Believe it or not, this is actually perfect weather for a convention. Overcast. Cool. And rainy.
All the ingredients needed to keep nerds inside and at close quarters all day.
Happy New York Comic Con everyone! Like last year I'll be chronicling the events of the day in a follow up wrap up. Hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun!
Also tomorrow I'm switching things up and live blogging the IDW 20 years panel for coverage. I am absolutely beat and need to take things a little easy after walking the width of Manhattan Island today.
You'll be able to check out my full day after the break!
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As the tradition goes, an awesome poster for the full schedule of the live release party of Ponies at Dawn Eternal this saturday got published, and you can check out the full details of what you're gonna be able to attend and at which time! Hype builders and pre-release DJs will perform: Kyderra, InklingBear, and Thorinair and his bi-weekly show Glory Of The Night in tribute to Luna! The actual live release party of the album will start at 4PM EST/8PM UTC and last for 7 hours, and after that, as we'll all be recovering from a massive emotional journey filled with Equestrian love, afterparty sets by Tremil and Bolt will be here to keep the party going and ease our difficult comeback to the real world. I love you all everypony, and I can't wait to party with you all again!
Nightly Discussion #1937
by CalpainRight in the kisser! Looks like Flurry's aim has been improving as she has gotten older.Evening guys! Ready for another evening of chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
We had Rarity earlier today and now we have some Rainbow Dash to go along with her! While still just a sculpt she looks fantastic and is coming to the NYCC where it will be on display at the Kotobukiya booth (#1466).
It's really cool to see each one of these when they are fully realized from the concept artwork!
A big thanks to Andrea for sending it in!
Twitter: Calpain -
New Limited Edition OFFICIAL My Little Pony x Magic The Gathering Charity Card Set Announced - Ponies: The Galloping
by Sethisto
For YEARS now we have been ponifying Magic the Gathering cards, with entire unofficial booster boxes of the things invading Deviant Art and everywhere else where art happens. Apparently Hasbro took notice, and they are rockin our world with a brand new set of My Little Pony meets Magic the Gathering set.
There are three cards in total, with Luna having an effect that transforms her into Nightmare Moon.
The set of three will cost $50, with $30 of that going directly to benefiting the charity "Extra Life" which goes to Seattle Children's Hospital.
They also have playmats available with the awesome are they are using.
Ponies: The Galloping will be available from October 22nd to November 2019!
Head down below for gigantic images and more information on all of these!
Salutations my pony people. My name is Penny Wrights and I'll be a new tribute/editorial writer for a show that's ending but a fandom that will last for who knows how long. Even with all the pony stuff I've seen on the site, not much talk on our favorite teen cash grab Equestria Girls. And that's where I come in. I'll be discussing the mini series, music videos, and even the Pick Your Ending videos. I'll be giving some analysis along with some terrible jokes, but with my first post, I hope to not get flogged too badly in the comments.
I’m not sure whether to call this a nod to the non-Sunset Shimmer fans or nod to the overbearing fans of Trixie. Either way, we get our first mini movie to a long line of many mini shorts. I do like a lot of what’s going on in this one, but I can say the moral rubs me the wrong way. Pretty much a “be nice to everyone or you’re not nice at all” kind of feeling. But enough spoiler spewing. Let’s get to Amnesia: The Sunset Descent.
Author: Pascoite
Description: A quaint old well, a shiny coin, the first star of the evening: all harbingers of good luck and happy wishes. But lately, several ponies can’t even remember making wishes. They certainly wouldn’t have wished for this.
The Change You Wish to See
Additional Tags: Getting what they asked forop 12:00
Sildid: Applejack, Author: Pascoite, Complete, Dark, Drama, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Magical Princess Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike, Star-Needed -
Crusader is back with a new song, and gave our "Tsundember" some love! Many of us sure fell in love with the irresistible tomboyish dragon princess who has trouble being honest with her feelings, and we could relate to the lyrics of this song! Not to mention that dakimakura in the cover art by Brittney Ackerman! Such a cute song to rock out to!
The Kotobukya Rarity was revealed way back in July, and we now have the finalized version, complete with Pre-orders! As with their other offerings, she's ridiculously high quality and clocks in at around $100, or 11,000 Yen
Head on down below for a gallery!
Morning Discussion #1710
by CalpainYep, this is certainly how adulting feels sometimes, you know?Morning gang! Ready for a brand new day? Let's get to chatting!
Twitter: Calpain
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