With the prompts being only 24 hours long you've all been racing the clock to get your submissions in. Some may get them in early and then chill for the rest of the day, but most of us get caught up in life and end up submitting at just the last second. Art takes time and it helps to be flexible.
Another 10 prompts down everyone! Today we brought in 74 ponies which brings us up to 2176 ponies in total.
For today's prompt, you've guessed it: Makeup Day! For today you can work on any prompts you may have missed, take a break or maybe tackle a prompt again you really liked. The sky is the limit!
You can find our compiler for today here. All of our prompts are after the break.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
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Pinkie Pie Music: Toby Macarony - Pinkie's Bakin' Rhapsody [Rock & Roll/Alternative Electronic]
by MakenshiHow would sound a musical recreation of Pinkie's baking process? Toby gives us the answer, with a very Pinkie-like classic Rock & Roll rhythm, and a varied progression of many moods and surprises, perfect for Pinkie's high-speed and high spirits! Toby's creativity is definitely amazing, and he has such lovely ideas of themes too!
Nightly Discussion #1859
by CalpainHeh, never pop into a store right before they are about to put up the closed sign. I'm sure it doesn't make the employees all that happy.Evening guys! Time to chat?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
We've done a lot over the years, but I'm sure plenty of us still want to see the fandom accomplish more. Has there ever been anything you've wanted to see us do that we never got around to? It can be anything from a major project, to an event that just didn't happen.
Pop your ideas below! Maybe someone will make them happen! -
These cosplay compilations are few and far between, but the cosplayers are still super skilled!
Check out their awesome handmade costumes below.
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(MLP) Vinyl Scratch Cosplay by KrazyKari
SUPERjack. Or something. It's pretty cool.
Get the art below.
[1] Source
FM: Applejack Battlesuit by mauroz
Fizzlepop Berrytwist Music: Geekbrony & Drummershy - Last Tempest (feat. Vylet Pony) (Suskii Remix) [Dubstep]
by MakenshiSuskii's so talented, and his take on the momentous Last Tempest shows that once more. First setting up the original vocals along a new atmosphere, sublimating that flair from the original, the remix soon surprises us with a buildup that only Suskii knows the secrets of, taking us by emotion and making the excitement rise, until a tasty and wubby drop that blows us away. The whole new electronic arrangement is top-notch, and this brand new experience of Last Tempest is sure to become a classic in turn. Easy as pie!
THIS is what I'm talking about! Just check out that description, and all the depth and pony feelings that Strigidae has poured into this new song! This is the kind of fan works that I live for. Relating to Twilight and her anxiety in the show, exploring that character depth and how it is provided by the writers, and singing support toward her, our beloved musician really went all-out in the concept just as much as the music, and all those thoughtful reflections explained in the description are matched by an equally intense and creative song with both unique vocals and many wonders in the Indie Dance progression. A masterpiece of pony-ness and music!
Could it be? Is Japan Time returning to after all of these years? Thanks to some resourceful folks on 4chan they dug up the schedule on Dlife (part of Disney from the looks of it) and it shows the airing of the Crystal Empire Pt 1 and 2 as well as what looks like Too Many Pinkie Pies after that.
Japan Time was always a fun little way to relive the episodes as soon from another culture, especially one that is rather popular with the animation crowd over here. If the scheduling is real we might just have some future Japan Time pony posts in our future!
Thanks to Maik for sending it in! Check after the break for a screen grab and some bad Google Translate.
Morning Discussion #1631
by CalpainPoor Purple Horse, apparently a pancake on the horn is a great weakness of unicorns. Better not let that secret get out.Morning my friends! Ready for pancakes? Make sure not to get them stuck on your face.Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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