III", The Beginning of The End echoes the plot of the S9 finale to set the stage for an impending battle. A clear emphasis on OST-like music is palpable in this track of more than 12 minutes, with a progression revealing Sakuraba-like melodic Orchestral parts, as well as more hybrid parts using Electronic elements. The progression is definitely the strongest asset of this piece, as you could guess from its duration! As for the epic climax of the song, it just makes you want to cheer for Twilight and her friends!
Monday, December 30, 2019 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Orchestral, SoundtrackShare This!3 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2025
by CalpainWell, she is, isn't she guys?Evening everyone! The year is almost at an end. Got any plans for tomorrow?
Twitter: Calpain
I need to get back into running. If I could stop hating doing it.
Get a bunch of anthro and humanized below.
[1] Source
Running with the Princesses by johnjoseco
Pony Life isn't even released yet, but the toys have already invaded Walmart. At least according to a thread on good ol' 4chan. If you missed our original announcement on these, it's the one with a bunch of unicorns and oddly proportioned ponies.
Obviously call first before you make the trip, but they do appear to be out there in the wild. Hopefully that means we will actually see Pony Life soon to tie into them.
A slightly different blindbag style pony model has been attached to a loop to create something called a "Dangler". There are 7 in all according to the box, so most likely the mane 6 and spike.
These were found at Target. Feel free to go hunt 'em down if you want them.
Thanks to Adam for the heads up.
Author: The 24th Pegasus
Description: A lot can change in a thousand years. For a pony out of her time like Somnambula, it can be disorienting and confusing. With her mind full of worries about her home, she decides to take a trip south to see her old hometown. But will she really find peace in a place where so much has changed, or does she perhaps have another reason for making the journey?
Additional Tags: Somnambula heads back homeop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: The 24th Pegasus, Complete, Drama, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Somnambula, Star-Needed -
Silva Hound - Live From The Castle (feat. iBringDaLulz & 4EverfreeBrony) [Electro House]
by MakenshiThe opener track from Silva Hound's fresh new album Equestrian Stories: The Prelude, not only features Vylet Pony for a creative intro and outro, but also heralds I Bring Da LULZ's return to pony rapping! And with such a flow of very pony lyrics, it's definitely a delight! As for the banging instrumental, Silva's expertise in production quality is making for such a delectable experience of sound once again!
Shuxer59 has done it again. A brand new absolutely awesome Pinkamena rocker figure has been crafted. As usual he also has a timelapse of it's creation if you want to see how he made her.
Check it out below!
Morning Discussion #1797
by CalpainSome winter ponies for you guys this morning! Even though it feels like spring outside here despite it being December.How's everyone doing? Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain
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