BlackIceMusic's impressive mastery of Melbourne Bounce is making us dance like it was a spell, and to no ordinary beat, since this track is flavored with Dragonshy vocal samples! Flutter's cute sound at 1:04 is just making me melt instantly, and the whole progression of the track along samples from that episode just makes for such a cool retelling of those events along the very bouncy and stylish composition that definitely ravishes the ears. I wish I could see Fluttershy's reaction to this piece! It's available on Equinity 01 Stellar.
Nightly Discussion #1924
by CalpainIt can be very frustrating being an earth pony, having to use your hooves and mouth for everything. But at least they have the determination to see things through!Evening everyone! Ready for the weekend ahead?
Twitter: Calpain
Officially dubbed the Suger Sweet Rainbow™ pack, this set features 12 Mystery Figures that can come in pony, seapony, or Equestria Girl form and also pair with a matching macaron shaped stand. Hasbro sent us a sample to review so expect that sweet thing to come later. See below for the unpacked ponies and the official release description!
Those details are nuts. Keep on being ridiculously impressive fandom. I can't get enough of it.
Art below!
[1] Source
Commission by Holivi
S09E19 "Dragon Dropped" Music: iRhymeTheSongs - Oh, Little Dragon (Oh, Pretty Woman Parody) [Classic Pop]
by MakenshiMany of you will recognize the original of this parody I hope! The master of classic rock/pop ponifications and Ponytones member iRhymeTheSongs is back with a new pony tribute featuring impressive vocals and a blissful pony version of a classic, and this time it's about the events of the recent episode Dragon Dropped and what Rarity feels, parodying the famous Oh, Pretty Woman! A fluffy gem for sure!
It's still weird to me that she's actually a Wonderbolt now. We've come a long way with this series. Hell, Ash Ketchum just became a pokemon league champion finally after almost two decades. Not that I've kept up with that show or anything~
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New Fluttershy and Applejack Friendship is Magic Story Sets Appear!—Asia Region Exclusives
by The Illustrious Q
Hasbro's website was recently updated with some of the newest and latest toys for the My Little Pony toyline. Among them were two brand new story packs. One for Fluttershy and one for Applejack.
However when I tried to source these toys to let everyone know where you could purchase them, I ran into a stone wall. None of the partner retailers on Hasbro's US website carried it. So I reached out to our friends at Hasbro to see if they knew where it was being sold.
They got back to me with the answer that these toys, much like the last Equestra Girls Minis line (the one which featured the Humane 7 in their reboot outfits), was developed specifically for the Asian market.
This is unfortunate because that is a blindbag scaled Angel Bunny packaged with this Fluttershy. It is the only one which has been produced in this scale. And I, and probably many others, need it.
So if you happen to have a friend who lives in Asia, consider asking them to track it down for you. As for me, I need to do the same…
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
Pinkie & Fizzlepop Music: Shal Music FX - Fizzlepop 'Til You Drop (feat. Magpiepony & Truesailorcomet) [Latin Ska]
by MakenshiPossibly my new favorite from Shal Music FX (the musician behind Starlight's Demons, who I got blessed to meet at BronyCon this year), this incredible collab stars the voice acting talents of Magpiepony and Truesailorcomet as well as Shal's musical creativity and passion, crafting a show-style song about Pinkie helping Fizzlepop getting accepted after the events of the MLP movie! Such wonderful fan works always win my heart, and I'm so happy to be able to share them with you all. Give it up for everypony who contributed in this, including background choir vocals echoing the ponies of Equestria who second Pinkie's sentiment!
Judging by the art style, I'd say this the cover created by castpixel. Which is perfect because I happen to love pixel art.
Morning folks. The solicits for IDW's December My Little Pony comic offerings are out. There's just one comic coming out this month, with a whole bunch of trade paperback reprints.
You'll be able to find the full solicitation for this issue after the break!
Morning Discussion #1697
by CalpainA very interesting style I must say! Very toony yet still very adorable (it is Autumn we are talking about after all).Morning everyone! Hope you all slept well.
Twitter: Calpain
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