It is here, the previously teased power album from Thrasher that features such blissfully heavy and progressive masterpieces of Industrial Metal and other genres! The intro track Evolution got a YouTube release along cool visuals (are those a new breed of changelings who evolved?), and the whole album is available on Bandcamp! You're in for a treat, with such a breathtaking succession of incredible tunes! I think my favorite tracks from the album are Colossus and The World Above, I just love such long and progressive pieces, of over 7 minutes each!
Get the album from Bandcamp here!
Saturday, December 14, 2019 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Albums, Industrial, Media, Metal, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, RockShare This!0 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2009
by CalpainSo that's what happens to my treats by my computer desk! That sneaky Pinkie Pie...Evening everyone, I hope your Saturday is going well, ready for some chatter tonight?
Twitter: Calpain -
I miss halloween already. Why can't we just do it all year long?
Art below!
[1] Source
Blake Light [Mask Off Version] by HoodieFoxy
Community Classic Cover: Koron Korak - Constellations (Covering Aviators) [Hybrid Orchestral]
by MakenshiAn entire remake of the original Constellations from Aviators, this cover by Koron showcases an emotional violin performance sublimating the original melodies, and a ot of EDM greatness too, with those cool beats, and even a drop full of Vinyl-approved wubs! And you will see both Koron and Vinyl are dancing hard to it in the video! Much brony spirit in this video and cover, indeed!
[Comedy][Slice of Life]
Author: Impossible Numbers
Description: Usually not one for tacky clothing or far-out ideas, Rarity nonetheless fulfils a generous if somewhat embarrassing dressmaking commission to please Derpy Hooves.
Unfortunately for her, a generous act can have... strange and unexpected consequences, especially when poor, simple, over-the-moon-grateful Derpy insists on repaying the kind deed. Of course, Rarity will take it all in stride. And so will everyone else. It's only fashion, after all. No one ever gets silly or over-the-top about that, right?
A Very Merry Commission
Additional Tags: Deadly Fashion, Mad Generosity, and Misplaced Holidaysop 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: Impossible Numbers, Celestia, comedy, Complete, Derpy Hooves, Fancy Pants, Fanfiction, Normal, Rarity, Sassy Saddles, Star-Needed -
The next installment in the Equestria Girls Holidays Unwrapped Youtube version has been popped up on Youtube for those following it there. Head on down below for the usual embed.
The Freedom of the Press update mentioned back in 5.7 has offiically gone live on the Gameloft game, including a limited time story and the usual new stuff to earn. They even squeezed some Equestria Daily in there!
For a refresher on the exact descrfiption:
FREEDOM OF THE PRESSExtra! Extra! Trenderhoof is bad-mouthing Sweet Apple Acres in the paper, and Applejack won’t stand for it! Join her to set the record straight in this new Blitz Limited-Time Story.
One more screencap below of some Applejack text.
Edit: Woops. Got my episodes confused. My bad!
Sonic Rainboom was absolutely epic. Not only did we get to see the mane 6 as foals, but it pretty much defined Rainbow Dash for the rest of the show. It was definitely one of the most loved episodes of the season. Also dash faces. So many Dash faces.
It's your weekly rewatch again! We do these every Saturday with two episodes per, so expect it go on long into the future as long as people keep getting involved with them. Pony was such a huge part of so many of our lives over the last decade, that it's good to revisit it.
Get your stream party below! The episodes start at 10:00 AM PST.
Morning Discussion #1781
by CalpainI simply love all the holiday art around this time of year. Of course, Christmas just happens to be my favorite holiday so that might make me just a little biased.Morning guys, ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain
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