Newbie Artist Training Grounds IX: Day 20
by Calpain
Sometimes fate is so weird that even the most unlikely of things can happen, whether it is a sequence of events that makes you a hero in a situation you never would have found yourself in or events that lead you to pick up a pen and draw for 30 days straight. Life is filled with moments like these and sometimes when we embrace those situations we find ourselves enjoying something we normally wouldn't have thought we would have. Or just end up really, really confused like Chrysalis here, heh.
For today's prompt we brought in 72 ponies which now brings us up to 2102 ponies altogether! Nicely done once again everyone.
Tonight's prompt is our last one before our next Makeup Day and I have seen this particular situation hit a fair number of our artists if all the last minute submissions I see in our compiler is any indicator every year. For tonight I would like you guys to Draw a pony working against the clock / Draw a pony in the nick of time.
As always our submitter is here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
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Nightly Discussion #1858
by CalpainEverything is perfectly fine, Chrysalis. Nothing to worry about here, no sir. This is perfectly normal.Evening everyone! Ready for some chatter and some melted cheese?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
We've asked before what kind of pony people would prefer to be between the big three tribes, but the show has taken a turn for the "everything" at this point, and now we have a boatload of new choices for you all to pick from.
And considering a Yak and a Pony are hookin up, it seems like you can still date your favorite horse waifu without losing your hands thanks to minotaur and griffons.
So, what would you like to be? Do you pick up that extra 100% fire resist and join the dragon clans? Or is a blindingly colorful bug more your style?
Discuss below!
New release by the passionate Koron Korak who brings us another lovely ponification! This new track is meant as a BGM for an arcade pony game, and it's complete along visuals that re-create the "press start" menu in which the song was designed to play! And check out that animation at the end! Even the "button press" SFX was made by Koron from scratch! Such dedication and pony feelings are always so wonderful to see, and the track in itself has quite the nostalgic vibes, and is perfect for a more Cyberpunk-like setting with that Synthwave sound. A real delight!
Kirinposting every single day for the rest of time.
We've got art. Go get a ton of it below!
[1] Source
The sound of Kylin by TinyBenz
Outside of having those ridiculously cute OC's upt here, China has a pretty massive, and ever-growing pony fandom. There is a full documentary about one of them, complete with English subtitles and exploring how their community as a whole reacts to cartoon horses.
Check it out below if you are curious!
[Slice of Life][Romance]
Author: The Cloptimist
Dragon Lord Ember Skips Work for an Hour
The mighty Dragon Lord Ember slips away for an hour, to meet up with her secret mate.
Contains: two newly-installed world leaders who don't really know what they're doing, and some wistful escapist cuddling.
Additional Tags: Slow, wistful, secret cuddlesop 11:00 AM
Labels: Author: The Cloptimist, Complete, Ember, Fanfiction, Normal, Shipping, Story, Thorax -
Aelipse is back! And with such a stunning and emotional release! The music will speak for itself, as the progression tells a story, and the emotion is conveying much depth that Aelipse poured into the track. About Twilight's feelings for Golden Oak, and about our future new adventure as bronies too, the song is definitely matching the scale of its concept with an impressive composition that is the result of years of mastering. Definitely a masterpiece!
A new teaser has been released for Ponies: The Anthology #7 set to be dropped at BronyCon 2019. Considering our last tease was way back in October, it has been a while since we've seen anything out of the project.
Get the video below.
Morning Discussion #1630
by CalpainWhen you're out taking a casual stroll just make sure not to pass under any Derpy inhabited thunderclouds, ok?Morning everyone! Hope you all slept well! Ready for a new day?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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