If you've been following the shining stars of the pony music scene of today, you already know how much love eksoka feels toward Fluttershy, and how the talented musician has been expressing it in various ways in fan works including pony artworks on his DeviantArt and pony music released on his channel and through various initiatives and compilation albums. This new incredible masterpiece from the upcoming A State of Sugar Waffle compilation album is a remix of Cynifree's Flutterchops-powered original that was already so very emotional. Expanding on that magic, eksoka made such a stunning remix with love, showcasing amazing sound design and conveying much love to Fluttershy, and the resulting track definitely matches the gentleness of her personality so very well. An absolute gem, and another in eksoka's streak!
teisipäev, 20. august 2019 op 22:00
Sildid: Chillstep, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: RemixShare This!1 Comment
John Doe's talent as an OST composer knows no bounds, and for yet another update of the game, the musician showcases that RPG-like OST style once more with a stunning composition designed as a BGM for the House Update. Emotional melodies and a very nostalgic arrangement will soothe the soul of the J-RPG gamer and OST appreciator, and make for a most blissful experience...
Nightly Discussion #1894
by CalpainI'm really loving this Ember design, especially with her armor! It takes some dedication to draw all of her scales in such detail.Evening everyone! Ready to chat?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Is a top even needed on pone?
Get some beach dash above, and lots of art below!
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Wicked Horse Ass by GSphere
Well, this came out of absolute nowhere (at least for me). It seems as if Hasbro is doing a little series where Pinkie is running a talk show of sorts. That isn't the most interesting thing as this is Pinkie we are talking about, but it's the 3D animation style. Could this style be what they were referring to when talking about CGI in future pony projects?
Regardless, take a look after the break for the short episode! Thanks to everyone who sent it in!
"A Trivial Pursuit:" Episode Followup
by algernon97
Better late than never, right?
It's a thing everyone has some experience with. And sometimes, the masters of this nebulous thing gather together to determine who is the one true champion of random knowledge. It is a game that can drive contestants mad. It is a game known to destroy friendships and drive one to break their moral compass without hesitation.
Welcome to Trivial Pursuit.
Head on down below the break for the followup to Twilight Sparkle Goes Completely Insane.
Pony Con Theme Cover: StableTwoStallion - GalaCon Theme (Cover) [Industrial Gothic Metal]
by MakenshiGetting inspired by GalaCon and UndreamedPanic's Electro remix of the con theme that got played at opening ceremonies this year, StableTwoStallion gave his own spin to the original theme by providing such an excellent and perfect Industrial Gothic Metal version, where the original melodies are covered so brilliantly on the keyboards and accompanied by heavy guitar riffs and fast drums in a brand new progression, to our greatest delight!
The wait is over! We've got Costume Conundrum on Dailymotion now in all it's 3 part glory. Join the humanized horses as they dress as various things... including horses. Yep.
Get it down below.
Morning Discussion #1667
by CalpainIt's another beautiful morning so why not take a quick walk like Fluttershy here to help get the day started?Welcome to a new day everyone and a new MD! Ready for chatter?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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